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Format elixir code examples in your docs!

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Hex version Documentation

ExamplesStyler is a Mix.Tasks.Format plugin to bring the same styling rules to your docstrings and markdown files!


This package implements a mix format plugin. Add the following plugins value to your .formatter.exs file:

  plugins: [ExamplesStyler],
  inputs: ...

If you use a non-default plugin like adobe/elixir-styler to style your code, it will also need to be added:

  plugins: [Styler, ExamplesStyler],
  inputs: ...

Don't forget to add any .md or .cheatmd files you want examples styled for!

What gets styled

We follow the same approach as ExUnit doc tests: example code must be prefaced by iex> .

iex> # Input
iex> 1 +     1
iex> # Output
iex> 1 + 1

Code found on contiguous lines is styled together:

iex> # Input
iex> def add(a, b),
iex> do: a + b
iex> # Input
iex> def add(a, b),
iex>   do: a + b

Any lines prefaced with iex> that are separated in any way will be styled separately.

Caution is advised

This package is still in very early development; be sure to back up your code before running the formatter!


If available in Hex, the package can be installed by adding examples_styler to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:

def deps do
    {:examples_styler, "~> 0.2", only: [:dev, :test], runtime: false}