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Tired of typing the same old username/password combinations for test accounts while developing your apps? Worry no more, you can use Lemonogin to do the typing for you.

This is a little tool I wrote to simplify the process of signin in.


Long press on a UI element, a popup appears with a list of accounts, pick one and the username/password fields are filled.

This is intended mostly for apps that:

  1. Use user accounts
  2. You have to frequentely sign out and sign in frequently
  3. You and your team share and use the same test accounts

A word of warning though: this is intended only for use while developing, release versions should not include this tool.


Add Lemonogin.h/.m to your project and include the header in your auth view controller.

After your setup code, configure Lemonogin using the following snippet as a template.

#ifdef DEBUG

    [[Lemonogin manager] setSourceURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@"http://localhost:8000/lemonogin.html"]];
    [[Lemonogin manager] triggerOnAnchor:self.loginButton
                                callback:^(NSString *username, NSString *password, NSString *notes) {
                                    self.usernameField.text = username;
                                    self.passwordField.text = password;
  1. The sourceURL property should point to a publicly accessible file. Put it in Dropbox, your server, or run a locally server with python -m SimpleHTTPServer or php -S localhost:8000. Use the provided lemonogin.html as a template.
  2. The anchor should be the view you want to trigger Lemonogin from (only with a longpress for now).
  3. Let it know the view where it can add the overlay
  4. Do your thing in the callback!

What now?

Hope you find this little tool useful and are not put off by the silly name.

Feel free to open issues or send me your comments.


Shared password manager for use in development






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