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Dummy Web Services

This repository contains dummy web services which are containerized (Docker) and ready to be deployed on Kubernetes or OpenShift / OKD.


The directory golang-dummy-web-service/ contains a dummy web service implemented in Golang. This web service listens per default on port 8081. The port can be configured through the environment variable SERVER_PORT. The HTTP response of this dummy app contains the value of the environment variable MY_ENV_VAR.

HTTP Endpoints:

  • GET /
  • GET /health
  • GET /shutdown

Docker image: philenius/golang-dummy-web-service

Java / Spring Boot

The directory java-spring-boot-dummy-web-service/ contains a dummy implementation of Petstore OpenAPI 3.0 spec using Spring Boot. The server stub was generated by the swagger-codegen project. The underlying library integrating swagger to SpringBoot is springfox. This web service listens per default on port 8080. The port can be configured through the environment variable SERVER_PORT.

HTTP Endpoints:

  • GET /v1/swagger-ui.html
  • GET /v1/pets
  • GET /v1/pets/{petId}
  • POST /v1/pets
  • GET /health
  • GET /shutdown See Swagger UI or API spec for further details.

Docker image: philenius/petstore-dummy-spring-boot

Node / ExpressJS

The directory node-expressjs-dummy-web-app contains a dummy web app that provides a website with memes. The server was generated using the NPM package express-generator. This web app listens per default on port 3000. The port can be configured through the environment variable SERVER_PORT. This app can either serve cat or dog memes. This behaviour can be configured through setting the environment variable MEMEBOOK_VARIANT to the value dogs respectively cats.

HTTP Endpoints:

  • GET /
  • GET /health
  • GET /shutdown

Docker image: philenius/memebook-dummy-node-expressjs