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stephengaito edited this page Jun 24, 2020 · 64 revisions

###- 欲速则不达。
- Haste makes waste.

Building pdf2htmlEX

Because of its intimate use of specific versions of both Poppler and FontForge, cleanly building pdf2htmlEX is rather more complex than normal.

The (shell) scripts in the buildScripts directory help automate this mutli-stage process.

For all but the most experienced programmers, we strongly encourage you to use these scripts to build pdf2htmlEX.

Downloading precompiled versions

For most users, you probably really want to simply download one of the precompiled versions of pdf2htmlEX:


pdf2htmlEX can be built in any Unix-like environment:

  • GNU/Linux: pdf2htmlEX is currently built and released inside Ubuntu (Bionic, Eoan, and Focal), Alpine 3.12 docker containers, as well as Ubuntu-Bionic on Travis, so pdf2htmlEX is known to build on any Debian based distribution.

    The current buildScripts assume the use of either apt (Debian) or apk (Alpine) for (automatic) installation of all required dependencies. These scripts should be easily modified for other distributions.

  • macOS: While it should in principle be possible to build on macOS, unfortunately we currently have no access to a development/testing environment with which to ensure the buildScripts are adequately tuned to build on macOS.

    NOTE that the existing homebrew build script is not up to date and will fail.

    Offers of help and/or temporary access to development/testing machines would be greatly appreciated.

  • Windows 10 with the Windows Subsystem for Linux:

    The Debian(Apt) versions of our build scripts should build pdf2htmlEX (untested).

    The AppImage or Debian archive binary release objects are reputed to work.

  • Android: Have a look at Vilius Sutkus's pdf2htmlEX-Android.

Building yourself

To build pdf2htmlEX on a Debian/Apt related machine, inside the root directory of a fresh clone of the pdf2htmlEX/pdf2htmlEX repository, type:


This will automatically install all required development tools and libraries, and then proceed to download and statically compile the required versions of both Poppler and FontForge before compiling and installing pdf2htmlEX into /usr/local/bin.

NOTE: at the moment this will only work on machines with a Debian based distribution. such as Ubuntu, Linux Mint, etc.

NOTE: there is currently an experimental build script, ./buildScripts/buildInstallLocallyAlpine, for builds in Alpine environments.


The definitive list of build dependencies can be found in the following scripts:

  1. getBuildToolsAlpine for Alpine Linux
  2. getBuildToolsApt for Debian based systems
  3. getDevLibrariesAlpine for Alpine Linux
  4. getDevLibrariesApt for Debian based systems

Build options

To build pdf2htmlEX you require static versions of the Poppler and FontForge libraries in specific 'well-known' locations.

An automatic build uses cmake to build all of Poppler, FontForge and pdf2htmlEX.

The definitive list of cmake build options can be found in the following scripts:

  1. buildFontforge
  2. buildPdf2htmlEX
  3. buildPoppler

Why such a complex build system?

The problem

To provide its full functionality, the pdf2htmlEX sources make direct use of source code and unexposed methods from both the Poppler and FontForge projects. Unfortunately the source code in the Poppler and FontForge projects that the pdf2htmlEX uses changes regularly.

This means that the pdf2htmlEX souce code must be updated regularly to match specific releases of both Poppler and FontForge.

Unfortunately, the installed versions of both Poppler and FontForge in most Linux distributions, lag the official releases of both of these projects. Even worse few distributions install the same versions.

This means that it is nearly impossible for the pdf2htmlEX code to 'predict' which version of Poppler or FontForge will be installed on a given user's machine.

Our solution

While we could keep multiple versions of the pdf2htmlEX source code, each version matched to a particular distribution's installed versions of Poppler and FontForge, this would be a logistic and testing 'nightmare'.

Instead, when building pdf2htmlEX, we download specific versions of both the Poppler and FontForge sources (usually the most recent), and then compile static versions of the Poppler and FontForge libraries which are then statically linked into the pdf2htmlEX binary.

This means that the pdf2htmlEX binary is completely independent of any locally installed versions of either Poppler or FontForge.

However, to get the matched versions of Poppler and FontForge and then compile them statically, our build process becomes much more complex than a "simple", configure, make, make install cycle.

Hence there are a large number of shell scripts in the buildScripts directory each of which automates one 'simple' step in the overall build process.