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Version 12 Full Changelog

SC edited this page Sep 8, 2022 · 105 revisions


  • Updated Russian Localization.
  • Updated Chinese Localization.
  • Updated Korean Localization.

Enemy Assets

  • Overhauled the asset loading for Restoration Mod. Assets now only load when necessary for difficulties/factions present on a map and will properly unload when appropriate.
    • This should help with long load times, and help slightly prevent running out of memory in game.
  • Bulldozers, a few Titan enemies, and Spring have received a BIG change in stature ;)
  • Updated Titan SWAT and Titan Sniper assets.
  • Added new US Bravo Benellidozer assets.
  • The Murkywater Commandos and OMNIA have had their places swapped around, with the Commandos now being the ZEAL Equivalent to OMNIA and OMNIA taking the former place of the Commandos as Bravos. We felt that fighting OMNIA as a full-force didn't really make sense, as they were portrayed fluff-wise to be the best of the best-elite wise.
  • Updated Federales ZEAL SWAT.
  • Overhauled Federales Bulldozer assets.
  • Completely overhauled NYPD faction assets.
  • NYPD now have their own GenSec tier.
  • Overhauled ZEAL Light SWAT and ZEAL HRT assets.
  • Added new security guards to the NYPD faction.
  • Completely overhauled the Reaper faction. It was completely awful, no love or care put into it on Overkill's part. After much labor, blood, sweat, and tears, they've finally been updated to be a respectable faction with respectable assets. Every tier has been upgraded to match what you'd expect of a heavily equipped Russian PMC, including a DRAK equipped fighting force on Death Sentence.
  • Updated various NPC weapons.
  • Enemy SWAT Vans will now change on heists depending on the faction you're currently fighting.

Difficulty Tweaks

  • Reworked the majority of AI related code to be based on forked code of Streamlined Heisting by Hoppip, as well as some additional fixes provided by Redflame. This fixes a plethora of issues and bugs that stemmed from unmaintained and outdated code.
    • There are way too many fixes and improvements this brings to the table, those familiar with old code will see a substantial improvement at first glance in game. Thanks a bunch to Hoppip and Redflame!
  • Added original (pre-Jules) spawn delay intervals on maps that it applies to (Thanks Redflame!).
    • This should help alleviate the issue of some maps being flooded in no time.
  • Increased the head health of most common units on all difficulties.
    • This goes hand in hand with the other changes made, police force is primarily smaller but each unit has more survivability.
  • Shields no longer receive damage increases with difficulty.
    • They really don't need it.
  • Slightly increased bot HP when scaling with difficulty. Should make them less worthless when accounting for difficulty increases.
  • Rescue hostage SOs will now only apply to recon/stealth squads. This makes cops less likely to go for hostages in the middle of an assault.
  • Overhauled NPC damage tables. Base damage was increased slightly but now damage increases are more gradual before hitting the maximum tier of enemy weapon handling. This also includes range tweaks for NPC weapons to be closer to what a player would experience with the same weapon type.
  • Made the jump on Recon force (HRTs) size more gradual. Now the recon size is initially bigger before getting to the final size at diff 1.
    • Less crazy spikes in difficulty are always good.
  • Increased the presence of Reinforce units, they will now spawn more frequently to cover more areas of most heists to slow down player movement.
  • Added more variety to Reinforce group composition.
  • Completely overhauled assault force sizes to coincide with reinforce changes.
    • This effectively means that the majority of enemy units will be populating the map space to make moving around harder for the players, while smaller and deadlier assault units besiege them.
  • Re-enabled medics giving a damage bonus when healing units on Death Sentence.
  • Increased the base health of Titan Snipers to 195 and slowed them down to be the same as other SWAT units.
    • They liked to run ahead of their squad often and they were too squishy. This should bring them more in line.
  • Revamped the Titan Sniper to instead be a recurring spawn event similar to the US marshal in vanilla. They now prefer to spawn alone and keep their distance, and on higher difficulties will sometimes spawn in pairs.
  • Titan Snipers are now replaced by US Marshals on Texas heists.
  • Captain Spring's Benelli Dozers are now replaced with unique, OMNIA Benellidozer variants.
  • Captain Winters now spawns with flavor reskins of Titan Shields.
  • Enabled head hitboxes on Yufu Wang.
  • Enemy headshot hitboxes have been shrunken to more accurately represent the size of their head and to increase difficulty. Dozers have been excluded from this, for obvious reasons.
  • Lowered the damage of shields significantly and slowed their damage growth with difficulty increases.
    • Shields being very effective in combat was too much. They're meant to be a purely support role for pushing forward, not a source of significant damage output.
  • Ernesto Sosa (in loud) will now make use of his M203 launcher against the player.
  • OMNIA LPFs can now overheal Light SWATs by 50%, and Titan enemies by 25%.
  • Grenadiers are now 50% resistant to poison damage, and completely immune to poison stun effects.
  • Grenadiers are now 50% resistant to fire damage.
  • Bravo Bulldozers now have more difficult to hit visors gameplay wise. We felt this would make the Bravo Bulldozers more unique of an encounter than a simple HP buff.
  • Murkywater Bulldozers now have proper faceplates gameplay-wise. Prior to this change, explosives would instantly destroy their visor.
  • Reworked the Titan HRT to now be the OMNIA Assault Support Unit. In addition to his previous abilities, he now confers a damage bonus to nearby non-special enemies indicated by a yellow laser gadget on buffed units.
  • Slightly lowered the head health of the Headless Saigadozer and enabled him to sprint.
    • What could it mean....?
  • Enemy snipers are now immune to knock-down effects from Heavy Impact.
  • Increased Titandozer base railgun damage to 180.
  • Slightly lowered damage grace across the board. It now caps off at 0.15 on Death Sentence.
    • Channeling 145+ energy.
  • Grenadiers can now have a chance to pre-emptively use gas grenades in place of smoke grenades when players camp for awhile in one area on DW/DS.
  • UMP units are now replaced by Bravo riflemen during a PONR.
  • Tweaked Mayhem squad sizes to be the same size as DW squad caps but still maintain Overkill composition. This is done so Mayhem serves as a better stop gap for Overkill to DW.
  • Fixed a few DW squads not correctly giving a squad size increase.
  • Added unit varieties for DRAK (Reaper) Titan units. This was done to add a bit of gameplay variety when fighting different factions.
    • DRAK Titan Tasers wield long range energy weapons that stun, at the cost of killing capability.
    • DRAK Titan Snipers act like true ground snipers, having focus mechanics and armor piercing instead of a rapid fire DMR.
    • DRAK Titan Dozers trade railguns for M32s with explosive rounds, making them extremely dangerous in close quarters.
    • DRAK LPFs no longer exist, instead DRAK utilize Flamers. Heavily armored units that wield flamethrowers, but are vulnerable due to an exposed fuel tank.
  • Added Gangster Enforcers, unique Gangster specials that spawn on certain maps and change depending on the gangster faction being fought.

Weapons and Equipment

  • Armor regen delay now scales between 2 to 4 seconds depending on how heavy the armor is, with the suit regenerating the fastest and ICTV being the slowest.
  • Completely overhauled every weapon and weapon attachment from the ground up courtesy of DeadMansChest. Weapon tiers are now much more diverse with weaponry that feels different from one another among countless mechanic changes.
    • DMCWO update anyone?
      • Never ever -DMC
  • Lowered ECM feedback active time to 10 seconds. (From 20 seconds.)
    • It was way too easy to maintain a 100% uptime. This should help alleviate that.
  • You no longer receive "ADS spread" instantly when pressing your ADS key. The animation now must fully finish before your spread decreases.
    • This will make skills that increase ADS speed much more important.
  • Added new animations for weapons with specific mods attached. (Thanks Zdann!)
    • RPK: Potassium Mag reload
    • IZHMA 12G, Grimm 12G: Drum Mag reloads
    • Compact-5: Drum Mag reload, Vertical Grip animations
  • Base cable tie quantity has been increased to 3 (from 2). And Cable Guy basic and aced now increase your carried/maximum amount to 6/9 respectively.
  • Reduced the delay for Shaped Charges going off when placed to 2 seconds (from 5.)


  • Skill ownership is color coded again w/ additional coloring for noteworthy info in actual skill descriptions
  • Mastermind

    • Assault

      • Heavy Impact

        • Basic now gives SMGs/LMGs a passive 20% chance to knock down enemies with gunfire. This gets doubled when using a bipod.
        • Aced now offers a 12.5% damage resistance when crouching. Increases to 50% when using a bipod.
      • Body Expertise

        • Basic now has SMGs and LMGs fired in full auto apply 30% of the enemy's headshot damage multiplier to their body.
        • Aced allows all weapons fired in full auto mode to gain the bonus and increases it to 60%.
    • Controller

      • Stockholm Syndrome

        • Updated the skill description for Stockholm syndrome to better explain how it works. Pickup chance is guaranteed when calling over a civilian and it's guaranteed they give you an ammo box upon reviving you.
        • Basic now allows nearby civs to revive you and give you ammo.
        • Aced gives you and your crew 1 DA for each hostage up to 4 times.
      • Hostage Taker

        • Aced now prevents hostages from fleeing and now once per heist a hostage will trade themselves to get you out of custody (even during assaults).
        • Lowered the aced effect of increased healing with 4 hostages to 50% (from 100%).
  • Technician

    • Breacher

      • Silent Drilling (replaces Hardware Expertise)

        • Basic makes your drill completely silent.
        • Aced increases drill/saw interaction by 50%.
      • Demoman (moved to T2 left side)

        • Basic increases shaped charge amount and speeds up trip/charge deploy time.
        • Aced further increases shaped charge quantity and increases explosion radius of trips.
      • Fire Trap (moved to T3 left side)

        • Basic enables trip mines exploding to leave a fire pool behind. This fire no longer deals self damage or friendly fire.
        • Aced increases trip total and increases trip damage.
      • Expert Hardware (replaces Kick Starter T3 right side)

        • Basic gives drills a 10% chance to auto restart when they break down.
        • Aced increases auto restart chance to 25% and drills have a 50% chance to stun cops attempting to sabotage them.
      • Kick Starter moved to T4 capstone skill.

        • Basic gives melee strikes a chance to restart drills.
        • Aced allows you to interact with things without putting away your weapons (allowing you to still fire and do all sorts of other stuff.)
    • Combat Engineer

      • Mind Blown

        • Moved to T4 as capstone.
        • Aced now removes damage falloff for headshots when using rifles set to semi-auto or burst-fire mode.
      • Aggressive reload

        • Moved to T3 on the left side.
  • Ghost

    • Shinobi

      • Alert (Replaces Cleaner)

        • Basic doubles mark time of specials and guards in stealth.
        • Aced allows marking specials and guards in stealth by aiming at them (ignores shout limit).
      • ECM Overdrive (Replaces Nimble)

        • Basic allows ECMs breaking through electronic locks.
        • Aced increases feedback active time and allows pagers to be delayed by the ECM.
      • Spotter (Now capstone skill)

        • Basic has marked enemies take 25% when further than 20 meters.
        • Aced has enemies take 35% more damage from all sources at any range.
    • Artful Dodger

      • Duck and Cover

        • Aced now generates dodge while crouched and increases movement speed while crouched.
      • Moving Target

        • Aced now generates dodge on sprinting and zipline states.
    • Silent Killer

      • Optical Illusions

        • Suppressor requirements were removed.
        • Basic increases weapon swap speed by 15%.
        • Aced increases weapon concealment by 2.
      • The Professional

        • Suppressor requirements were removed.
        • Basic speeds up ADS and sprint-to-fire speeds by 5%.
        • Ace speeds up ADS and sprint-to-fire speeds by and additional 15% and killing special units yields an extra ammo drop.
      • Cleaner (Replaces Spotter)

        • Basic increases damage against specials by 10%.
        • Aced Generates dodge when killing an enemy from behind and further increases damage against specials by 15%.
  • Fugitive

    • Brawler

      • Frenzy

        • Basic now gives additional deflection up to 20% the closer you are to being downed, starting at 99% health. This also reduces healing the closer you are to full health by up to 30%.
        • Aced increases these effects to 50% and 75%, respectively.
      • Berserker

        • Basic melee damage now caps at 100% (from 250%) and damage will begin scaling with lower HP, starting at 99% health.
        • Aced ranged damage increase capped at 50%.

Perk Decks

  • Added the ability to reset perk decks.
  • The majority of Perk Decks have been given small dodge bonuses on top of other abilities.
    • The idea here is to bridge the gap between Dodge and Armor builds being binary and open up more options for hybrid medium armor playstyles. Dodge focused decks will likely still be competitive as they still augment dodge abilities directly and will never truly be overshadowed.
  • Stealth bonuses from Burglar have been split up and divided amongst various perk decks.
    • This was done to try and remove the concept of dedicated stealth decks, to hopefully bridge the gap between stealth and loud.
  • Tabula Rasa and Innatae

  • Renamed the Blank and Wild Card perk decks to Tabula Rasa and Innatae respectively.
    • Added extra bonuses for using these decks when completing heists.
  • Grinder

    • Lowered the armor penalty for Flak Jacket to 30 (from 70.)
    • Increased base healing per tick to 2 (From 1, totals out to 20 health over five seconds at max).
  • Stoic

    • Stoic no longer converts 100% of armor to health, instead it will convert 50% armor to 50% health.
      • This ended up just making Stoic feel awful to use against chip damage, should make it a lot easier to play while still maintaining its gimmick.
    • Lowered Stoic healing to 150% from 300%.
      • Necessary for other changes, now that you have some armor gating you no longer need to heal an insane amount of health. Smart flask and cover usage will still let you end up net positive.
  • Hacker

    • Lowered the active time of the Pocket ECM jammer to bring it in line with the normal ECM jammer to 10 seconds (from 12).
    • Lowered healing amount to 5/2.5 for you and your crew respectively.
  • Leech

    • Leech no longer gives an HP increase. This is to bring it in line with other decks with powerful sustain ability.
    • Leech Ampule cooldown increased to 40 seconds (from 30). This is a tradeoff with it lasting longer than Kingpin.
    • Leech no longer has a cheap version of Swan Song attached. Instead, you can still use the Leech ampule while downed to temporarily revive yourself, but at the cost of adding 30 additional seconds to the cooldown for the Ampule and you no longer have a way to stay up indefinitely.
    • Leech now requires 3 kills (from 2) to gain a segment of health back. This is to slow down its snowballing effect.
    • Activating the Leech ampule only heals 10% of your max HP (from 40%.)
    • Teammate healing from Leech now caps out at 2%.
    • Leech now divides pips into 5% increments, and pips can be restored by killing 3 enemies while the ampule is active.


  • Lowered the spawn caps on Biker Day 1 and 2.
  • Lowered the spawn caps on The Ukrainian Prisoner.
  • Reverted Border Crystals to use Murkywater enemies.
  • Slightly reduced spawncaps on Boiling Point.
    • Lab gets crowded fast.
  • Reduced the amount of Ambush Dozers on Reservoir Dogs Day 1.
  • Added reinforce points to Mountain Master.
  • Improved navlink animations on Prison Nightmare.
  • Temporarily disabled White House resmod edit until navsegment issues can be resolved.


  • Updated loading screen tips to account for updates and fix inaccuracies.


  • Extra bags secured will now grant bonus CrimeSpree levels. This should help make extra loot worth it on CrimeSpree.
  • Changed the description on the Taser Overdrive modifier for CrimeSpree to clarify what it actually does.
  • Changed the UMP guy modifier for CrimeSpree to instead be an overall increase for squad leader chance and allow additional squad leader units in a squad. Also fixed it crashing.


  • Holdout now starts on the Deathwish difficulty in terms of base modifiers. This means innate Death Sentence modifiers are no longer present. Unit and stat composition is still roughly equivalent to Overkill on the first few waves.
  • Added more Holdout maps.
    • Boiling Point
    • Ovengrill Heist
    • The Yacht Heist
    • Scarface Mansion
    • Safehouse Nightmare
  • Slightly lowered Holdout assault force size to account for the average smaller map sizes.
  • Benelli Dozers will now spawn with the Bravo forces on their appropriate waves with a chance to replace Green Bulldozers.


  • Added icons for mutators that were missing them.
  • Added the Balloon Popper mutator from the 8th anniversary event as an event game mode to the mutators menu.
  • Added the Amplified Response mutator. This can be used to increase assault spawn caps.
    • For those that want to bring that vanilla experience to Resmod.
  • Enabled use of mutators on Safehouse Raid.
    • Why the hell not?


  • Updated early heist tracks to use proper rips from game files instead of YouTube videos.
  • Added the alt assault version of Red Marks that uses Black Yellow Mobius elements.
  • Added the Alpha version of Tick Tock.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed Female enemy and civilian death lines not playing correctly.
  • Fixed enemies and bots being able to take bags outside level boundaries.
  • Rolled back payout mechanics to vanilla. This disables day rates but should fix oddities with final payouts.
  • Fixed/Updated the Budget Cuts mutator.
  • Fixed Extraterrestrial Heisters not working correctly.
  • Fixed some bosses being able to sprint.
  • Fixed Winters having potential clones on Holdout.
  • Fixed the HVH boss having potential clones on Holdout.
  • Fixed the Galil having a larger mag size than intended.
  • Fixed the Zombie Titan HRT having the wrong weapons.
  • Fixed Elektra not having a buzzer melee as intended.
  • Fixed the UARs default vertical grip affecting stats.
  • Fixed Pumping Iron not properly decreasing charge time for melee weapons.
  • Fixed wave started and wave end popup showing at the same time when using Restoration HUD on Holdout.
  • Fixed Ammo Efficiency Aced crash (hopefully?).
  • Compatibility checks for Offyerrocker's Tactical Leaning and Solo Queue Pixy's Advanced Movement Standalone.
  • Fixed the Phoenix .500 not having Stat Modifiers.
  • Fixed the Megaphone Cop not properly syncing to clients.
  • Fixed Hacker's Pocket ECM not correctly procing multiple times as the description implied.
  • Fixed invisible enemies having flashlights on certain heists.
  • Fixed an oddity with chromatic aberration when playing in VR.
  • Fixed SAWs having a dryfire sound.
    • It's not a gun, Overkill.
  • Fixed Stale weapon alerts in stealth.
    • Fixes cases where a new alert with a greater radius than previous alerts may be wrongfully discarded, leading to cases like firing in the air with a saw and then sawing something discarding the much larger sawing alert.
  • Fixed inaccuracies with some perk deck summaries.
  • Fixed the Hydra mutator not working correctly.
  • Fixed Cable Ties quantity behaving incorrectly. Your maximum amount is properly account for now when replenishing via ammo pickups and bodybag cases, and Cable Guy aced now properly increases your carried amount.
  • Fixed certain units not being markable.
  • Improved follow objective, should allow bots to keep up better.
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