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Closure support
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guillep committed Dec 1, 2023
1 parent e6dbbf5 commit ed8dd56
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Showing 7 changed files with 148 additions and 117 deletions.
6 changes: 0 additions & 6 deletions smalltalksrc/VMMaker/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -119,12 +119,6 @@ CogBytecodeDescriptor >> isBranchTrue: anObject [
^isBranchTrue := anObject
{ #category : #accessing }
CogBytecodeDescriptor >> isCallPrimitive [
^generator == #genCallPrimitiveBytecode
{ #category : #accessing }
CogBytecodeDescriptor >> isConditionalBranch [
<inline: true>
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion smalltalksrc/VMMaker/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ CogObjectRepresentation >> genCreateClosureAt: bcpc numArgs: numArgs numCopied:

{ #category : #'bytecode generator support' }
CogObjectRepresentation >> genCreateFullClosure: compiledBlock numArgs: numArgs numCopied: numCopied ignoreContext: ignoreContext contextNumArgs: contextNumArgs large: contextIsLarge inBlock: contextIsBlock [
CogObjectRepresentation >> genCreateFullClosureInLiteral: index numCopied: numCopied ignoreContext: ignoreContext contextNumArgs: contextNumArgs large: contextIsLarge inBlock: contextIsBlock intoRegister: anObject [
"Create a full closure"
self subclassResponsibility
Expand Down
52 changes: 35 additions & 17 deletions smalltalksrc/VMMaker/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -474,42 +474,60 @@ CogObjectRepresentationForSpur >> genConvertSmallIntegerToCharacterInReg: reg [

{ #category : #'bytecode generator support' }
CogObjectRepresentationForSpur >> genCreateFullClosure: compiledBlock numArgs: numArgs numCopied: numCopied ignoreContext: ignoreContext contextNumArgs: contextNumArgs large: contextIsLarge inBlock: contextIsBlock [
CogObjectRepresentationForSpur >> genCreateFullClosureInIndex: anIndex numCopied: numCopied ignoreContext: ignoreContext contextNumArgs: contextNumArgs large: contextIsLarge inBlock: contextIsBlock intoRegister: destinationRegister [
"Create a full closure with the given values."
| numSlots byteSize header skip |

<var: #skip type: #'AbstractInstruction *'>
| numSlots byteSize header skip numArgs compiledBlock |
compiledBlock := cogit getLiteral: anIndex.
numArgs := coInterpreter argumentCountOf: compiledBlock.

"First get thisContext into ReceiverResultReg and thence in ClassReg."
"First get thisContext into destinationRegister and thence in ClassReg."
ifTrue: [ cogit genMoveNilR: ClassReg ]
[self genGetActiveContextNumArgs: contextNumArgs large: contextIsLarge inBlock: contextIsBlock.
cogit MoveR: ReceiverResultReg R: ClassReg ].

ifFalse: [
genGetActiveContextNumArgs: contextNumArgs
large: contextIsLarge
inBlock: contextIsBlock.
cogit MoveR: destinationRegister R: ClassReg ].

numSlots := FullClosureFirstCopiedValueIndex + numCopied.
byteSize := objectMemory smallObjectBytesForSlots: numSlots.
self assert: ClassFullBlockClosureCompactIndex ~= 0.
header := objectMemory
headerForSlots: numSlots
format: objectMemory indexablePointersFormat
classIndex: ClassFullBlockClosureCompactIndex.
cogit MoveAw: objectMemory freeStartAddress R: ReceiverResultReg.
self genStoreHeader: header intoNewInstance: ReceiverResultReg using: TempReg.
headerForSlots: numSlots
format: objectMemory indexablePointersFormat
classIndex: ClassFullBlockClosureCompactIndex.
cogit MoveAw: objectMemory freeStartAddress R: destinationRegister.
genStoreHeader: header
intoNewInstance: destinationRegister
using: TempReg.
LoadEffectiveAddressMw: byteSize r: ReceiverResultReg R: TempReg;
LoadEffectiveAddressMw: byteSize r: destinationRegister R: TempReg;
MoveR: TempReg Aw: objectMemory freeStartAddress;
CmpCq: objectMemory getScavengeThreshold R: TempReg.
skip := cogit JumpBelow: 0.
cogit CallRT: ceScheduleScavengeTrampoline.
skip jmpTarget: cogit Label.

MoveR: ClassReg Mw: FullClosureOuterContextIndex * objectMemory bytesPerOop + objectMemory baseHeaderSize r: ReceiverResultReg;
MoveR: ClassReg
Mw: FullClosureOuterContextIndex * objectMemory bytesPerOop
+ objectMemory baseHeaderSize
r: destinationRegister;
genMoveConstant: compiledBlock R: TempReg;
MoveR: TempReg Mw: FullClosureCompiledBlockIndex * objectMemory bytesPerOop + objectMemory baseHeaderSize r: ReceiverResultReg;
MoveR: TempReg
Mw: FullClosureCompiledBlockIndex * objectMemory bytesPerOop
+ objectMemory baseHeaderSize
r: destinationRegister;
MoveCq: (objectMemory integerObjectOf: numArgs) R: TempReg;
MoveR: TempReg Mw: FullClosureNumArgsIndex * objectMemory bytesPerOop + objectMemory baseHeaderSize r: ReceiverResultReg.
MoveR: TempReg
Mw: FullClosureNumArgsIndex * objectMemory bytesPerOop
+ objectMemory baseHeaderSize
r: destinationRegister.
^ 0

{ #category : #'compile abstract instructions' }
Expand Down
52 changes: 35 additions & 17 deletions smalltalksrc/VMMaker/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -690,42 +690,60 @@ DruidJIT >> genConvertIntegerToSmallIntegerInReg: reg [

{ #category : #'trait candidates' }
DruidJIT >> genCreateFullClosure: compiledBlock numArgs: numArgs numCopied: numCopied ignoreContext: ignoreContext contextNumArgs: contextNumArgs large: contextIsLarge inBlock: contextIsBlock [
DruidJIT >> genCreateFullClosureInIndex: anIndex numCopied: numCopied ignoreContext: ignoreContext contextNumArgs: contextNumArgs large: contextIsLarge inBlock: contextIsBlock intoRegister: destinationRegister [
"Create a full closure with the given values."
| numSlots byteSize header skip |

<var: #skip type: #'AbstractInstruction *'>
| numSlots byteSize header skip numArgs compiledBlock |
compiledBlock := self getLiteral: anIndex.
numArgs := coInterpreter argumentCountOf: compiledBlock.

"First get thisContext into ReceiverResultReg and thence in ClassReg."
"First get thisContext into destinationRegister and thence in ClassReg."
ifTrue: [ self genMoveNilR: ClassReg ]
[self genGetActiveContextNumArgs: contextNumArgs large: contextIsLarge inBlock: contextIsBlock.
self MoveR: ReceiverResultReg R: ClassReg ].

ifFalse: [
genGetActiveContextNumArgs: contextNumArgs
large: contextIsLarge
inBlock: contextIsBlock.
self MoveR: destinationRegister R: ClassReg ].

numSlots := FullClosureFirstCopiedValueIndex + numCopied.
byteSize := objectMemory smallObjectBytesForSlots: numSlots.
self assert: ClassFullBlockClosureCompactIndex ~= 0.
header := objectMemory
headerForSlots: numSlots
format: objectMemory indexablePointersFormat
classIndex: ClassFullBlockClosureCompactIndex.
self MoveAw: objectMemory freeStartAddress R: ReceiverResultReg.
self genStoreHeader: header intoNewInstance: ReceiverResultReg using: TempReg.
headerForSlots: numSlots
format: objectMemory indexablePointersFormat
classIndex: ClassFullBlockClosureCompactIndex.
self MoveAw: objectMemory freeStartAddress R: destinationRegister.
genStoreHeader: header
intoNewInstance: destinationRegister
using: TempReg.
LoadEffectiveAddressMw: byteSize r: ReceiverResultReg R: TempReg;
LoadEffectiveAddressMw: byteSize r: destinationRegister R: TempReg;
MoveR: TempReg Aw: objectMemory freeStartAddress;
CmpCq: objectMemory getScavengeThreshold R: TempReg.
skip := self JumpBelow: 0.
self CallRT: ceScheduleScavengeTrampoline.
skip jmpTarget: self Label.

MoveR: ClassReg Mw: FullClosureOuterContextIndex * objectMemory bytesPerOop + objectMemory baseHeaderSize r: ReceiverResultReg;
MoveR: ClassReg
Mw: FullClosureOuterContextIndex * objectMemory bytesPerOop
+ objectMemory baseHeaderSize
r: destinationRegister;
genMoveConstant: compiledBlock R: TempReg;
MoveR: TempReg Mw: FullClosureCompiledBlockIndex * objectMemory bytesPerOop + objectMemory baseHeaderSize r: ReceiverResultReg;
MoveR: TempReg
Mw: FullClosureCompiledBlockIndex * objectMemory bytesPerOop
+ objectMemory baseHeaderSize
r: destinationRegister;
MoveCq: (objectMemory integerObjectOf: numArgs) R: TempReg;
MoveR: TempReg Mw: FullClosureNumArgsIndex * objectMemory bytesPerOop + objectMemory baseHeaderSize r: ReceiverResultReg.
MoveR: TempReg
Mw: FullClosureNumArgsIndex * objectMemory bytesPerOop
+ objectMemory baseHeaderSize
r: destinationRegister.
^ 0

{ #category : #'trait candidates' }
Expand Down
112 changes: 59 additions & 53 deletions smalltalksrc/VMMaker/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4599,6 +4599,36 @@ StackInterpreter >> createActualMessageTo: lookupClass [
argumentCount := 1

{ #category : #'stack bytecodes' }
StackInterpreter >> createFullClosureInIndex: compiledBlockLiteralIndex numCopied: numCopied ignoreContext: ignoreContext receiverIsOnStack: receiverIsOnStack [
"The compiler has pushed the values to be copied, if any. The receiver has been pushed on stack before if specified.
Create a Closure with space for the copiedValues and pop numCopied values off the stack into the closure.
Sets outerContext, compiledBlock, numArgs and receiver as specified.."

<inline: true>
| newClosure context numArgs compiledBlock |
compiledBlock := self literalMaybeForwarder:
self assert: (objectMemory isOopCompiledMethod: compiledBlock).

"No need to record the pushed copied values in the outerContext."
numArgs := self argumentCountOf: compiledBlock.

context := ignoreContext
ifTrue: [ objectMemory nilObject ]
ifFalse: [
ensureFrameIsMarried: framePointer
stackPointer + (numCopied * objectMemory bytesPerOop) ].
newClosure := self
fullClosureIn: context
numArgs: numArgs
numCopiedValues: numCopied
compiledBlock: compiledBlock.
^ newClosure

{ #category : #accessing }
StackInterpreter >> currentBytecode [

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -5288,18 +5318,40 @@ StackInterpreter >> extPushFullClosureBytecode [
ignoreOuterContext: i = 1
The compiler has pushed the values to be copied, if any. The receiver has been pushed on stack before if specified.
Create a Closure with space for the copiedValues and pop numCopied values off the stack into the closure.
Sets outerContext, compiledBlock, numArgs and receiver as specified.."
| compiledBlockLiteralIndex compiledBlock byte numArgs numCopied receiverIsOnStack ignoreContext |
Sets outerContext, numArgs and receiver as specified.."

| compiledBlockLiteralIndex byte numCopied receiverIsOnStack ignoreContext newClosure closureReceiver |
compiledBlockLiteralIndex := self fetchByte + (extA << 8).
extA := 0.
compiledBlock := self literalMaybeForwarder: compiledBlockLiteralIndex.
self assert: (objectMemory isOopCompiledMethod: compiledBlock).
numArgs := self argumentCountOf: compiledBlock.
byte := self fetchByte.
numCopied := byte bitAnd: 1<< 6 - 1.
numCopied := byte bitAnd: 1 << 6 - 1.
receiverIsOnStack := byte anyMask: 1 << 7.
ignoreContext := byte anyMask: 1 << 6.
self pushFullClosureNumArgs: numArgs copiedValues: numCopied compiledBlock: compiledBlock receiverIsOnStack: receiverIsOnStack ignoreContext: ignoreContext
newClosure := self
createFullClosureInIndex: compiledBlockLiteralIndex
numCopied: numCopied
ignoreContext: ignoreContext
receiverIsOnStack: receiverIsOnStack.

self druidIgnore: [ self maybeTraceBlockCreation: newClosure ].

1 to: numCopied do: [ :i |
| value |
value := self popStack.
FullClosureFirstCopiedValueIndex + numCopied - i
ofObject: newClosure
withValue: value ].
closureReceiver := receiverIsOnStack
ifTrue: [ self popStack ]
ifFalse: [ self receiver ].
storePointerUnchecked: FullClosureReceiverIndex
ofObject: newClosure
withValue: closureReceiver.
self fetchNextBytecode.
self push: newClosure

{ #category : #'stack bytecodes' }
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -12417,52 +12469,6 @@ StackInterpreter >> pushFloat: f [
self push: (objectMemory floatObjectOf: f).

{ #category : #'stack bytecodes' }
StackInterpreter >> pushFullClosureNumArgs: numArgs copiedValues: numCopiedArg compiledBlock: compiledBlock receiverIsOnStack: receiverIsOnStack ignoreContext: ignoreContext [
"The compiler has pushed the values to be copied, if any. The receiver has been pushed on stack before if specified.
Create a Closure with space for the copiedValues and pop numCopied values off the stack into the closure.
Sets outerContext, compiledBlock, numArgs and receiver as specified.."

<inline: true>
| numCopied newClosure context startIndex |
"No need to record the pushed copied values in the outerContext."
context := ignoreContext
ifTrue: [ objectMemory nilObject ]
ifFalse: [
ensureFrameIsMarried: framePointer
+ (numCopiedArg * objectMemory bytesPerOop) ].
newClosure := self
fullClosureIn: context
numArgs: numArgs
numCopiedValues: numCopiedArg
compiledBlock: compiledBlock.
self maybeTraceBlockCreation: newClosure.
ifFalse: [
startIndex := FullClosureFirstCopiedValueIndex.
storePointerUnchecked: FullClosureReceiverIndex
ofObject: newClosure
withValue: self receiver.
numCopied := numCopiedArg ]
ifTrue: [
startIndex := FullClosureReceiverIndex.
numCopied := numCopiedArg + 1 ].
numCopied > 0 ifTrue: [
0 to: numCopied - 1 do: [ :i | "Assume: have just allocated a new BlockClosure; it must be young.
Thus, can use unchecked stores."
storePointerUnchecked: i + startIndex
ofObject: newClosure
withValue: (self stackValue: numCopied - i - 1) ].
self pop: numCopied ].
self fetchNextBytecode.
self push: newClosure

{ #category : #'internal interpreter access' }
StackInterpreter >> pushInteger: integerValue [
self push: (objectMemory integerObjectOf: integerValue).
Expand Down
6 changes: 0 additions & 6 deletions smalltalksrc/VMMaker/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1380,12 +1380,6 @@ StackInterpreterSimulator >> profileSends: nBytecodes [
self close

{ #category : #'debugging traps' }
StackInterpreterSimulator >> pushMaybeContextReceiverVariable: index [
"(index = SenderIndex or: [index = ClosureIndex]) ifTrue: [self halt]."
^super pushMaybeContextReceiverVariable: index

{ #category : #'I/O primitives support' }
StackInterpreterSimulator >> queueForwardedEvent: event [
eventQueue ifNil:
Expand Down
35 changes: 18 additions & 17 deletions smalltalksrc/VMMaker/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1548,43 +1548,44 @@ StackToRegisterMappingCogit >> genCmpArgIsConstant: argIsConstant rcvrIsConstant
{ #category : #'bytecode generators' }
StackToRegisterMappingCogit >> genExtPushFullClosureBytecode [
"Full Block creation compilation. The block's actual code will be compiled separatedly."

"* 255 11111111 xxxxxxxx siyyyyyy push Closure Compiled block literal index xxxxxxxx (+ Extend A * 256) numCopied yyyyyy receiverOnStack: s = 1 ignoreOuterContext: i = 1"
| numCopied ignoreContext receiverIsOnStack compiledBlock reg |

| numCopied ignoreContext receiverIsOnStack reg |
self assert: needsFrame.
compiledBlock := self getLiteral: byte1 + (extA << 8).
extA := 0.
numCopied := byte2 bitAnd: 1<< 6 - 1.
numCopied := byte2 bitAnd: 1 << 6 - 1.
receiverIsOnStack := byte2 anyMask: 1 << 7.
ignoreContext := byte2 anyMask: 1 << 6.
self voidReceiverResultRegContainsSelf.
self ssAllocateCallReg: ReceiverResultReg
ssAllocateCallReg: ReceiverResultReg
and: SendNumArgsReg
and: ClassReg.
genCreateFullClosure: compiledBlock
numArgs: (coInterpreter argumentCountOf: compiledBlock)
genCreateFullClosureInIndex: byte1 + (extA << 8)
numCopied: numCopied
ignoreContext: ignoreContext
contextNumArgs: methodOrBlockNumArgs
large: (coInterpreter methodNeedsLargeContext: methodObj)
inBlock: inBlock.
inBlock: inBlock
intoRegister: ReceiverResultReg.
"Closure in ReceiverResultReg"
1 to: numCopied do:
1 to: numCopied do: [ :i |
reg := self ssStorePop: true toPreferredReg: TempReg.
genStoreSourceReg: reg
slotIndex: FullClosureFirstCopiedValueIndex + numCopied - i
intoNewObjectInDestReg: ReceiverResultReg].
intoNewObjectInDestReg: ReceiverResultReg ].
ifTrue: [reg := self ssStorePop: true toPreferredReg: TempReg]
ifFalse: [self simSelf copyToReg: (reg := TempReg)].
ifTrue: [ reg := self ssStorePop: true toPreferredReg: TempReg ]
ifFalse: [ self simSelf copyToReg: (reg := TempReg) ].
genStoreSourceReg: reg
slotIndex: FullClosureReceiverIndex
intoNewObjectInDestReg: ReceiverResultReg.
genStoreSourceReg: reg
slotIndex: FullClosureReceiverIndex
intoNewObjectInDestReg: ReceiverResultReg.
self ssPushRegister: ReceiverResultReg.
^ 0

{ #category : #'bytecode generators' }
Expand Down

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