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HDS-Explorer Server

Platform Language License

HDS-Explorer Server application provides the data repository for a Health and Demographics Surveillance system and data management tool for data collection for program or research implementation

This application server can be deployed on a Tomcat server (or any servlet 2.5+ compatible web container) and backed by any Hibernate supported database (eg. MySQL or PostgreSQL database server, etc).

Build/Development Instructions

HDS-Explorer is being developed using Grails Framework 5.3.2, a Groovy Web Application Framework

To get started with HDS-Explorer, simply clone the repository and then from within your local copy:

Install the Development Framework - Grails using SDKMAN
For instructions on how to install SDKMAN visit

  • Execute the command below to install grails 5.3.2
    sdk install grails 5.3.2
  • Clone HDS-Explorer repository
    git clone
  • Configure the MySQL Database Access (under the cloned directory hds-explorer, import the file user.sql to mysql database)
    mysql -u $MYSQL_USER -p < user.sql
  • Create HDS-Explorer resources directory and grant access to your Linux User
    sudo mkdir /var/lib/hds-explorer
    sudo chown -R $USER:$USER_GROUP /var/lib/hds-explorer/
  • Goto hds-explorer cloned directory and Generate WAR
    cd hds-explorer-server
    grails clean && grails war

Binary Files for HDS-Explorer Server and Client/Mobile

hds-explorer-server.war - A War binary file to be deployed in a Java web container server
hds-explorer-tablet.apk - A Android APK file to be installed in a Android Device (Minimum: API-21 or Android 5.0+) - A executable file for Linux enviroments that allows you to use a graphical interface to customize HDS-Explorer Server database access and app parameters and then export a War file to be deployed on Tomcat
hds-explorer-installer-vXXX.exe - A executable file for Windows enviroments that allows you to use a graphical interface to customize HDS-Explorer Server database access and app parameters and then export a War file to be deployed on Tomcat

The binary file hds-explorer-server.war can be found in link
The binary file hds-explorer-tablet.apk can be found in link
The binary file can be found in link

Server Deployment instructions (in Linux System):

Lets consider that we are in a Linux distribution and Tomcat Server that was manually installed in the path: /opt/tomcat.

1. Create the hds-explorer resources directory
sudo mkdir /var/lib/hds-explorer

2. Grant access to tomcat user to the folder /var/lib/hds-explorer
sudo chown -R tomcat8:tomcat8 /var/lib/hds-explorer/

3. Copy the war file to $TOMCAT/webapps
cp hds-explorer-server.war /opt/tomcat/webapps

4. Start the webserver or we can copy the war file while the server is running and it will be deployed onfly.