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  • Creating new types easily.
  • Extend core types without having to write painful deftypes
  • Share implementations.


add [facets "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"] to your dependencies vector in project.clj

(ns my-ns (:require [facets.core]))

Simple Types

(ns myns 
  (:require [facets.core :as f :refer [t t? t=]]))
Attach a type to something
(t :fancy-vector [1 2 3])
;=> [1 2 3]

;lets give it a name: 
(def fancy (t :fancy-vector [1 2 3]))

It just add the given type to the metadata of the given thing.
Note that the given thing should support metadata.
You can still use your thing as regular clojure thing one as long as you take care of preserving metas.

Asking for type:

the t function can also tell you the type of the given thing.

(t fancy)
; => :fancy-vector
Check type

the t? function can tell you if a thing is of type t.

(t? :fancy-vector fancy)
; => true

the t= can test if several things are of same type.

(t= fancy
    (t :fancy-vector []))
; true

Type registry

(ns myns 
  (:require [foo.core :as f :refer [t t? t= t>]]))
Declare a simple type called mytype:
(f/declare-type ::fancy-vector)

Register a type in the global type registry.
note that you have to use namespaced keywords.

Create an instance of mytype:
(t> ::fancy-vector [1 2 3])

Like with t you can instantiate a type.

Declare a type with a constructor function

You can pass a function as 2nd argument to declare-type, to specify a "constructor"

(f/declare-type ::mytype 
  (fn [x] {:data x :other :stuff}))
(def my-instance (t> ::mytype "yo"))

;=> {:data "yo" :other :stuff}

(t my-instance)
;=> ::mytype

(t? ::mytype my-instance)
;=> true

That's all for the moment for types but more to come.


It is just a fancy name for functions, after all a function is just a view over some data, so it fits I think/hope...

Declaring a facet
(f/declare-facet ::f1)

Just add this facet id to the global registry. Well, not very useful so far...

With implementations

When declaring a facet we can provide implementations for our types.

(declare-facet ::f1
  {::mytype (fn [x] (assoc x :some :thing))})
With default case

You can provide a default case if you want:

(declare-facet ::f1
  {f/any identity})

f/any represent the defaut type.

;; creating a type to extend
(f/declare-type ::type1)

(f/extend-facet ::f1
  {::type1 (fn [x] implementation...)})
Getting a specific implementation
(<f ::f1 my-instance)
;=> <myinstance implementation of ::f1>
Getting all facets implementations for a type
(<fs ::mytype)
;=> <implementation map {facet-id implementation}>


If you want to extend builtin clojure types to implement some facets, you can declare aliases.

(f/declare-alias clojure.lang.PersistentVector ::vec)

So now all instances of PersistentVector will be treated as ::vec

(t [])
;=> ::vec

Aliases are resolved using the same strategy used by multimethods, via isa? function.

(f/declare-alias clojure.lang.IObj ::obj)

(t ())
;=> ::obj

(t #{})
;=> ::obj

In this case all objects that inherit IObj will be treated as ::obj

If a type match several aliases, an error is thrown

(t [])
;=> CompilerException java.lang.Exception: 
several aliases: 
(::obj ::vec)
match given type: 
class clojure.lang.PersistentVector
use prefer function to register type preferences

In this case, as error message explains, use prefer function

(f/prefer ::vec ::obj)

(t [])
;=> ::vec 


You can create a new type derived from an existing type.

(f/declare-derived-type ::derived-vec [::vec])

This new inherit all the facets implementations of its parent

(f/declare-derived-type ::derived-type [::parent1 ::parent2])

You can specify several parents, first in the list are prioritary over next ones.
Here if ::parent1 and ::parent2 both implement ::facet1 , the implementation of parent1 would be used.
When deriving a type, the constructor is also inherited from parents unless specified as 3rd argument.

(f/declare-derived-type ::derived-type 
  [::parent1 ::parent2]
  (fn [& args] constructor-implementation...))

As with declare-type you can provide an implementation-map, that overides inherited implementations.

;; with constructor
(f/declare-derived-type ::derived-type 
  [::parent1 ::parent2]
  (fn [& args] constructor-implementation...)
  {::facet1 (fn [x] implementation...)})
;; without constructor
(f/declare-derived-type ::derived-type 
  [::parent1 ::parent2]
  {::facet1 (fn [x] implementation...)})

You can do inheritence with facets to.

(f/declare-facet ::facet1 
  {::type1 (fn [x] type1 implementation of facet1)
   ::type2 ::type1}

Here ::type2 use the implementation of ::type1 for ::facet1

You can do this with declare-type and declare-derived-type to.

(f/declare-type ::type3
  {::facet1 ::type1}

Here the ::type1 implementation of ::facet1 will be used

Anonymous types

You can create anonymous types instances with the reify

passing it some parents:

(f/reify {:some :thing} [::type1 ::type2])

passing it an implementation-map:

(f/reify {:some :thing}
   {::facet1 <implementation>})

Or both:

(f/reify {:some :thing}
  [::type1 ::type2]
  {::facet1 <implementation>})

Under the hood it just attach some metas to the thing wrapped.

You can test if something is reified

(f/reified? x)

<fand <fs functions works on reified as well.

Using facets

(§ ::facet1 type1-instance args...)


There is certainly good macros to write over all this, I haven't do it for now.

Concrete usage

Please see the datac source and docs to have a concrete exemple of how facets can be used


Early stage of development, performance optimisations are not yet adressed, error handling should be correct but i've not written any tests yet.


Copyright © 2016 FIXME

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.


Pseudo types and polymorphism for clj and cljs.







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