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A simple Sinatra APP to check open Pull Requests on PuppetLabs namespace.

It's heavily based on the junkie app. It's awesome, go check it out!

Using it

You can use it by accessing the herokuapp.

Getting your own

You can run it on your machine or sever by follwing this steps:

Running locally

  • git clone <this repo>
  • bundle install
  • config your ~/.netrc file to include your GitHub authentication token:
 login janedoe
 password hunter2
  • bundle exec ruby app.rb

Running on a Heroku app

  • git clone <this repo>
  • bundle install
  • git remote add heroku <<Your Heroku app URL>>
  • heroku config:set --app=puppethack-open-prs GITHUB_APP_ID=<<Add your GITHUB_APP_ID to Heroku app>>
  • heroku config:set --app=puppethack-open-prs GITHUB_APP_SECRET=<<Add your GITHUB_APP_SECRET to Heroku app>>
  • heroku config:set --app=puppethack-open-prs SESSION_SECRET=$(ruby -e "require 'securerandom'; puts SecureRandom.hex")
  • git push heroku master
  • heroku open


See the contributing guide.