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Find and replace method refactoring
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Lin777 committed Aug 5, 2019
1 parent 5e20c0a commit 5d9d9ca
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Showing 6 changed files with 646 additions and 4 deletions.
16 changes: 12 additions & 4 deletions src/Refactoring-Core/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -17,7 +17,8 @@ Class {
#category : #'Refactoring-Core-Refactorings'
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -121,6 +122,11 @@ RBExtractMethodRefactoring >> checkTemporaries [

{ #category : #transforming }
RBExtractMethodRefactoring >> compiledMethod [
^ class realClass >> selector

{ #category : #transforming }
RBExtractMethodRefactoring >> createTemporariesInExtractedMethodFor: assigned [
assigned do: [:each | extractedParseTree body addTemporaryNamed: each]
Expand All @@ -129,9 +135,11 @@ RBExtractMethodRefactoring >> createTemporariesInExtractedMethodFor: assigned [
{ #category : #transforming }
RBExtractMethodRefactoring >> existingSelector [
"Try to find an existing method instead of creating a new one"

^class allSelectors detect: [:each | self isMethodEquivalentTo: each]
ifNone: [nil]
|existSelector |
existSelector := self requestExistingSelector.
existSelector ifNotNil: [ ^ existSelector ] ifNil: [
^ class allSelectors detect: [:each | self isMethodEquivalentTo: each]
ifNone: [nil]]

{ #category : #initialization }
Expand Down
271 changes: 271 additions & 0 deletions src/Refactoring-Core/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,271 @@
I am a tool to find occurrences of a method in other methods.
You can select a method and find the occurrences in a search range of your choice, in case of finding occurrences you can change the block containing the occurrence with a call to the selected method.
This refactoring goes hand in hand with RBExtractMethodRefactoring when replacing the code.
Class {
#name : #RBFindAndReplaceMethodRefactoring,
#superclass : #RBRefactoring,
#instVars : [
#category : #'Refactoring-Core-Refactorings'

{ #category : #'as yet unclassified' }
RBFindAndReplaceMethodRefactoring class >> find: aMethod [
^ self new
method: aMethod;

{ #category : #'as yet unclassified' }
RBFindAndReplaceMethodRefactoring class >> find: aMethod andReplaceIn: selectorCollection [
^ self new
method: aMethod;
listToFindMatches: selectorCollection;

{ #category : #'find-replace' }
RBFindAndReplaceMethodRefactoring >> argumentsOf: aDictionary [
|args limit|
limit := method argumentNames size - 1.
args := OrderedCollection new.
0 to: limit do: [ :each |
args add:
(aDictionary at: (aDictionary keys detect:
[ :e | (e name asString) = ('`@argMatch', each asString)])) sourceCode
^ args

{ #category : #preconditions }
RBFindAndReplaceMethodRefactoring >> checkIsAbstractMethod [
method isAbstract ifTrue: [ self refactoringError: ('<1p> method is abstract' expandMacrosWith: sourceSelector ) ]

{ #category : #preconditions }
RBFindAndReplaceMethodRefactoring >> checkIsSubclass: aClass [
aClass ~= class ifTrue: [
(class subclasses includes: aClass)
ifFalse: [ self refactoringError:
('<1p> is not subclass of <2s>'
expandMacrosWith: aClass name
with: class name) ] ]

{ #category : #preconditions }
RBFindAndReplaceMethodRefactoring >> checkOverridesSelectorAnyOf: aList [
aList do: [ :each | each origin ~= method origin ifTrue:
[( (self model classNamed: each origin name asSymbol) directlyDefinesMethod: method selector)
ifTrue: [ self refactoringError:
('<1p> overrides the method <2s>'
expandMacrosWith: each name
with: method selector) ]] ]

{ #category : #'find-replace' }
RBFindAndReplaceMethodRefactoring >> combinationsOfNodes: coll [
^ Set newFrom: (Array
[ :stream | coll combinations: 2 atATimeDo: [ :each | stream nextPut: each copy ] ])

{ #category : #'find-replace' }
RBFindAndReplaceMethodRefactoring >> extract: ocurrence of: aMethod [
|refactoring association |
refactoring := self extractMethodRefactoring.
association := ocurrence asOrderedCollection at: positionIndex.
refactoring extract: association key from: aMethod selector in: aMethod origin.
refactoring setOption: #existingSelector toUse: [ :ref |
ref parameters: (self argumentsOf: association value).
method selector].
refactoring primitiveExecute.
^ refactoring

{ #category : #'find-replace' }
RBFindAndReplaceMethodRefactoring >> extract: ocurrence of: aMethod executing: aSymbol [
|refactoring association |
refactoring := self extractMethodRefactoring.
association := ocurrence asOrderedCollection at: positionIndex.
refactoring extract: association key from: aMethod selector in: aMethod origin.
refactoring setOption: #existingSelector toUse: [ :ref |
ref parameters: (self argumentsOf: association value).
method selector].
refactoring perform: aSymbol.
^ refactoring

{ #category : #'find-replace' }
RBFindAndReplaceMethodRefactoring >> extractMethodRefactoring [
^ RBExtractMethodRefactoring new
setOption: #useExistingMethod
toUse: [ :ref :selector |
UIManager default
confirm: 'Do you want use existing method ', selector printString, '?'
label: 'Warninig'];

{ #category : #'find-replace' }
RBFindAndReplaceMethodRefactoring >> findAndReplaceOcurrencesIn: aMethod [
ocurrences := self findOcurrencesIn: aMethod selector of: aMethod origin.
self replaceOcurrences: ocurrences on: aMethod

{ #category : #'find-replace' }
RBFindAndReplaceMethodRefactoring >> findOcurrences [
replaceAll := false.
do: [ :aMethod | positionIndex := 1.
self findAndReplaceOcurrencesIn: aMethod ]

{ #category : #'find-replace' }
RBFindAndReplaceMethodRefactoring >> findOcurrencesIn: aMethod of: aClass [
|methodNode matches sourceCode|
methodNode := (aClass >> aMethod) sourceNode.
sourceCode := methodNode sourceCode.
matches := Set new.
(self nodesOf: methodNode) do: [ :each |
each first < each last
ifTrue: [ self match: (RBPatternParser parseExpression: (sourceCode copyFrom: each first to: each last ))
with: each first
and: each last
in: matches]].
methodNode body nodesDo: [ :node | self match: node with: node start and: node stop in: matches ].

^ matches

{ #category : #initialization }
RBFindAndReplaceMethodRefactoring >> initializeMatchNode [
|visitor node sourceCode|

visitor := RBMatchVisitor new.
node := method sourceNode copy .
node acceptVisitor: visitor.
sourceCode := self replaceArgumentsByPattern: node newSource .
sourceCode := sourceCode copyFrom: (method sourceNode body statements first start + visitor difference)
to: sourceCode size.
matchNodes := OrderedCollection new.
matchNodes add: (RBPatternParser parseExpression: sourceCode).
node lastIsReturn ifTrue: [ node hasMultipleReturns
ifFalse: [ sourceCode := sourceCode copyReplaceAll: '^' with: ''.
matchNodes add: (RBPatternParser parseExpression: sourceCode) ] ].


{ #category : #accessing }
RBFindAndReplaceMethodRefactoring >> listToFindMatches: aCollection [
listToFindMatches := aCollection

{ #category : #'find-replace' }
RBFindAndReplaceMethodRefactoring >> match: node with: first and: last in: matches [
matchNodes do: [ :matchNode | [ matchNode
match: node
onSuccess: [ :map | matches add: (first to: last) -> map ]
onFailure: [ ] ]
on: Exception
do: [ :e | e ]]

{ #category : #accessing }
RBFindAndReplaceMethodRefactoring >> method: aMethod [
method := aMethod .
class := method origin

{ #category : #'find-replace' }
RBFindAndReplaceMethodRefactoring >> nodesOf: methodNode [
|starts ends combinations |
starts := methodNode body statements collect: [ :node | node start ].
ends := methodNode body statements collect: [ :node | node stop ].
combinations := OrderedCollection new.
starts do: [ :start | ends do: [ :end | start < end ifTrue: [
combinations add: (Array with: start with: end) ] ] ].
^ combinations

{ #category : #'find-replace' }
RBFindAndReplaceMethodRefactoring >> orderOcurrences: ocurrences [
^ ocurrences asOrderedCollection sort: [ :first :second | first key first < second key first ]

{ #category : #preconditions }
RBFindAndReplaceMethodRefactoring >> positionIndex [

{ #category : #preconditions }
RBFindAndReplaceMethodRefactoring >> positionIndex: aNumber [
positionIndex := aNumber

{ #category : #preconditions }
RBFindAndReplaceMethodRefactoring >> preconditions [
"Verificar si las clases donde se buscaran ocurrencias son subclases de la clase del metodo"
"Verificar si esas subclases no sobreescriben el metodo"
"Verificar que el metodo no sea abstracto"
listToFindMatches ifNil: [ (self options at: #listToSearch) value: method value: self ].
^ (listToFindMatches
inject: RBCondition empty
into: [ :condition :variable | condition & (RBCondition withBlock: [self checkIsSubclass: variable origin. true]) ])
& (RBCondition withBlock: [self checkIsAbstractMethod. true])
& (RBCondition withBlock: [self checkOverridesSelectorAnyOf: listToFindMatches . true ])

{ #category : #preconditions }
RBFindAndReplaceMethodRefactoring >> replaceAll: aBoolean [
replaceAll := aBoolean

{ #category : #initialization }
RBFindAndReplaceMethodRefactoring >> replaceArgumentsByPattern: sourceCode [

newSource := sourceCode copyWithRegex: 'tempMatch*' matchesReplacedWith: '`@tempMatch' .
newSource := newSource copyWithRegex: 'argMatch*' matchesReplacedWith: '`@argMatch'.

^ newSource


{ #category : #'find-replace' }
RBFindAndReplaceMethodRefactoring >> replaceOcurrences: ocurrences on: aMethod [

ocurrences ifNotEmpty: [
| refactoring dialog ocurrencesSize |
ocurrencesSize := ocurrences size.
replaceAll ifTrue: [ self extract: ( self orderOcurrences: ocurrences ) of: aMethod executing: #execute.
ocurrencesSize := ocurrencesSize - 1 ]
ifFalse: [
refactoring := self extract: ( self orderOcurrences: ocurrences ) of: aMethod executing: #primitiveExecute.
dialog := (RBReplacePreview change: refactoring)
skipAction: [ :presenter | positionIndex := positionIndex + 1.
ocurrencesSize := ocurrencesSize + 1. presenter beOk; close ];
replaceAllAction: [ :presenter | replaceAll := true. presenter beOk; close ]; open.
dialog cancelled ifTrue: [ CmdCommandAborted signal]
ifFalse: [ ocurrencesSize := ocurrencesSize - 1 ].
ocurrencesSize >= positionIndex ifTrue: [ self findAndReplaceOcurrencesIn: aMethod ] ]

{ #category : #transforming }
RBFindAndReplaceMethodRefactoring >> transform [
self initializeMatchNode.
self findOcurrences.
66 changes: 66 additions & 0 deletions src/Refactoring-Core/
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@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
I am a visitor to change temporaries and arguments to generic names (`tempMatch , `argMatch)
Class {
#name : #RBMatchVisitor,
#superclass : #RBProgramNodeVisitor,
#instVars : [
#category : #'Refactoring-Core'

{ #category : #accessing }
RBMatchVisitor >> difference [
^ difference

{ #category : #accessing }
RBMatchVisitor >> initialize [
super initialize .
arguments := 0 .
temporaries := 0.
difference := 0

{ #category : #accessing }
RBMatchVisitor >> replace: temp with: aString [
definingNode := temp whoDefines: temp name.
(RBParseTreeRewriter rename: temp name to: aString) executeTree: definingNode.

{ #category : #accessing }
RBMatchVisitor >> visitBlockNode: aBlockNode [
aBlockNode arguments do: [ :arg |
self replace: arg with: ('tempMatch', temporaries asString).
temporaries := temporaries + 1 ].
super visitBlockNode: aBlockNode

{ #category : #accessing }
RBMatchVisitor >> visitMethodNode: aMethodNode [
aMethodNode arguments do: [ :arg |
difference := difference + (('argMatch', arguments asString )size- (arg name asString )size + 2 ).
self replace: arg with: ('argMatch', arguments asString).
arguments := arguments + 1 ].
super visitMethodNode: aMethodNode.


{ #category : #accessing }
RBMatchVisitor >> visitSequenceNode: aSequenceNode [
isMethod := aSequenceNode parent isMethod.
aSequenceNode temporaries do: [ :temp |
isMethod ifTrue: [
difference := difference + (('tempMatch', temporaries asString ) size- (temp name asString ) size + 2 )].
self replace: temp with: ('tempMatch' , temporaries asString).
temporaries := temporaries + 1].
super visitSequenceNode: aSequenceNode.


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