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Migrated RBRenameMethodRefactoring into Refactoring2
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miguelcamp committed Oct 13, 2021
1 parent 2a561c5 commit 0035e33
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Showing 2 changed files with 98 additions and 0 deletions.
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Expand Up @@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ Class {
RBRenameMethodParametrizedTest class >> testParameters [
^ ParametrizedTestMatrix new
addCase: { #rbClass -> RBRenameMethodRefactoring };
addCase: { #rbClass -> RBRenameMethodTransformation };

Expand Down
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@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
Class {
#name : #RBRenameMethodTransformation,
#superclass : #RBChangeMethodNameTransformation,
#instVars : [
#category : #'Refactoring2-Transformations-Model'

{ #category : #'instance creation' }
RBRenameMethodTransformation class >> model: aRBSmalltalk renameMethod: aSelector in: aClass to: newSelector permutation: aMap [
^ self new
model: aRBSmalltalk;
renameMethod: aSelector
in: aClass
to: newSelector
permutation: aMap;

{ #category : #'instance creation' }
RBRenameMethodTransformation class >> renameMethod: aSelector in: aClass to: newSelector permutation: aMap [
^ self new
renameMethod: aSelector
in: aClass
to: newSelector
permutation: aMap

{ #category : #accessing }
RBRenameMethodTransformation >> hasPermutedArguments [

^ hasPermutedArguments
ifNil: [ hasPermutedArguments := super hasPermutedArguments ]
ifNotNil: [ hasPermutedArguments ]

{ #category : #accessing }
RBRenameMethodTransformation >> implementorsCanBePrimitives [
^self hasPermutedArguments not

{ #category : #accessing }
RBRenameMethodTransformation >> modifyImplementorParseTree: parseTree in: aClass [
super modifyImplementorParseTree: parseTree in: aClass.
self renameArgumentsIn: parseTree.

{ #category : #accessing }
RBRenameMethodTransformation >> myConditions [
^RBCondition withBlock: [oldSelector numArgs = newSelector numArgs]
errorString: newSelector printString
, ' doesn''t have the correct number of arguments.'

{ #category : #accessing }
RBRenameMethodTransformation >> parseTreeRewriter [
| rewriteRule oldString newString |
oldString := self buildSelectorString: oldSelector.
newString := self buildSelectorString: newSelector
withPermuteMap: permutation.
rewriteRule := self hasPermutedArguments
ifTrue: [self parseTreeRewriterClass new]
ifFalse: [self parseTreeRewriterClass replaceLiteral: oldSelector with: newSelector].
rewriteRule replace: '``@object ' , oldString
with: '``@object ' , newString.

{ #category : #accessing }
RBRenameMethodTransformation >> preconditions [
| newCondition |
newCondition := (RBCondition
withBlock: [ newSelector = oldSelector ]
errorString: 'The selector name has <1?not:> changed <1?:to #', newSelector, '>')
& (RBCondition
withBlock: [permutation asArray ~= (1 to: oldSelector numArgs) asArray]
errorString: 'The arguments are <1?:not >permuted').
^newCondition | super preconditions

{ #category : #accessing }
RBRenameMethodTransformation >> storeOn: aStream [
aStream nextPut: $(.
self class storeOn: aStream.
nextPutAll: ' renameMethod: #';
nextPutAll: oldSelector;
nextPutAll: ' in: '.
class storeOn: aStream.
nextPutAll: ' to: #';
nextPutAll: newSelector;
nextPutAll: ' permutation: '.
permutation storeOn: aStream.
aStream nextPut: $)

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