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Theme options and settings

pcca-matrix edited this page Jun 27, 2023 · 2 revisions

The majority of the options is set in the pcca settings menu.

Main layout option is in Attract Mode's general options "Option -> Display Menu Options -> Layout -> pcca" (these options are global for all systems using pcca , you don't need to set for each system.)

Main Options list

  • Special Artwork -> Enable or disable the special artwork (if No, special is disabled globally), options="Yes, No", default = "Yes"

  • Screensaver Timer -> Amount of time in secs to wait before starting the screensaver. (0 to disable), options="", default="55"

  • Extra Artworks Key, Choose the key to initiate the extra artworks overlay", options="custom1,custom2,custom3,custom4,custom5,custom6,none", default="custom2"

  • Settings/Edit Key, Choose the key to initiate settings/edit function(HyperTheme Like), options="custom1,custom2,custom3,custom4,custom5,custom6,none", default="custom4"

  • Gamepad library, Choose the gamedpad library to use for the edit theme function, options="Xinput,Dinput", default="Xinput"

  • HD theme resolution, Choose the resolution you want when creating new theme ex : (1920x1080)", options="", default="1920x1080"

  • Media Path, Path of HyperSpin media, if empty, media is considered inside the layout Media folder", options="" default=""

  • Low GPU", 'Yes' = Low GPU (Intel HD,.. less backgrounds transition), 'No' = Recent GPU", options="Yes, No", default="No"

  • Interface Language, Preferred User Language, options="Fr, En", default="En"

  • Global Stats, Enable or disable the main menu stats system, options="Yes, No", default = "Yes"

  • Search Key, Choose the key to initiate a search, options="custom1,custom2,custom3,custom4,custom5,custom6,none", default="custom1"

  • Search Results, Choose the search method, options="show_results,next_match", default="show_results"

  • Keyboard Layout, Choose the keyboard layout, options="qwerty,azerty,alpha", default="alpha"

Not Used on public beta

  • Scraper User name, PCCA Scraper user name, options="", default="test"

  • Scraper password, PCCA Scraper password, options="", default="test"

  • Scraper Region, PCCA Scraper prefered region, options="", default="Europe"

  • Scraper Country, PCCA Scraper prefered country, options="", default="France"

  • Scraper Language, PCCA Scraper prefered language, options="", default="Fr";

PCCA settings Menu

By binding a key to the Settings/Edit you can access the pcca settings menu.

Use the Up,Down,Select keys on the keyboard / joystick to navigate.

As you navigate in a menu, you can move to another menu item by selecting it with the select key.

The menu contains differents options depending if you are in the main menu or in system menu.


  • Theme

    All options set under this section are related to the theme we are on.

    All these options will be written in the theme.xml file when you exit the menu.

    • Artworks

      • Artwork (1,2,3,4,5,6)
        • pos/size/rotate

          By selecting this item you can move/zoom/rotate the selected artwork. (see key Binding)

        • Keep Aspect

          Keep artwork aspect ratio yes/no

        • Animation

          Select an animation you want for this artwork or none

        • Rest

          Select a resting animation or none

          Resting animation start after the main animation finish

        • Start

          Choose the position you want the artwork start his animation.

        • Time

          Set the time the animation takes to run (in seconde).

        • Delay

          Set the delay before the animation start (in seconde).

        • Z-Order

          Set the z-order index for this artwork

    • Video

      • pos/size/rotate

        By selecting this item you can move/zoom/rotate the selected artwork. (see key Binding)

      • Keep Aspect

        Keep artwork aspect ratio yes/no

      • Animation

        Select an animation you want or none

      • Rest

        Select a resting animation or none

        Resting animation start after the main animation finish

      • Borders You can draw 3 colored border frame around the video with this menu.

        • Shape

          Set border to rounded or square

        • Border1,2,3 Size

          Choose the size you want for the borders

        • Border1,2,3 Color

          Set the color you want for the border (in html color code without tjhe # ex: FFFFFF)

      • Start

        Choose the position you want the video start his animation.

      • Time

        Set the time the animation takes to run (in seconde).

      • Delay

        Set the delay before the animation start (in seconde).

      • Crt Scanline

        Add a scanline effect to the video snap

    • Video Overlay

      If you dont want to use the border function , you can add a video.png image in the theme folder

      • pos/size/rotate

        By selecting this item you can move/zoom the frame overlay. (see key Binding)

      • Overlay Below

        Put the overlay below the video snap yes/no

    • Background

      • Animation

        For the panning animation, if your background is less than 1.5X your resolution width or height, the background will be stretched

      • Speed

        Animation speed (from 0.1 to 5.0)

      • Delay

        Set the delay before the animation start (in seconde).

  • Theme Settings

    All options set under this section are related to the system we are on

    • Globals Settings

      • Overrides Transitions

        Enable or disable the Video Transitions

      • Background Stretch

        when using Real Hyperspin theme , stretch only the background to your screen resolution.

      • Bezel

        Use bezel on Hyperspin theme (only if background is not set to stretch)

      • Bezel on top

        Put bezel on top of the artworks or below

      • Background Transitions

        Use background transitions

      • Reload Backgrounds

        Reload transitions when navigating on default theme

      • Aspect

        Theme aspect (Stretch or Center real Hyperspin theme)

      • Scrolling Text

        • Active

          Show/Hide the scrolling text

        • Main Menu Stats

          Show/Hide scrolling stats on main menu

        • Scrolling Text Position

          Align the position of the scrolling text

        • Scrolling Speed

          Specifies the scrolling text speed

    • Wheel

      • Wheel Type

        Choose between wheel position : left, right, top, bottom

      • Rounded

        Choose between a flat or curved wheel

      • Spin start

        _The wheel start spinning when you enter a system _

      • Animations

        Choose the animation you want for the wheel

      • Wheel Transition time

        Time in milliseconds for wheel spin

      • Wheel fade time

        Time in seconds for wheel fade out (negative value disable fading)

      • Wheel fade alpha

        Alpha value of the faded wheel (0.0 - 1.0)

      • Number of wheel

        Number of wheel slot to display

      • Curve

        Set the curvature of thge wheel (1.0 - 5.0)

      • Elements Size

        Set the size (scale) of the wheel elements (0.5 - 5.0)

      • Center Zoom

        Set the size (scale) of the center wheel elements for a zoom effect when you navigate (0.5 - 5.0)

      • Medias

        Choose the media used on the wheel (Wheel, Artwork5 (cover), Artwork6 (support) )

      • Frame

        Set a frame for the wheel elements

      • Main stats

        Show/Hide scrolling stats on main menu

      • Position

        Align the position/size of the wheel

    • Sounds

      • Game Sound

        Use ambiant games sound

      • Wheel Click

        Use wheel click sound

    • Pointer

      • Position

        Set the pointer position/size

      • Animated Pointer

        Use pointer animation

    • Special Artworks

      • Special A,B,C
        • pos/size/rotate

          By selecting this item you can move/zoom/rotate the special

        • Active

          enable or disable this special

        • Start

          Choose the position you want the special start his animation.

        • Animations

          Choose the animation you want for the wheel

        • Time In

          Set the time the animation take to come (in seconds)

        • Time Out

          Set the time the animation take to go out (in seconds)

        • Time Length

          Set the time the animation stay at final position (in seconds)

        • Delay

          Set the delay before the animation start (in seconds)

  • Refresh stats

    Available only on main menu

    Manually refresh the global stats