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ZMK implementation of the Programmer Dvorak layout for the Corne V3

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ZMK Corne V3 Programmer Dvorak Layout

A simple ZMK implementation of the Programmer Dvorak layout (by Roland Kaufmann) for the Corne V3 split keyboard by foostan.

This was made by referencing this QMK layout by JReneHS. Apart from this I found little resources, especially for ZMK, for this layout so I have decided to host mine.

I have included a primitive layout diagram for reference in the config folder: guide.txt and print_friendly.txt.

Please note that the layout doesn't have have RGB functionality currently though it is supported by ZMK and I'm sure can be enabled without too much headache.

Deviations from the original layout:

Apart from some adjustments made to transfer the layout to a smaller number of keys. The main deviation is in the modelling of the number/symbol keys still being SHIFT + Number = SYMBOL instead of SHIFT + SYMBOL = NUMBER. This was mainly a consideration for one handed use as symbols and numbers are separated by different layers already so this isn't very relavent.

This can be altered by changing the mod-morph definitions and swapping the order of the keys in the bindings section and double-checking their placement. For example changing the binding like so:

bindings = <&kp N7>, <&kp LBKT>;  --> bindings = <&kp LBKT>, <&kp N7>;


There are several ways to start using this package.

  • Incorporate into existing repo: Refer to the ZMK getting started instruction for the installation & flashing process: From there the corne.keymap can be simply copied into an existing config.
  • Fork this repo, make your changes and then get the firmware in the normal way using Github actions
  • If you don't need to make any changes you can simply grab the firmware from the Github actions and get typing


I recommend printing off a copy of the layout guide if learning dvorak. And learning the layout is discussed elsewhere.

This keymap features a number of tap-dance & mod-morph defines as well as a number of #defined values to make the layout more readable and concise. For the most part the defined functions can be included in the keymap without needing to understand their implementations. Just their behaviour and key codes outputted.

Refer to the comments in corne.keymap for full definitions

// include name or reference in keymap
// Format: 
//      name        reference  key1 key2 
#define TD_TAB      &td0    // TAB ESC
#define TD_CAPLOCK  &td1    // LSHIFT CAPSLOCK 
#define TD_SPC      &td2    // SPACE ENTER 
#define TD_SLSH     &td3    // SLASH QMARK
#define TD_QUOTE    &td4    // QUOTE DOUBLE_QUOTES
#define TD_EQL      &td5    // EQUAL PLUS
#define TD_BSLS     &td6    // BACKSLASH PIPE 
#define TD_MINUS    &td7    // MINUS UNDERSCORE
#define TD_SCLN     &td8    // SEMICOLON COLON 
#define TD_COMM     &td9    // COMMA LESS_THAN 
#define TD_DOT      &td10   // PERIOD GREATER_THAN 
#define TD_BACKF    &td11   // GRAVE TILDE
#define TD_ALT      &td12   // LALT GUI
#define TD_ARR      &td13   // Q AT (@)
#define TD_ATCAT    &td14   // AT CARET 

Names and references prefixed with TD refer to tap-dance functions, double tap the key to output key2. Those with the format [number]_[key code] are mod-morph behaviours. They will output the first keycode (the number) but will output the second with shift held down.

// include &name in keymap to use
//   natural --> (on shift)
//   number --> symbols | number code --> symbol code 
// one_lpar    1 --> (  | N1 --> LPAR
// two_rpar    2 --> )  | N2 --> RPAR
// three_rbrc  3 --> }  | N3 --> RBRC
// four_pl     4 --> ]  | N4 --> PLUS
// five_lbrc   5 --> {  | N5 --> RSFT
// six_rbkt    6 --> ]  | N6 --> RBKT
// seven_lbkt  7 --> [  | N7 --> LBKT
// eight_exlm  8 --> !  | N8 --> EXCL
// nine_equal  9 --> =  | N9 --> EQUAL
// zero_s      0 --> *  | N0 --> STAR

Refer to the ZMK documentation for further information.

Run to quickly push your work and start compiling a new keymap. This isn't needed I'm just lazy.

Layout Diagram:

 |TAB:ESC | ; : | , < | . > |  P  |  Y  |     | F   |  G   |  C  |  R  |  L  | BKSP|
 |CTRL    |  A  |  O  |  E  |  U  |  I  |     |  D  |  H   |  T  |  N  |  S  | DEL |
 |SFT:CAP | ' " | q @ |  J  |  K  |  X  |     |  B  |  M   |  W  |  V  |  Z  | TAB |
                      | GUI | LWR | SPC |     | ENT | RSE  | ALT |
lower_layer: numbers, navigation, and FUN keys
 |ESC    |  7   |  5  |  3  |  1  |  9  |     |  0  |  2  |  4  |  6  |  8  |     |
 |F11    |  F1  |  F2 |  F3 |  F4 |  F5 |     | LFT | DWN |  UP | RGT |     |     |
 |SHFT   |  F6  |  F7 |  F8 |  F9 |  F10|     |HOME | PGDN| PGUP| END |     |     |
                      |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |

raise_layer: symbols 
 |ESC    |  [   |  {  |  }  |  (  |  =  |     |  *  |  )  |  +  |  ]  |  !  | DEL |
 |CTRL   |  ~   |  %  |  `  | / ? | @ ^ |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |
 |SHFT   |  $   |  &  |  #  | - _ | \ | |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |
                      | GUI |     | SPC |     | ENT |     | ALT |

bt_media_layer: BT functions and media controls
 |ESC    |      |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |     | 
 |BTCLR  | BT1  | BT2 | BT3 | BT4 | BT5 |     | LFT | PRV | PP  | NXT |     |     |
 |SHFT   |      |     |     |     |     |     | MUTE| V-  | V+  |     |     |     |
                      | GUI |     | SPC |     | ENT |     | ALT |

Legends like '/ ?' are tap-dance keys. Numbers along the top row can be modified with shift.

Credits & References

Original programmer-dvorak layout:

Original QMK layout by Juan René Hernández Sánchez (JReneHS):


Corne keyboard by Kosuke Adachi (foostan):


Pull requests are welcome. This was a simple layout I wanted without knowing too much about ZMK. Expansions, remixes and so on are welcome as well as publish your own repos. Go crazy.


It's a single file and I don't mind what you do with it. Includes work from ZMK so refer to that.


ZMK implementation of the Programmer Dvorak layout for the Corne V3






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