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LTP C Test Network API

LTP library includes helper functions for configuring sockets and setting up network devices.

1 Configuring sockets

1.1 Safe syscall variants

#include "tst_safe_net.h"

Most common standard syscalls and libc functions for configuring sockets have a "safe" variant in LTP library which will call tst_brk() if the underlying system function fails. See C Test API. The safe function names are in uppercase with the SAFE_ prefix (e.g. the safe variant of socket() is called SAFE_SOCKET()). For most safe functions, the parameters and return type are identical to the standard system function:












A few safe functions have extra parameters for quick return value validation. The ellipsis (…​) represents the standard parameters of the underlying system function:

  • SAFE_SEND(char strict, …​)

  • SAFE_SENDTO(char strict, …​)

    • If strict is non-zero, the return value must be equal to the data length argument. Otherwise the test will fail and exit.

  • SAFE_SENDMSG(size_t msg_len, …​)

  • SAFE_RECV(size_t msg_len, …​)

  • SAFE_RECVMSG(size_t msg_len, …​)

    • If msg_len is non-zero, the return value must be equal to the msg_len argument. Otherwise the test will fail and exit.

There are also some custom functions for simpler configuration and queries:

  • int SAFE_SETSOCKOPT_INT(int sockfd, int level, int optname, int value) – Simple setsockopt() variant for passing integers by value.

  • int TST_GETSOCKPORT(int sockfd) – Get port number (in host byte order) of a bound socket.

  • unsigned short TST_GET_UNUSED_PORT(int family, int type) – Get a random port number (in network byte order) which is currently closed for the given socket family and type. Note that another application may open the port while the test is still running. The test user is responsible for setting up test environment without such interference.

1.2 Address conversion functions

#include "tst_net.h"

LTP library also provides helper functions for quick initialization of socket address structures:

  • void tst_get_in_addr(const char *ip_str, struct in_addr *ip) – Convert human-readable IPv4 address string ip_str to binary representation in network byte order. The converted value will be stored in the second argument.

  • void tst_get_in6_addr(const char *ip_str, struct in6_addr *ip6) – Convert human-readable IPv6 address string ip_str to binary representation in network byte order. The converted value will be stored in the second argument.

  • socklen_t tst_get_connect_address(int sock, struct sockaddr_storage *addr) – Find the address which can be used to send data to bound socket sock from another socket. The address will be stored in the second argument. This function automatically converts wildcard bind address to localhost. Returns size of the address in bytes.

  • void tst_init_sockaddr_inet(struct sockaddr_in *sa, const char *ip_str, uint16_t port) – Initialize socket address structure sa using human-readable IPv4 address ip_str and port number port in host byte order.

  • void tst_init_sockaddr_inet_bin(struct sockaddr_in *sa, uint32_t ip_val, uint16_t port) – Initialize socket address structure sa using binary IPv4 address ip_val and port number port, both in host byte order.

  • void tst_init_sockaddr_inet6(struct sockaddr_in6 *sa, const char *ip_str, uint16_t port) – Initialize socket address structure sa using human-readable IPv6 address ip_str and port number port in host byte order.

  • void tst_init_sockaddr_inet6_bin(struct sockaddr_in6 *sa, const struct in6_addr *ip_val, uint16_t port) – Initialize socket address structure sa using binary IPv6 address ip_val and port number port, both in host byte order.

Example Usage
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>

#include "tst_test.h"
#include "tst_safe_net.h"
#include "tst_net.h"

static int sockfd = -1;

static void setup(void)
	struct sockaddr_in addr;

	tst_init_sockaddr_inet_bin(&addr, INADDR_ANY, 0);
	SAFE_BIND(sockfd, (struct sockaddr *)&addr, sizeof(addr));
	SAFE_LISTEN(sockfd, 8);

2 Configuring network devices

#include "tst_netdevice.h"

When opening a localhost socket isn’t enough and the test needs special device or routing configuration, the netdevice library can create the required network setup without calling external programs. Internally, the netdevice functions use a rtnetlink socket to communicate with the kernel.

All of these functions will call tst_brk() on failure, unless stated otherwise. Error values described below are returned only during test cleanup stage.

2.1 Network device management

  • int NETDEV_INDEX_BY_NAME(const char *ifname) – Returns the device index for the given device name, or -1 on error.

  • int NETDEV_SET_STATE(const char *ifname, int up) – Enable or disable a network device ifname. Returns 0 on success, -1 on error.

  • int CREATE_VETH_PAIR(const char *ifname1, const char *ifname2) – Creates a connected pair of virtual network devices with given device names. Returns 1 on success, 0 on error. Add "CONFIG_VETH" to test.needs_kconfigs if your test calls this function.

  • int NETDEV_ADD_DEVICE(const char *ifname, const char *devtype) - Creates a new network device named ifname of specified device type. Returns 1 on success, 0 on error.

  • int NETDEV_REMOVE_DEVICE(const char *ifname) – Removes network device ifname. Returns 1 on success, 0 on error.

2.2 Network address management

  • int NETDEV_ADD_ADDRESS(const char *ifname, unsigned int family, const void *address, unsigned int prefix, size_t addrlen, unsigned int flags) – Adds new address to network device ifname. This is a low-level function which allows setting any type of address. You must specify the protocol family, address length in bytes (addrlen) and network prefix length (prefix). The address itself must be in binary representation in network byte order. You can also pass rtnetlink flags from the IFA_F_* group. Returns 1 on success, 0 on error.

  • int NETDEV_ADD_ADDRESS_INET(const char *ifname, in_addr_t address, unsigned int prefix, unsigned int flags) – Adds new IPv4 address to network device ifname. Parameters have the same meaning as in NETDEV_ADD_ADDRESS(). Returns 1 on success, 0 on error.

  • int NETDEV_REMOVE_ADDRESS(const char *ifname, unsigned int family, const void *address, size_t addrlen) – Removes the specified address from network device ifname. Parameters have the same meaning as in NETDEV_ADD_ADDRESS(). Returns 1 on success, 0 on error.

  • int NETDEV_REMOVE_ADDRESS_INET(const char *ifname, in_addr_t address) – Removes specified IPv4 address (in network byte order) from network device ifname. Returns 1 on success, 0 on error.

2.3 Network namespace device assignment

Moving a network device to another namespace will erase previous configuration. Move the device to the correct namespace first, then configure it.
  • int NETDEV_CHANGE_NS_FD(const char *ifname, int nsfd) – Moves network device ifname to network namespace designated by open file descriptor nsfd. Returns 1 on success, 0 on error.

  • int NETDEV_CHANGE_NS_PID(const char *ifname, pid_t nspid) – Moves network device ifname to the network namespace currently used by process nspid. Returns 1 on success, 0 on error.

2.4 Routing table management

  • int NETDEV_ADD_ROUTE(const char *ifname, unsigned int family, const void *srcaddr, unsigned int srcprefix, size_t srclen, const void *dstaddr, unsigned int dstprefix, size_t dstlen, const void *gateway, size_t gatewaylen) – Adds new route to the main routing table. This is a low-level function which allows creating routes for any protocol. You must specify the protocol family and either network device name ifname or gateway address. Both packet source address srcaddr and destination address dstaddr are optional. You must also specify the corresponding length and prefix argument for any address which is not NULL. All addresses must be in binary representation in network byte order. Returns 1 on success, 0 on error.

  • int NETDEV_ADD_ROUTE_INET(const char *ifname, in_addr_t srcaddr, unsigned int srcprefix, in_addr_t dstaddr, unsigned int dstprefix, in_addr_t gateway) – Adds new IPv4 route to the main routing table. Parameters have the same meaning as in NETDEV_ADD_ROUTE(). If you do not want to set explicit gateway address, set it to 0. If the routing rule should ignore the source or destination address, set the corresponding prefix argument to 0. Returns 1 on success, 0 on error.

  • int NETDEV_REMOVE_ROUTE(const char *ifname, unsigned int family, const void *srcaddr, unsigned int srcprefix, size_t srclen, const void *dstaddr, unsigned int dstprefix, size_t dstlen, const void *gateway, size_t gatewaylen) – Removes a route from the main routing table. Parameters have the same meaning as in NETDEV_ADD_ROUTE(). Returns 1 on success, 0 on error.

  • int NETDEV_REMOVE_ROUTE_INET(const char *ifname, in_addr_t srcaddr, unsigned int srcprefix, in_addr_t dstaddr, unsigned int dstprefix, in_addr_t gateway) – Removes IPv4 route from the main routing table. Parameters have the same meaning as in NETDEV_ADD_ROUTE_INET(). Returns 1 on success, 0 on error.

Example Usage
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <linux/if_addr.h>
#include "tst_test.h"
#include "tst_netdevice.h"


static void setup(void)
	CREATE_VETH_PAIR("ltp_veth1", "ltp_veth2");
	NETDEV_SET_STATE("ltp_veth2", 1);
	NETDEV_ADD_ROUTE_INET("ltp_veth2", 0, 0, htonl(SRCNET), NETMASK, 0);

	NETDEV_SET_STATE("ltp_veth1", 1);
	NETDEV_ADD_ROUTE_INET("ltp_veth1", 0, 0, htonl(DSTNET), NETMASK, 0);

#include "tst_rtnetlink.h"

The rtnetlink library provides helper functions for constructing and sending arbitrary messages and parsing kernel responses.

All of the functions below will call tst_brk() on failure, unless stated otherwise. Error values described below are returned only during test cleanup stage.

3.1 Data structures

struct tst_rtnl_context;

struct tst_rtnl_attr_list {
	unsigned short type;
	const void *data;
	ssize_t len;
	const struct tst_rtnl_attr_list *sublist;

struct tst_rtnl_message {
	struct nlmsghdr *header;
	struct nlmsgerr *err;
	void *payload;
	size_t payload_size;

struct tst_rtnl_context is an opaque rtnetlink socket with buffer for constructing and sending arbitrary messages using the functions described below. Create a new context using RTNL_CREATE_CONTEXT(), then free it using RTNL_DESTROY_CONTEXT() when you’re done with it.

struct tst_rtnl_attr_list is a helper structure for defining complex rtnetlink message attribute payloads, including nested attribute lists. Every list and sublist defined using this structure is terminated by item with negative len.

  • type is the attribute type that will be stored in struct rtattr.rta_type.

  • data contains arbitrary attribute payload.

  • len contains length of the data attribute in bytes. If data is NULL, set len to 0. The last item in a list or sublist must have negative length.

  • sublist contains a nested attribute list which will be appended after data as part of the attribute payload. struct rtattr.rta_len will be calculated automatically with proper alignment, do not add the sublist size to the len field. If you do not want to add nested attributes, set sublist to NULL.

struct tst_rtnl_message is a structure holding partially parsed rtnetlink messages received from the kernel. RTNL_RECV() returns an array of these structures with the last item having NULL in the header field. Call RTNL_FREE_MESSAGE() to free a message list returned by RTNL_RECV().

  • header is the netlink header structure of the message. NULL in the header field terminates a list of messages.

  • err points to the payload of NLMSG_ERROR messages. It is set to NULL for all other message types.

  • payload is a pointer to message data.

  • payload_size is the length of payload data in bytes.

3.2 Sending and receiving messages

  • struct tst_rtnl_context *RTNL_CREATE_CONTEXT(void) – Creates a new rtnetlink communication context for use with the functions described below. Returns NULL on error.

  • void RTNL_FREE_MESSAGE(struct tst_rtnl_message *msg) – Frees an array of messages returned by RTNL_RECV().

  • void RTNL_DESTROY_CONTEXT(struct tst_rtnl_context *ctx) – Closes a communication context created by RTNL_CREATE_CONTEXT().

  • int RTNL_SEND(struct tst_rtnl_context *ctx) – Sends all messages waiting in ctx buffer to the kernel. If there are multiple messages to send, a new NLMSG_DONE message will be added automatically. Returns the number of bytes sent on success. Return 0 or negative value on error.

  • int RTNL_SEND_VALIDATE(struct tst_rtnl_context *ctx) – Sends all messages just like RTNL_SEND(), then receives the response from the kernel and validates results of requests sent with the NLM_F_ACK flag. This function calls tst_brk() as usual if communication fails but it will return error status without terminating the test if one of the received messages contains error code. See RTNL_CHECK_ACKS() below for explanation of the return value.

  • int RTNL_WAIT(struct tst_rtnl_context *ctx) – Waits until data becomes available to read from the rtnetlink socket (timeout: 1 second). Returns 1 if there is data to read, 0 on timeout or -1 on error.

  • struct tst_rtnl_message *RTNL_RECV(struct tst_rtnl_context *ctx) – Receives rtnetlink messages from the kernel. The messages are received in non-blocking mode so calling RTNL_WAIT() first is recommended. Returns an array of partially parsed messages terminated by an item with NULL in the header field. On error or when there are no messages to receive, returns NULL. Call RTNL_FREE_MESSAGE() to free the returned data.

  • int RTNL_CHECK_ACKS(struct tst_rtnl_context *ctx, struct tst_rtnl_message *response) – Validate results of requests sent with the NLM_F_ACK flag. Do not call RTNL_ADD_MESSAGE() between RTNL_SEND() and RTNL_CHECK_ACKS() because it will reset the state of ctx and prevent result validation. Returns 1 if all messages sent with the NLM_F_ACK flag have a corresponding message in response and the error code is 0. If any of the expected response messages is missing, this function will call tst_brk() (or return 0 during test cleanup phase). If any of the response messages has non-zero error code, this function will return 0 and store the first non-zero error code in global variable tst_rtnl_errno (sign-flipped just like regular libc errno).

3.3 Creating messages

  • int RTNL_ADD_MESSAGE(struct tst_rtnl_context *ctx, const struct nlmsghdr *header, const void *payload, size_t payload_size) – Adds new rtnetlink message to ctx buffer. You need to provide message header and optional payload. payload_size is the size of payload data in bytes. If you don’t want to add any payload data, set payload to NULL and payload_size to 0. This function will automatically fill the nlmsg_len, nlmsg_seq and nlmsg_pid fields of the new message header. You don’t need to set those. It’ll also automatically add NLM_F_MULTI flag when needed. Returns 1 on success, 0 on error. Note that the first call of RTNL_ADD_MESSAGE() after RTNL_SEND() will reset the state of ctx and RTNL_CHECK_ACKS() will not work correctly until the next RTNL_SEND().

  • int RTNL_ADD_ATTR(struct tst_rtnl_context *ctx, unsigned short type, const void *data, unsigned short len) – Adds new attribute to the last message in ctx buffer. See RTNL_ADD_MESSAGE(). You need to provide attribute type which will be stored in struct rtattr.rta_type, optional payload data and payload size len in bytes. If you don’t want to add any payload, set data to NULL and len to 0. Returns 1 on success, 0 on error.

  • int RTNL_ADD_ATTR_STRING(struct tst_rtnl_context *ctx, unsigned short type, const char *data) – Adds new string attribute to the last message in ctx buffer. Parameters and return value are the same as for RTNL_ADD_ATTR(), except the payload length is calculated using strlen().

  • int RTNL_ADD_ATTR_LIST(struct tst_rtnl_context *ctx, const struct tst_rtnl_attr_list *list) – Adds a list of attributes to the last message in ctx buffer. See description of struct tst_rtnl_attr_list and RTNL_ADD_MESSAGE() above. Returns the number of added attributes on success (nested attributes are not counted), -1 on error.

Example Usage
#include <asm/types.h>
#include <linux/netlink.h>
#include <linux/rtnetlink.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>

#include "tst_test.h"
#include "tst_rtnetlink.h"
#include "tst_netdevice.h"


void setup(void)
	struct tst_rtnl_context *ctx;
	int index, ret;
	in_addr_t addr;

	struct nlmsghdr header = {
		.nlmsg_type = RTM_NEWADDR,
		.nlmsg_flags = NLM_F_REQUEST | NLM_F_ACK | NLM_F_CREATE |

	struct ifaddrmsg info = {
		.ifa_family = AF_INET,
		.ifa_prefixlen = 24

	index = NETDEV_INDEX_BY_NAME("ltp_veth1");
	info.ifa_index = index;

	RTNL_ADD_MESSAGE(ctx, &header, &info, sizeof(info));
	addr = inet_addr("");
	RTNL_ADD_ATTR(ctx, IFA_LOCAL, &addr, sizeof(addr));

	if (!ret) {
		tst_brk(TBROK, "Failed to set ltp_veth1 address");