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A term used by vampires to describe their supernatural powers, disciplines in Princes of Darkness are one of the most powerful tools at the player's disposal. All levels of disciplines provide a passive stat boost, and some help in empire building (see the Buildings wiki page for details). All combat related disciplines (Fortitude, Potence, Celerity) gives a temporary combat rating bonus when invoked.

Here are listed the active powers currently implemented in the mod.

  • Animalism I :
  • Animalism II : Beckoning : Gain a pet and the aspirant hunter trait for an exposure cost.
  • Animalism III : Song of Serenity : Choose a pet between four at no cost.
  • Animalism IV :
  • Animalism V:

  • Auspex Special : See Hidden traits.
  • Auspex I :
  • Auspex II : Aura Perception : Look for a promising mortal to bring to your court.
  • Auspex III :
  • Auspex IV : Telepathy ; Allow you to crackdown on rebel factions in your realm.
  • Auspex V:

  • Chimerstry Special : Spymaster with Chimerstry enables Sow Chaos job action and the Give Insanity plot.
  • Chimerstry I :
  • Chimerstry II :
  • Chimerstry III :
  • Chimerstry IV : Permanency : Use gold to greatly decrease Masquerade Exposure.
  • Chimerstry V:

  • Daimonion I :
  • Daimonion II :
  • Daimonion III :
  • Daimonion IV : Psychomachia : Kill a prisoner in a horrible way, granting a fear bonus with your court/vassals.
  • Daimonion V:

  • Dementation Special : Spymaster with Dementation enables Sow Chaos job action and the Give Insanity plot.
  • Dementation I :
  • Dementation II :
  • Dementation III :
  • Dementation IV : Confusion : Make the target stressed.
  • Dementation IV-2: Silence the Sane Mind : Make the target depressed.
  • Dementation IV-3: Voice of Madness : Make the target craven and/or wroth.
  • Dementation V : Total Insanity : Make the target stark raving mad.

  • Dominate I :
  • Dominate II : Mesmerize : Try to gain a favor from the target.
  • Dominate III :
  • Dominate IV :
  • Dominate V:

  • Obeah I :
  • Obeah II : Anesthetic Touch : Drill your troops to take advantage of your healing powers.
  • Obeah III :
  • Obeah IV : Mens Sana : Heal a vice trait of the targetted character.
  • Obeah V: Unburdening the Bestial Soul : Help a member of your entourage improve one of their stats.

  • Obfuscate Special : Spy On ability enabled.
  • Obfuscate I : Hunt mortals : Decrease in blood thirst, temporary stat boost.
  • Obfuscate II :
  • Obfuscate III :
  • Obfuscate IV :
  • Obfuscate V :

  • Obtenebration I :
  • Obtenebration II :
  • Obtenebration III :
  • Obtenebration IV :
  • Obtenebration V : Shadow Form : A powerful battle form allowing to escape from prison.

  • Majesty I : Awe : Instantly convert a province to your culture.
  • Majesty II :
  • Majesty III : Entrance : Gain a temporary bonus opinion with the target.
  • Majesty IV : Summon : Try to force a character to come to your court.
  • Majesty V : Majesty : Endear your neighbors or the mortals in your realm.

  • Protean I :
  • Protean II :
  • Protean III :
  • Protean IV : Beast Form : A powerful battle form.
  • Protean V : Mist Form : More powerful Beast Form. Allow to escape from prison.

  • Quietus I : Blood Essence : Drain a prisoner blood for prestige and scaling loyalty depending on the prisoner's rank.
  • Quietus II :
  • Quietus III :
  • Quietus IV : Dagon's Call : Threaten a ruler to obtain a favor.
  • Quietus V :

  • Serpentis I : Enchanting Gaze : Instantly convert a province to your religion.
  • Serpentis II :
  • Serpentis III :
  • Serpentis IV :
  • Serpentis V : God Form : A powerful battle form.

  • Tremere Thaumaturgy I : Bind the Accusing Tongue : Weakens a character Intrigue.
  • Tremere Thaumaturgy II : Bureaucratic Condemnation : Weakens a character Stewardship.
  • Tremere Thaumaturgy II-2 : Spacegoat : Weakens a character Diplomacy.
  • Tremere Thaumaturgy II-3 : Burning Blade : Martial and Combat Rating boost.
  • Tremere Thaumaturgy III : Bone of Lies : Intrigue boost.
  • Tremere Thaumaturgy IV : Corrupt Body : Weakens a character Martial and Combat Rating.
  • Tremere Thaumaturgy IV-2 : Homonculus : Stats boost.
  • Tremere Thaumaturgy V : Acedia : Weakens a character Stats.
  • Tremere Thaumaturgy V-2 : Court of Hallow : Stewardship boost.
  • Tremere Thaumaturgy V-3 : Gargoyle : Create Gargoyles special troops.

  • Vicissitude I : Malleable Visage : Add the fair trait.
  • Vicissitude II :
  • Vicissitude III : Fleshcraft : Modify a character to be more to your liking.
  • Vicissitude IV : Zulo Form : A powerful battle form.
  • Vicissitude V : Dracul Form : More powerful Zulo Form. Allow to escape from prison.
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