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Merge pull request #510 from pharo-graphics/493-Need-to-draw-a-border…
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Add border text attribute and fix #514
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tinchodias committed May 17, 2024
2 parents fdd167d + 722add8 commit 1c824d3
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Showing 14 changed files with 256 additions and 4 deletions.
11 changes: 7 additions & 4 deletions src/Bloc-Alexandrie-Tests/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -18,10 +18,13 @@ BATextMeasurerTest >> testIndexAtBetweenAllCharactersInRealPointWithDot [
aParagraph text: self pointWithDotText.
aParagraph measureOn: self realMeasurer.

theIndices := (0 to: aParagraph text size) collect: [ :anIndex |
| aPoint |
aPoint := aParagraph positionAt: anIndex.
aParagraph indexAtPosition: aPoint ].
theIndices :=
(0 to: aParagraph text size)
collect: [ :anIndex |
| aPoint |
aPoint := aParagraph positionAt: anIndex.
aParagraph indexAtPosition: aPoint ceiling ].

self assert: theIndices equals: (0 to: aParagraph text size) asArray

Expand Down
119 changes: 119 additions & 0 deletions src/Bloc-Alexandrie-Tests/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1354,6 +1354,125 @@ BlSpaceFixture >> buildTextTransformationsCustomizedWith: aBlock [
builder space root allChildrenDepthFirstDo: aBlock

{ #category : #fixtures }
BlSpaceFixture >> buildTextWithBorder [
"Each character has different border attribute."

| aText |
builder spaceExtent: 90 @ 40.

aText := 'BLOC' asRopedText.

1 to: aText size do: [ :index |
(aText from: index to: index)
fontSize: 40 - (index * 3);
foreground: builder nextColor muchLighter;
background: builder nextColor;
border: (BlBorder
paint: builder nextColor muchDarker
width: index * 1.5) ].

(builder addTextToRoot: aText)
padding: (BlInsets all: 5)


{ #category : #fixtures }
BlSpaceFixture >> buildTextWithBorderAbove [
"Text border can be drawn above or below the text."

| aText |
builder spaceExtent: 60 @ 100.

aText :=
'll' asRopedText
fontSize: 110;
foreground: (Color blue alpha: 0.5);

(aText from: 1 to: 1)
border: (BlBorder paint: Color red width: 8)
above: false.

(aText from: 2 to: 2)
border: (BlBorder paint: Color red width: 8)
above: true.

(builder addTextToRoot: aText) padding: (BlInsets all: 10)

{ #category : #fixtures }
BlSpaceFixture >> buildTextWithDashedBorder [
"Each character has a different dashes on its attribute."

| aText |
builder spaceExtent: 90 @ 100.

aText := 'iii' asRopedText
fontSize: 110;
foreground: (Color yellow alpha: 0.5);

(aText from: 1 to: 1)
border: (BlBorder builder
paint: Color blue;
width: 6;
dashArray: #(0 7);
dashOffset: 1;

(aText from: 2 to: 2)
border: (BlBorder builder
paint: Color blue;
width: 6;
dashArray: #(1 1);
dashOffset: 1;
miterLimit: 1.5;

(aText from: 3 to: 3)
border: (BlBorder builder
paint: Color blue;
width: 6;
dashArray: #(0 7);
dashOffset: 1;

(builder addTextToRoot: aText)
padding: (BlInsets all: 10)


{ #category : #fixtures }
BlSpaceFixture >> buildTextWithOverlappingBorder [
"First subrope 'Bloc' is rendered behind the border of the second subrope."

| aText |
builder spaceExtent: 80 @ 25.

aText := 'BlocBloc' asRopedText.
aText fontSize: 15.
aText foreground: Color blue.

(aText from: 1 to: 4)
border: (BlBorder
paint: Color red
width: 10).
(aText from: 5 to: 8)
border: (BlBorder
paint: Color green
width: 10).

(builder addTextToRoot: aText)
padding: (BlInsets all: 5)

{ #category : #fixtures }
BlSpaceFixture >> buildTransformRotate [

Expand Down
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions src/Bloc-Alexandrie/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -27,6 +27,12 @@ BATextParagraphSpan >> aeDrawOn: aeCanvas [
anAttribute aeDrawAboveOn: aeCanvas span: self ] ]

{ #category : #drawing }
BATextParagraphSpan >> appendPathOn: aeCanvas [

aeCanvas appendGlyphsPath: cairoGlyphsArray font: cairoScaledFont

{ #category : #building }
BATextParagraphSpan >> measure [

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45 changes: 45 additions & 0 deletions src/Bloc-Alexandrie/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
Extension { #name : #BlTextBorderAttribute }

{ #category : #'*Bloc-Alexandrie' }
BlTextBorderAttribute >> aeDrawAboveOn: aeCanvas span: aBASpan [

isAbove ifFalse: [ ^ self ].
self aeDrawOn: aeCanvas span: aBASpan

{ #category : #'*Bloc-Alexandrie' }
BlTextBorderAttribute >> aeDrawBelowOn: aeCanvas span: aBASpan [

isAbove ifTrue: [ ^ self ].
self aeDrawOn: aeCanvas span: aBASpan

{ #category : #'*Bloc-Alexandrie' }
BlTextBorderAttribute >> aeDrawOn: aeCanvas span: aBASpan [

restoreContextAfterPaintAlpha: border opacity
with: [
aeCanvas pathFactory: [ :cairoContext |
aBASpan appendPathOn: aeCanvas ].

aeCanvas setBackgroundOff.
aeCanvas setOutskirtsCentered.
aeCanvas setBorderBlock: [
border paint aeApplyTo: aeCanvas.

border style dashArray ifNotEmpty: [ :da |
setDashes: da
offset: border style dashOffset ].

border style lineJoin
aeApplyTo: aeCanvas
style: border style.

border style lineCap aeApplyTo: aeCanvas.

aeCanvas setBorderWidth: border width ].

aeCanvas drawFigure ]
66 changes: 66 additions & 0 deletions src/Bloc-Text/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
Class {
#name : #BlTextBorderAttribute,
#superclass : #BlTextAttribute,
#instVars : [
#category : #'Bloc-Text-Text-Attributes'

{ #category : #'instance creation' }
BlTextBorderAttribute class >> border: aBlBorder above: aBoolean [

^ self new
border: aBlBorder;
above: aBoolean;

{ #category : #testing }
BlTextBorderAttribute >> above: aBoolean [

isAbove := aBoolean

{ #category : #accessing }
BlTextBorderAttribute >> border [

^ border

{ #category : #accessing }
BlTextBorderAttribute >> border: aBlBorder [

border := aBlBorder

{ #category : #comparing }
BlTextBorderAttribute >> equals: anotherAttribute [

^ border = anotherAttribute border and: [ isAbove = anotherAttribute isAbove ]

{ #category : #initialization }
BlTextBorderAttribute >> initialize [

super initialize.

isAbove := false

{ #category : #testing }
BlTextBorderAttribute >> isAbove [

^ isAbove

{ #category : #printing }
BlTextBorderAttribute >> printOn: aStream [

aStream nextPutAll: (isAbove
ifTrue: [ 'border-above: ' ]
ifFalse: [ 'border-below: ' ]).

aStream print: border
13 changes: 13 additions & 0 deletions src/Bloc-Text/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -30,6 +30,19 @@ TBlTextStyleable >> bold [
self attributesBuilder attribute: BlFontWeightAttribute bold

{ #category : #'api - text style' }
TBlTextStyleable >> border: aBlBorder [

self border: aBlBorder above: false

{ #category : #'api - text style' }
TBlTextStyleable >> border: aBlBorder above: aBoolean [

self attributesBuilder attribute:
(BlTextBorderAttribute border: aBlBorder above: aBoolean)

{ #category : #'api - text decoration' }
TBlTextStyleable >> decorationDo: aBlock [
| anAttribute |
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Binary file added tests/hit/buildTextWithBorder.png
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Binary file added tests/hit/buildTextWithBorderAbove.png
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Binary file added tests/hit/buildTextWithDashedBorder.png
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Binary file added tests/hit/buildTextWithOverlappingBorder.png
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Binary file added tests/render/buildTextWithBorder.png
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Binary file added tests/render/buildTextWithBorderAbove.png
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Binary file added tests/render/buildTextWithDashedBorder.png
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Binary file added tests/render/buildTextWithOverlappingBorder.png
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Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.

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