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- Reverting ZnBufferedReadWrite
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- Moving new implementation to SourceFiles
- Use the new implementation only in SourceFiles
  • Loading branch information
tesonep committed Oct 29, 2019
1 parent 504f3a5 commit dda62d1
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Showing 7 changed files with 839 additions and 159 deletions.
7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions src/FileSystem-Core/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -465,6 +465,13 @@ FileReference >> size [
^ filesystem sizeOf: path

{ #category : #streams }
FileReference >> unbufferedBinaryWriteStream [
"Answer a binary read/write stream on the receiver"

^ filesystem binaryWriteStreamOn: self path

{ #category : #streams }
FileReference >> writeStream [

Expand Down
10 changes: 6 additions & 4 deletions src/System-Sources/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -241,14 +241,16 @@ SourceFile >> tryOpenReadOnly: readOnly [
readOnly ifFalse: [
do: [ :each |
[ stream := ZnCharacterReadWriteStream
on: (each asFileReference / basename) binaryReadWriteStream
[ stream := SourceFileCharacterReadWriteStream
on: (SourceFileBufferedReadWriteStream on:(each asFileReference / basename) unbufferedBinaryWriteStream)
encoding: 'utf8'.
^ self ] on: Error do: [ ] ] ].

potentialLocations do: [ :each |
[ stream := (each asFileReference / basename) readStream.
^ self ] on: Error do: [ ] ]
[ stream := ZnCharacterReadStream
on: (each asFileReference / basename) binaryReadStream
encoding: 'utf8'.
^ self ] on: Error do: [ ] ]

{ #category : #accessing }
Expand Down
343 changes: 343 additions & 0 deletions src/System-Sources/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,343 @@
I am Buffered Read Write Stream.
I should only be used in the SourceFile implementation
Class {
#name : #SourceFileBufferedReadWriteStream,
#superclass : #Object,
#instVars : [
#category : #'System-Sources-Streams'

{ #category : #'instance creation' }
SourceFileBufferedReadWriteStream class >> on: writeStream [
^ self basicNew
on: writeStream;

{ #category : #convenience }
SourceFileBufferedReadWriteStream class >> on: readStream do: block [
"Execute block with as argument a ZnBufferedReadStream on readStream.
Return the value of block."

| stream |

stream := self on: readStream.

^ [block value: stream ] ensure: [ stream flush ]

{ #category : #testing }
SourceFileBufferedReadWriteStream >> atEnd [

^ self atEnd: nextPosition

{ #category : #private }
SourceFileBufferedReadWriteStream >> atEnd: anInteger [

anInteger < streamSize ifTrue: [ ^ false ].
anInteger <= (bufferOffset + bufferLength) ifTrue: [ ^ false ].

^ true

{ #category : #private }
SourceFileBufferedReadWriteStream >> bufferAt: aPosition [

^ buffer at: (aPosition - bufferOffset)


{ #category : #private }
SourceFileBufferedReadWriteStream >> bufferAt: aPosition put: anElement [

self checkBufferFor: nextPosition.

bufferLength := (aPosition - bufferOffset) max: bufferLength.
buffer at: (aPosition - bufferOffset) put: anElement


{ #category : #private }
SourceFileBufferedReadWriteStream >> checkBufferFor: aPosition [

(self isPositionInBuffer: aPosition)
ifFalse: [ self refreshBufferFrom: aPosition ]

{ #category : #closing }
SourceFileBufferedReadWriteStream >> close [

self flush.
innerStream close

{ #category : #testing }
SourceFileBufferedReadWriteStream >> closed [

^ innerStream closed

{ #category : #'initialize-release' }
SourceFileBufferedReadWriteStream >> collectionSpecies [
^ innerStream isBinary
ifTrue: [ ByteArray ]
ifFalse: [ String ]

{ #category : #initialization }
SourceFileBufferedReadWriteStream >> defaultBufferSize [

^ 2 raisedToInteger: 16

{ #category : #writing }
SourceFileBufferedReadWriteStream >> flush [

isDirty ifFalse: [ ^ self ].

innerStream position: bufferOffset.
innerStream next: bufferLength putAll: buffer startingAt: 1.

innerStream flush.

streamSize := innerStream size.

isDirty := false

{ #category : #testing }
SourceFileBufferedReadWriteStream >> isBinary [

^ innerStream isBinary

{ #category : #private }
SourceFileBufferedReadWriteStream >> isPositionInBuffer: aPosition [

^ aPosition between: bufferOffset and: bufferOffset + bufferLength

{ #category : #testing }
SourceFileBufferedReadWriteStream >> isReadOnly [

^ false

{ #category : #testing }
SourceFileBufferedReadWriteStream >> isStream [

^ true

{ #category : #reading }
SourceFileBufferedReadWriteStream >> next [
| value |

self atEnd
ifTrue: [^ nil].

self checkBufferFor:nextPosition.

value := self bufferAt: nextPosition.

nextPosition := nextPosition + 1.

^ value

{ #category : #reading }
SourceFileBufferedReadWriteStream >> next: aQuantity [

| read collection |

collection := self collectionSpecies new: aQuantity.

read := self
readInto: collection
startingAt: 1
count: aQuantity.

^ read = aQuantity
ifTrue: [ collection ]
ifFalse: [ collection copyFrom: 1 to: read - 1 ]

{ #category : #writing }
SourceFileBufferedReadWriteStream >> next: aQuantity putAll: aCollection startingAt: startingAt [

aCollection readStreamDo: [ :s |
s skip: startingAt - 1.
self nextPutAll: (s next: aQuantity)].

{ #category : #writing }
SourceFileBufferedReadWriteStream >> nextPut: anElement [

self checkBufferFor: nextPosition.

self bufferAt: nextPosition put: anElement.

isDirty := true.
nextPosition := nextPosition + 1

{ #category : #writing }
SourceFileBufferedReadWriteStream >> nextPutAll: aCollection [

aCollection do: [ :each | self nextPut: each ]

{ #category : #'instance creation' }
SourceFileBufferedReadWriteStream >> on: aStream [

innerStream := aStream.
nextPosition := aStream position + 1.
streamSize := aStream size.

bufferOffset := -1.
bufferLength := 0.
isDirty := false.

self sizeBuffer: self defaultBufferSize.


{ #category : #reading }
SourceFileBufferedReadWriteStream >> peek [

| value |
value := self next.
"If I have read correctly I reset the position"
value ifNotNil: [ nextPosition := nextPosition - 1 ].

^ value


{ #category : #querying }
SourceFileBufferedReadWriteStream >> position [

^ nextPosition - 1


{ #category : #querying }
SourceFileBufferedReadWriteStream >> position: aNewPosition [

^ nextPosition := aNewPosition + 1


{ #category : #reading }
SourceFileBufferedReadWriteStream >> readInto: aBuffer startingAt: startingAt count: count [

| remainingCount maxPositionInBuffer read countToRead |

remainingCount := count.
read := 0.

[ remainingCount > 0 and: [ self atEnd not ]]
whileTrue: [
self checkBufferFor: nextPosition.

maxPositionInBuffer := bufferOffset + bufferLength.
countToRead := ( maxPositionInBuffer - (nextPosition - 1) ) min: remainingCount.
replaceFrom: startingAt + read
to: startingAt + read + countToRead - 1
with: buffer
startingAt: (nextPosition - bufferOffset).

nextPosition := nextPosition + countToRead.
remainingCount := remainingCount - countToRead.
read := read + countToRead

^ read.

{ #category : #private }
SourceFileBufferedReadWriteStream >> refreshBufferFrom: aPosition [

| nextBufferPosition |

nextBufferPosition := (((aPosition - 1) max:0) // buffer size) * buffer size.
bufferOffset = nextBufferPosition ifTrue: [ ^ self ].

self flush.

"If the position is outside the real stream I will only flush the buffer if I have to empty it."
(nextBufferPosition >= streamSize)
ifTrue: [
bufferOffset := nextBufferPosition.
bufferLength := 0.
^ self ].

(nextBufferPosition = (bufferOffset + bufferLength))
ifFalse: [ innerStream position: nextBufferPosition ].

bufferLength := innerStream readInto: buffer startingAt: 1 count: buffer size.
bufferOffset := nextBufferPosition.

{ #category : #reading }
SourceFileBufferedReadWriteStream >> setToEnd [

nextPosition := (streamSize max: (bufferOffset + bufferLength)) + 1

{ #category : #querying }
SourceFileBufferedReadWriteStream >> size [

^ streamSize max: (bufferOffset + bufferLength)

{ #category : #'initialize-release' }
SourceFileBufferedReadWriteStream >> sizeBuffer: size [

bufferLength > 0 ifTrue: [ self flush ].
bufferLength := 0.

buffer := self collectionSpecies new: size

{ #category : #reading }
SourceFileBufferedReadWriteStream >> skip: aQuantity [

nextPosition := nextPosition + aQuantity

{ #category : #reading }
SourceFileBufferedReadWriteStream >> upTo: value [
"Read upto but not including value and return them as a collection.
If value is not found, return the entire contents of the stream.
This could be further optimzed."

^ self collectionSpecies
streamContents: [ :writeStream | | element |
[ self atEnd or: [ (element := self next) = value ] ] whileFalse: [
writeStream nextPut: element ] ]

{ #category : #reading }
SourceFileBufferedReadWriteStream >> upToEnd [
"Read elements until the stream is atEnd and return them as a collection."

| toRead |

toRead := (streamSize - (nextPosition - 1)) max: 0.
^ self next: toRead.

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