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Ben edited this page Apr 3, 2016 · 6 revisions

Bots are cool - they listen for input in the form of messages from conversations, and then output text back to the user. They extend from a participant, so everything you can do with that can be done with a bot.

Let's make a bot that agrees with the user. I'll be using this wit app, although you can always set one up for yourself.

  1. Let's create the class. It should extend from WitBot::Bot::Base:

    class Bot < WitBot::Bot::Base
  2. Now, let's have the bot listen to intents. Let's use the :Test intent I setup

    class Bot < WitBot::Bot::Base
      intents :Test
  3. To accept this intent, we just create a method, interpreting the message and sending a response with #send_message:

    def on_Test(message)
      outcome = message.outcome
      thing = outcome.entities["thing"]
      adjective = outcome.entities["adjective"]
      msg = "Yup, that #{thing || 'thing'} is #{adjective || 'a word'}."
      send_message msg
  4. To create an instance of the bot, you pass a [conversation].

    conversation = # Create a conversation
    bot = conversation # Create the bot
  5. Now, send the conversation a message, and the bot will reply.

    conversation.send_message "This is a cool test."

On Rails? Use the bot generator:

$ rails g wit_bot:bot BotName [intents]

You can check out the example for more info.

Getting Started

Here's how to get started with wit_bot in 3 steps:

  1. Learn how to use
  2. Learn how to setup the gem
  3. Learn how to send a message

Dive Deeper

Create Bots

Integrate it

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