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This package convert an ODBC schema into a sqlalchemy ORM schema. Its primary written for MS Access schemas, but it should work for all ODBC relational databases. for this only the driver should be configured. And for the target project extra packages may be needed (see Required packages for target project).


This package is under GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE, Version 2 only. Therefore article 9 of "GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE, Version 2, June 1991" does not apply.

See LICENCE file for the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE, Version 2, June 1991

Required packages for target project

Assumming sqlalchemy is already in your project. The following two packages are required when accessing MS Access databases;

  • sqlalchemy-access
  • pyodbc

For other ODBC database connections other packages may be required. Currently this package is tested with MS Access databases.


> python -m odbc2orm database.mdb


The following options are available at command line.

-v                      Verbose output.

-V/--version            version output 

-h/--help               This help information.

-o/--output <filename>  write Python code file, instead of stdout.
                        default STDOUT   

-c/--config <filename>  Configure driver, output and template files.

-d/--driver <driver>    The ODBC driver to be used,
                        default "Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb, *.accdb)"

-D/--dump               Include the dump_tables() function in the output,
                        default: False

-t/--template <folder>  Create template files and configuration YAML file
                        for personal customizing.                         

When using a configuration file --output and --driver may override the configuration by setting those after the configuration option.


A default configuration file can be created through the --template option.

Typical configuration file looks like this;

driver: Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb, *.accdb)
  leadin: custom\template\leadin,templ
  leadout: custom\template\leadout.templ
  table_column: custom\template\table_column.templ
  table_leadin: custom\template\table_leadin.templ
  table_leadout: custom\template\table_leadout.templ
verbose: false
include_dump: false,

The template section are the Mako template files to generate the ORM schema Python file.


By using the --template command line option the standard templates and configuration is exported to a specified folder. This gives the opportunity to customize the generation of the output of the application.

leadin and leadout

The leadin and leadout templates receive the following variables;

  • config; dictionary with configuration as being used during generation.
  • datetime; Python datetime module.
  • version; string with the version of odbf2orm module.
  • copyright; string with the copyright of odbf2orm module.
  • author; string with the author of odbf2orm module.
  • username; string with the current username from the Operating System.

table_leadin and table_leadout

The table_leadin and table_leadout templates receive the following variables;

  • config; dictionary with configuration as being used during generation.
  • table; OdbcTable object


The table_column template receive the following variables;

  • config; dictionary with configuration as being used during generation.
  • table; OdbcTable object
  • column; OdbcColumn object

ODBC objects


The OdbcTable object is actual a list object with extra properties, the list contains the OdbcColumn objects.

Extra properies

  • name; string with the table name.
  • catalog; string with catalog name where the table belong to.
  • schema; string with schema name where the table belong to.


The OdbcColumn object contains the column properies;

  • table_cat; string with catalog name where the column belong to.
  • schema; string with schema name where the column belong to.
  • table_name; string with the table name.
  • column_name; string with column name.
  • data_type; integer with the column data type, see for more information
  • type_name; string with the column type name, see for more information
  • column_size; the number of octets that are used to store the column data
  • buffer_length; the number of octets that are used for the internal buffer in pyodbc
  • decimal_digit; the number of decimal fraction digitis.
  • num_spec_radix; ?
  • nullable; integer (1/0) (True/False) if the column is nullable.
  • remarks; string a description of the column.
  • column_default: the column dafault value
  • sql_data_type; ?
  • sql_datetime_sub; ?
  • char_octet_length; integer
  • ordinal_position; integer with the column position in the row.
  • is_nullable; string ("YES"/"NO") if the column is nullable.
  • ordinal; integer same as ordinal_position.

For some databases there are more properies available, those are not supported.

Typical output

The following is a simple example of the output the odbc2orm tool shall generate with the default builtin templates.

# This file was created by 1.0.5 Copyright (C) 2023 Marc Bertens-Nguyen
# comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software,
# and you are welcome to redistribute under GNU General Public License, version 2 only
# Source file created: username at 2023-04-16 15:06:57
# from test-database.mdb with driver Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb, *.accdb)
from typing import Optional
from sqlalchemy import engine, create_engine
from sqlalchemy import Column, String, Integer, Text, Boolean, DECIMAL, FLOAT
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker

Base = declarative_base()

class SomeTable( Base ):
    __tablename__            = 'SomeTable'
    Id                       = Column( Integer, primary_key = True )
    Name                     = Column( String( 50 ), nullable = True )
    Description              = Column( String( 255 ), nullable = True )
    Filename                 = Column( String( 200 ), nullable = True )
    DataFormat               = Column( Integer, nullable = True )

    def __repr__(self):
        return f"<SomeTable {self.Id}, Name = '{self.Name}', Description = '{self.Description}', Filename = '{self.Filename}'>"

__engine = None
__session = None
__connection = None

def getEngine( database: Optional[str] = None ):
    driver = 'Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb, *.accdb)'
    if not database:
        # This the file with this file was created.
        database = 'G:\emagic\equens.mdb'

    connection_string = f"DRIVER={{{driver}}};DBQ={database};;ExtendedAnsiSQL=1;"
    connection_url = engine.URL.create( "access+pyodbc",
                                        query = { "odbc_connect": connection_string } )
    global __engine, __connection
    __engine = create_engine( connection_url )
    __connection = __engine.connect()
    return __connection

def getConnection():
    global __connection
    return __connection

def getSession():
    global __engine, __session
    if not __engine:
        raise Exception( "Connection not opened yet." )

    if __session:
        return __session

    SessionObject = sessionmaker( bind = __engine )
    __session = SessionObject()
    return __session

def dump_tables():
    session = getSession()
    # Dump contents of table 'FileTp1'
    for rec in session.query( FileTp1 ).all():
        print( rec )


if __name__ == '__main__':


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