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Including the comments inside bestNodeFor: without affecting previous…
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lesueur-philippe committed Aug 16, 2020
1 parent e7710aa commit 53f4b1f
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Showing 5 changed files with 180 additions and 26 deletions.
149 changes: 149 additions & 0 deletions src/AST-Core-Tests/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -15,6 +15,37 @@ RBProgramNodeTest class >> packageNamesUnderTest [
^ #('AST-Core')

{ #category : #accessing }
RBProgramNodeTest >> getAllNodesFromAST [
| methodText |
methodText :=
"First comment"
| temp varaibles |
"Second comment"
assignement := " Third comment " #node.
"Fourth comment"
message "Fifth comment", ''node''.
"Sixth comment" cascade node; nodeux "Seventh comment"; notrois.
^ "return" nil
^ RBParser parseMethod: methodText.

{ #category : #accessing }
RBProgramNodeTest >> getMethodString [
"First comment"
| temp varaibles |
"Second comment"
assignement := " Third comment " #node.
"Fourth comment"
message "Fifth comment", ''node''.
"Sixth comment" cascade node; nodeux "Seventh comment"; notrois.
^ "return" nil

{ #category : #accessing }
RBProgramNodeTest >> node [
^ node ifNil: [ node := RBProgramNode new ]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -292,6 +323,124 @@ RBProgramNodeTest >> testAllStatementsTwoMessages [
self assert: stats size equals: 1.

{ #category : #'tests-bestNodeFor' }
RBProgramNodeTest >> testBestNodeFirstTempsAndFirstCommentGivesVariableNode [
| ast string start |
string := '"First comment"'.
start := self getMethodString findString: string.
ast := (RBParser parseMethod: self getMethodString) bestNodeFor: (start to: start + string size + 6).
self assert: ast isVariable.

{ #category : #'tests-bestNodeFor' }
RBProgramNodeTest >> testBestNodeForCommentInbetweenStatements [
| ast string start |
string := '"Fourth comment"'.
start := self getMethodString findString: string.
ast := (RBParser parseMethod: self getMethodString) bestNodeFor: (start to: start + string size - 1).
self assert: ast isCommentNode.
self assert: ast contents equals: 'Fourth comment'.

{ #category : #'tests-bestNodeFor' }
RBProgramNodeTest >> testBestNodeForCommentInsideACascadeNodeOnMessageNode [
| ast string start |
string := '"Seventh comment"'.
start := self getMethodString findString: string.
ast := (RBParser parseMethod: self getMethodString) bestNodeFor: (start to: start + string size - 1).
self assert: ast isCommentNode.
self assert: ast contents equals: 'Seventh comment'.

{ #category : #'tests-bestNodeFor' }
RBProgramNodeTest >> testBestNodeForCommentInsideACascadeNodeOnReceiver [
| ast string start |
string := '"Sixth comment"'.
start := self getMethodString findString: string.
ast := (RBParser parseMethod: self getMethodString) bestNodeFor: (start to: start + string size - 1).
self assert: ast isCommentNode.
self assert: ast contents equals: 'Sixth comment'.

{ #category : #'tests-bestNodeFor' }
RBProgramNodeTest >> testBestNodeForCommentInsideAssignementNode [
| ast string start |
string := '" Third comment "'.
start := self getMethodString findString: string.
ast := (RBParser parseMethod: self getMethodString) bestNodeFor: (start to: start + string size - 1).
self assert: ast isCommentNode.
self assert: ast contents equals: ' Third comment '.

{ #category : #'tests-bestNodeFor' }
RBProgramNodeTest >> testBestNodeForCommentInsideMessageNode [
| ast string start |
string := '"Fifth comment"'.
start := self getMethodString findString: string.
ast := (RBParser parseMethod: self getMethodString) bestNodeFor: (start to: start + string size - 1).
self assert: ast isCommentNode.
self assert: ast contents equals: 'Fifth comment'.

{ #category : #'tests-bestNodeFor' }
RBProgramNodeTest >> testBestNodeForCommentInsideMethodNode [
| ast string start |
string := '"First comment"'.
start := self getMethodString findString: string.
ast := (RBParser parseMethod: self getMethodString) bestNodeFor: (start to: start + string size - 1).
self assert: ast isCommentNode.
self assert: ast contents equals: 'First comment'.

{ #category : #'tests-bestNodeFor' }
RBProgramNodeTest >> testBestNodeForCommentInsideReturnNode [
| ast string start |
string := '"return"'.
start := self getMethodString findString: string.
ast := (RBParser parseMethod: self getMethodString) bestNodeFor: (start to: start + string size - 1).
self assert: ast isCommentNode.
self assert: ast contents equals: 'return'.

{ #category : #'tests-bestNodeFor' }
RBProgramNodeTest >> testBestNodeForCommentInsideSequenceNode [
| ast string start |
string := '"Second comment"'.
start := self getMethodString findString: string.
ast := (RBParser parseMethod: self getMethodString) bestNodeFor: (start to: start + string size - 1).
self assert: ast isCommentNode.
self assert: ast contents equals: 'Second comment'.

{ #category : #'tests-bestNodeFor' }
RBProgramNodeTest >> testBestNodeInsideAssignementGivesSelectedValue [
| ast string start |
string := '#node'.
start := self getMethodString findString: string.
ast := (RBParser parseMethod: self getMethodString) bestNodeFor: (start to: start + string size - 1).
self assert: ast isLiteralNode.
self assert: ast value equals: #node.

{ #category : #'tests-bestNodeFor' }
RBProgramNodeTest >> testBestNodeInsideAssignementGivesSelectedVariable [
| ast string start |
string := 'assignement'.
start := self getMethodString findString: string.
ast := (RBParser parseMethod: self getMethodString) bestNodeFor: (start to: start + string size - 1).
self assert: ast isVariable.
self assert: ast name equals: 'assignement'.

{ #category : #'tests-bestNodeFor' }
RBProgramNodeTest >> testBestNodeWithMethodSelectorGivesCommentNode [
| ast string start |
string := '"First comment"'.
start := self getMethodString findString: string.
ast := (RBParser parseMethod: self getMethodString) bestNodeFor: (1 to: start + string size - 1).
self assert: ast isCommentNode.

{ #category : #'testing-properties' }
RBProgramNodeTest >> testHasProperty [
self deny: (self node hasProperty: #foo).
Expand Down
15 changes: 0 additions & 15 deletions src/AST-Core/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -73,21 +73,6 @@ RBAssignmentNode >> assigns: aVariableName [
^variable name = aVariableName or: [value assigns: aVariableName]

{ #category : #querying }
RBAssignmentNode >> bestNodeFor: anInterval [
(self intersectsInterval: anInterval) ifFalse: [^nil].
(self containedBy: anInterval) ifTrue: [^self].
assignment ifNil: [^super bestNodeFor: anInterval].
((anInterval first between: assignment and: assignment + 1)
or: [assignment between: anInterval first and: anInterval last])
ifTrue: [^self].
self children do:
[:each |
| node |
node := each bestNodeFor: anInterval.
node notNil ifTrue: [^node]]

{ #category : #accessing }
RBAssignmentNode >> children [
^Array with: value with: variable
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/AST-Core/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ RBCascadeNode >> acceptVisitor: aProgramNodeVisitor [
{ #category : #querying }
RBCascadeNode >> bestNodeFor: anInterval [
| selectedChildren |
(self intersectsInterval: anInterval) ifFalse: [^nil].
anInterval ifNil: [ ^nil ].
(self containedBy: anInterval) ifTrue: [^self].
reverseDo: [:each | (each containedBy: anInterval) ifTrue: [^each]].
Expand Down
9 changes: 6 additions & 3 deletions src/AST-Core/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -85,7 +85,8 @@ RBMessageNode >> arguments: argCollection [

{ #category : #querying }
RBMessageNode >> bestNodeFor: anInterval [
(self intersectsInterval: anInterval) ifFalse: [^nil].
| comments |
anInterval ifNil: [ ^nil ].
(self containedBy: anInterval) ifTrue: [^self].
self keywordsIntervals do:
[:each |
Expand All @@ -95,8 +96,10 @@ RBMessageNode >> bestNodeFor: anInterval [
self children do:
[:each |
| node |
node := each bestNodeFor: anInterval.
node notNil ifTrue: [^node]]
(each intersectsInterval: anInterval) ifTrue: [node := each bestNodeFor: anInterval.
node notNil ifTrue: [^node]]].
comments := self methodNode getCommentsFor: anInterval.
^comments size ~= 1 ifTrue: [ self ] ifFalse: [ comments first ]

{ #category : #accessing }
Expand Down
31 changes: 24 additions & 7 deletions src/AST-Core/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -177,12 +177,10 @@ RBProgramNode >> assigns: aVariableName [

{ #category : #querying }
RBProgramNode >> bestNodeFor: anInterval [

| selectedChildren |

anInterval ifNil: [ ^ nil ].

(self intersectsInterval: anInterval) ifFalse: [^nil].
| selectedChildren selectedComments |
anInterval ifNil: [^nil ].
selectedComments := self getCommentsFor: anInterval.
(self intersectsInterval: anInterval) ifFalse: [^selectedComments ifNil: [ nil ] ifNotNil: [ selectedComments size = 1 ifTrue: [ selectedComments first ] ifFalse: [ self ] ] ].
(self containedBy: anInterval) ifTrue: [^self].

selectedChildren := self children select: [:each |
Expand All @@ -191,7 +189,9 @@ RBProgramNode >> bestNodeFor: anInterval [

^ selectedChildren size = 1
ifTrue: [ selectedChildren first bestNodeFor: anInterval ]
ifFalse: [ self ]
ifFalse: [ (selectedChildren isEmpty and: [ selectedComments size = 1 ])
ifTrue: [ selectedComments first ]
ifFalse: [ self ] ]

{ #category : #querying }
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -372,6 +372,23 @@ RBProgramNode >> formatterClass [
^ self class formatterClass

{ #category : #querying }
RBProgramNode >> getCommentsFor: anInterval [
| selectedComments |
selectedComments := OrderedCollection new.
self nodesDo:
[ :each |
| comments |
comments := each comments select:
[ :com | com intersectsInterval: anInterval ].
"This precaution is taken to deal with cascades multiple visit of the receiver."
(selectedComments isNotEmpty
and: [ comments isNotEmpty
and: [ comments last = selectedComments last ]])
ifFalse: [selectedComments addAll: comments ] ].
^ selectedComments

{ #category : #testing }
RBProgramNode >> hasComments [
"Answer whether the receiver as comments"
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