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Project Knektkajen

Project status

So far there is nothing here. Just trying out various web technologies and getting the feel for them.

Prepare for building project

The npx is used to run bsb locally, but npx still needs to be installed globally This however reduces chances of using wrong bsb versions.

npm install -g npx 

Run Project

npm install
npm start
# in another tab
npm run webpack

After you see the webpack compilation succeed (the npm run webpack step), open up build/index.html (no server needed!). Then modify whichever .re file in src and refresh the page to see the changes.

For more elaborate ReasonReact examples, please see

Run Project with Server

To run with the webpack development server run

npm run server

and view in the browser at:

Running in this environment provides hot reloading and support for routing; just edit and save the file and the browser will automatically refresh.

Note that any hot reload on a route will fall back to the root (/), so ReasonReact.Router.dangerouslyGetInitialUrl will likely be needed alongside the ReasonReact.Router.watchUrl logic to handle routing correctly on hot reload refreshes or simply opening the app at a URL that is not the root.

To use a port other than 8000 set the PORT environment variable (PORT=8080 npm run server).

Build for Production

npm run clean
npm run build
npm run webpack:production

This will replace the development artifact build/Index.js for an optimized version as well as copy src/index.html into build/. You can then deploy the contents of the build directory (index.html and Index.js).

If you make use of routing (via ReasonReact.Router or similar logic) ensure that server-side routing handles your routes or that 404's are directed back to index.html (which is how the dev server is set up).

To enable dead code elimination, change bsconfig.json's package-specs module from "commonjs" to "es6". Then re-run the above 2 commands. This will allow Webpack to remove unused code.


I'm learning web technologies and playing with an idea of having a web based game to learn basic music theory or maybe just some kind of musical toy.

Various musical theoretical concepts with numerical values

Following concepts could be considered roughly equivalent in some mathematical sense, but have different (although related) notations and conventions:

  • Interval as a number of half steps (eg. +5 half steps)
  • Note names as half steps in an octave (eg. F is 5 half steps above C)
  • Interval names (eg. Perfect fourth is 5 half steps)
  • Half steps between keys on a piano keyboard (eg. in ╿│C╿╿│F╿╿╿│ the F is 5 half steps above C )
  • Vertical positions on musical scores 🎼
    • In treble (G clef 𝄞)
    • In bass (F clef 𝄢)
    • in the presence of sharps ♯ and flats ♭
  • Intervals as closest fractional frequency multipliers (eg. the Perfect fourth multiplies requency by about 4/3)
  • Solfège syllables (fixed) (do, re, mi, fa, sol, la, si)
  • Solfège syllables (movable) (do=0, re=+2, mi=+4, fa=+5, sol=+7, la=+9, ti=+11)

The idea about the game

The ultimate goal of the game would be to in a fun and rewarding way teach the following:

  • Read several kinds of musical notations for intervals and notes
  • Do musical "calculations"
  • Translate between numerical representations of various music theoretical concepts
  • Visualize some concepts from music theory in the minds eye
  • Do all the above quickly and without using any tools or tables

I recognize that just one item from above list would be a worthy goal for a hobby / learning project, but I don't think it hurts to have lofty goals as well as learning is the goal and even a tiny bit of success is considered worth celebrating.


SVG/DOM/Javascript test (note name learning web application)






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