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Download Debian Archive

stephengaito edited this page Jun 27, 2020 · 2 revisions

Download, Install and Run

The most recent releases have Debian Archives built on a range of recent Ubuntu releases.

Our Debian archives (*.deb) should be able to be installed on any distribution derived from Debian, by using the apt install command.


  1. Download the *.deb file from our releases page.
  2. Install it using the command sudo apt install <<pathToDownloadedDebFile>> (see note below).
  3. Run it... (the executable is located in /usr/local/bin so make sure /usr/local/bin is in your PATH).


Our *.deb archives are not self contained, they required a number of additional packages to be installed and properly configured.

The apt install command should install all required packages, however you may need to ensure these packages, such as, Fontconfig, and iconv are properly configured for your needs.


Using apt install to install a *.deb file

Assuming you have downloaded one of the release *.deb files to your local directory and called it pdf2htmlEX.deb then the correct apt install command would be:

  sudo apt install ./pdf2htmlEX.deb

It is very important that you use a (relative or absolute) path to the *.deb file. It is the ./ in front of the pdf2htmlEX.deb file name which tells apt install that it is supposed to install a local file rather than a package name in apt install's internal package database.

Alternatively you could use the following commands:

  sudo dpkg -i pdf2htmlEX.deb
  apt-get install -f