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Bloc is a low-level UI infrastructure & framework for Pharo.

⚠️ This repository contains the code for Bloc that will included in the future in Pharo. It retrofits a part of the development made at This version will focus on core features and stability. We are currently identifying the core we want for Pharo.

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Use the following script to install stable Bloc in stable Pharo:

[ Metacello new
	baseline: 'Bloc';
	repository: 'github://pharo-graphics/Bloc:master/src';
	load ]
		on: MCMergeOrLoadWarning
		do: [ :warning | warning load ]

You can replace master by:

  • dev to work on the development branch
  • v2.0.0-alpha to load a released version

Getting Started

Open a new window (a Bloc space)

aSpace := BlSpace new.
aSpace show.

"Edit the space's properties, like title and size"
aSpace title: 'Bloc basics'.
aSpace extent: 800 @ 600.

Draw an element (a BlElement)

"Create a red rectangle"
rectangle := BlElement new 
	background: Color red; 
	size: 150 @ 150;
"Add it to the space"
aSpace root addChild: rectangle.

"Update its properties"
	background: Color lightBlue;
	position: 100 @ 100;
	border: (BlBorder paint: Color blue width: 10).

Nesting elements

"Create a circle using a geometry (a BlElementGeometry subclass)"
circle := BlElement new
	background: Color blue;
	geometry: BlCircleGeometry new;
	size: 80 @ 80;
rectangle addChild: circle.

"Use a transformation to resize and show child element's overflow"
circle transformDo: [ :builder | builder scaleBy: 1.2 ].
rectangle clipChildren: false


"Animate opacity"
rectangle addAnimation: (BlOpacityAnimation new opacity: 0.5).

"Animate transformations"
fallAnimation := (BlTransformAnimation translate: 0 @ 200) absolute.
rectangle addAnimation: fallAnimation.
climbAnimation := (BlTransformAnimation translate: 0 @ 0) absolute.
rectangle addAnimation: climbAnimation.

"Create sequence of animations"
animationSequence := (BlSequentialAnimation withAll: {fallAnimation . climbAnimation})
rectangle addAnimation: animationSequence

Handling Events

"Change color on click"
rectangle addEventHandlerOn: BlClickEvent do: [ :event | event target background: Color lightGray ].

"Animate on hover/blur"
	addEventHandlerOn: BlMouseEnterEvent
	do: [ :event | event target addAnimation: (BlOpacityAnimation new opacity: 0.2)];
	addEventHandlerOn: BlMouseLeaveEvent 
	do: [ :event | event target addAnimation: (BlOpacityAnimation new opacity: 0.8)] 

License and Contributing

This code is licensed under the MIT license.

If you want to contribute to the project, please read our contributing guide.