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worklog summary #Task 14518#
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Sarvesh Kulkarni committed Oct 10, 2014
1 parent 8d8324d commit fef3716
Showing 1 changed file with 297 additions and 0 deletions.
297 changes: 297 additions & 0 deletions cron_worklog_summary.php
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,297 @@
// Copyright 2008 - 2010 all rights reserved, SQLFusion LLC,
// @author sarvesh kulkarni

* A cron job script for sending user worklog By Email


$admin_emails = array(1 =>'',2=>'');
$message_sent = 0;
$text ="";

$proj_discuss = new ProjectDiscuss();

//select all the user from project discuss table for the day
$proj_discuss->query('select DISTINCT(pd.iduser) as iduser , from project_discuss pd inner join user usr on usr.iduser=pd.iduser WHERE DATEDIFF(NOW(), date_added) <= 7;');

//check if any of the user enterd worklog for the day
if($proj_discuss->getNumRows()>0) {

//declare all instances of classes used
$do_all_project = new Project();
$do_project = new Project();
//Get details of the project and notes they entered
$do_all_project->query("SELECT pd.iduser,,ptsk.idproject,usr.firstname,tsk.idtask,tsk.task_description,pd.date_added,pd.idproject_task,pd.discuss,pd.document,pd.hours_work from project_discuss pd
inner join task tsk
inner join user usr
inner join project_task ptsk
inner join project pr
on ptsk.idtask =tsk.idtask and
pd.iduser =usr.iduser and
pd.idproject_task=ptsk.idproject_task and
pr.idproject= ptsk.idproject
where date_added <= curdate() and date_added >= DATE_SUB(curdate(),INTERVAL 2 day) order by(pd.date_added)");

$last_task = 0;
$last_desc = 0;
$last_date = 0;

//$text .= '<br/><span > Worklog For the Day :'.date('jS F Y').'</span>';

$project_id = $do_all_project->getdata('idproject');
$do_project->query('select name from project where idproject='.$project_id);
$name_prj = $do_project->getData('name');

$_SESSION['adm_project_discuss_idtask'] = $project_id;

$project_name = $do_all_project->getdata('name');
$first_name = $do_all_project->getdata('firstname');
$task_desc = $do_all_project->getdata('task_description');
$discuss_text = $do_all_project->getdata('discuss');
$hours_work = $do_all_project->getdata('hours_work');
$idtask = $do_all_project->getdata('idproject_task');
$document = $do_all_project->getdata('document');
$date_added = $do_all_project->getdata('date_added');
$iduser = $do_all_project->getdata('iduser');
$_SESSION['adm_project_task_discuss'] = $idtask;
$_SESSION['adm_project_date_added'] = $date_added;

if ($last_date != $_SESSION['adm_project_date_added']) {
$date = date_create_from_format('Y-m-d',$date_added);
$text.='<br/><u><h2> Worklog For : '.date_format($date, 'j-M-Y').'</h2></u>';

/* $proj_time = new ProjectDiscuss();
$proj_time->query('SELECT project_discuss.discuss,project_discuss.date_added,document,
project_discuss.iduser,sum( project_discuss.hours_work ) AS total_hrs,
project_task.idproject, project_task.idtask FROM project_task
left JOIN project_discuss ON project_discuss.idproject_task = project_task.idproject_task
where DATE(project_discuss.date_added) = CURDATE() AND project_discuss.iduser = '.$iduser.' '.'group by project_discuss.iduser');
$user_id = $proj_time->getData('iduser');
$us_obj = new User();
$user_name = $us_obj->getFullName($user_id);
//$text .= '<h2><u><b>'.$user_name.'</b>'.'&nbsp;&nbsp; Worklog </u></h2>';
$text .= '<u><h2> '.$user_name.'</h2></u>';
//$text .= '<h3><u>Your Notes For '.date('jS F Y').'</u></h3>';
//$text .= '<h3>by: <b>'.$user_name.'</b>'.'</h3>';
$text .= "<h3>Total Hours Entered : ".$proj_time->getData('total_hrs')."</h3>"; */

if ($last_task != $_SESSION['adm_project_discuss_idtask']) {
$text.=' <div>';
$text.='<b><span ><a href='.$_SERVER[HTTP_HOST].'/Project/'.$project_id.'>'.$name_prj.'</a></span></b>';
$text.= '<div>';
if ($last_desc != $_SESSION['adm_project_task_discuss']) {
$text.='<br/><span ><a href='.$_SERVER[HTTP_HOST].'/Task/'.$idtask.'>'.$task_desc.'</a></span>';

$text.='<br /><i>';
$text.= _('Note By ').$first_name;
$text.= '<br />';
$text.=_('Time Worked').' : <b>'.$hours_work.' '._('hrs') .'</b>';
$text.='<br /></i>';
$text.= nl2br($discuss_text.'<br />');
if($document!= ''){
$file_url = "/files/".$document;
$file = '<a href="'.$_SERVER[HTTP_HOST].$file_url.'" target="_blank">'.$document.'</a>';
$text.='<br /> <b>'._('Attachment').'</b> : '.$file;
$text.='<br /><br />';
$text.='<div class="dottedline"></div>';

$last_task = $_SESSION['adm_project_discuss_idtask'];
$last_desc = $_SESSION['adm_project_task_discuss'];
$last_date = $_SESSION['adm_project_date_added'];


// echo $text.'<br />';

// send mails to the ofuz users with their respective worklog

foreach ($admin_emails as $email){

$do_template = new EmailTemplate();
$do_template->senderemail = "";
$do_template->sendername = "Ofuz";
$do_template->subject = "Worklog Summay Of 2 days :";
$do_template->bodytext = $text;
$do_template->bodyhtml = $do_template->bodytext;

//echo $text.'<br />';
//Use for sending email here for general users
$emailer = new Radria_Emailer('UTF-8');
$emailer->mergeArray($values);//required even if there is nothig to merge

$message_sent = (int)$emailer->send();
//$text = '';

$text = '';

/* Worklog summary for the past week*/

//declare all instances of classes used
$do_all_project = new Project();
$do_project = new Project();
//Get details of the project and notes they entered
$do_all_project->query("SELECT,ptsk.idproject,usr.firstname,tsk.idtask,tsk.task_description,pd.date_added,pd.idproject_task,pd.discuss,pd.document,pd.hours_work from project_discuss pd
inner join task tsk
inner join user usr
inner join project_task ptsk
inner join project pr
on ptsk.idtask =tsk.idtask and
pd.iduser =usr.iduser and
pd.idproject_task=ptsk.idproject_task and
pr.idproject= ptsk.idproject
where date_added <= curdate() and date_added >= DATE_SUB(curdate(),INTERVAL 7 day) order by(pd.date_added)");

$last_task = 0;
$last_desc = 0;
$last_date = 0;

//$text .= '<br/><span > Worklog For the Day :'.date('jS F Y').'</span>';

$project_id = $do_all_project->getdata('idproject');
$do_project->query('select name from project where idproject='.$project_id);
$name_prj = $do_project->getData('name');

$_SESSION['adm_project_discuss_idtask'] = $project_id;

$project_name = $do_all_project->getdata('name');
$first_name = $do_all_project->getdata('firstname');
$task_desc = $do_all_project->getdata('task_description');
$discuss_text = $do_all_project->getdata('discuss');
$hours_work = $do_all_project->getdata('hours_work');
$idtask = $do_all_project->getdata('idproject_task');
$document = $do_all_project->getdata('document');
$date_added = $do_all_project->getdata('date_added');
$_SESSION['adm_project_task_discuss'] = $idtask;
$_SESSION['adm_project_date_added'] = $date_added;

if ($last_date != $_SESSION['adm_project_date_added']) {
$date = date_create_from_format('Y-m-d',$date_added);
$text.='<br/><u><h2> Worklog For : '.date_format($date, 'j-M-Y').'</h2></u>';

if ($last_task != $_SESSION['adm_project_discuss_idtask']) {
$text.=' <div>';
$text.='<b><span ><a href='.$_SERVER[HTTP_HOST].'/Project/'.$project_id.'>'.$name_prj.'</a></span></b>';
$text.= '<div>';
if ($last_desc != $_SESSION['adm_project_task_discuss']) {
$text.='<br/><span ><a href='.$_SERVER[HTTP_HOST].'/Task/'.$idtask.'>'.$task_desc.'</a></span>';

$text.='<br /><i>';
$text.= _('Note By ').$first_name;
$text.= '<br />';
$text.=_('Time Worked').' : <b>'.$hours_work.' '._('hrs') .'</b>';
$text.='<br /></i>';
$text.= nl2br($discuss_text.'<br />');
if($document!= ''){
$file_url = "/files/".$document;
$file = '<a href="'.$_SERVER[HTTP_HOST].$file_url.'" target="_blank">'.$document.'</a>';
$text.='<br /> <b>'._('Attachment').'</b> : '.$file;
$text.='<br /><br />';
$text.='<div class="dottedline"></div>';

$last_task = $_SESSION['adm_project_discuss_idtask'];
$last_desc = $_SESSION['adm_project_task_discuss'];
$last_date = $_SESSION['adm_project_date_added'];

// echo $text.'<br />';

// send mails to the ofuz users with their respective worklog

$do_template = new EmailTemplate();
$do_template->senderemail = "";
$do_template->sendername = "Ofuz";
$do_template->subject = "Worklog Summary Of past Week :";
$do_template->bodytext = $text;
$do_template->bodyhtml = $do_template->bodytext;

//echo $text.'<br />';
//Use for sending email here for general users
$emailer = new Radria_Emailer('UTF-8');
$emailer->mergeArray($values);//required even if there is nothig to merge
foreach ($admin_emails as $email){
$message_sent = (int)$emailer->send();
//$text = '';

echo 'No Worklog For the Day <b>'.date('jS F Y').'</b>';

echo "Notification Sent Successfully";

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