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Configure and deploy IoT Edge on STM32MP1 board
Azure IoT Hub
Azure IoT Edge
Shell and python

Configure and deploy IoT Edge on STM32MP1 board


[Optional] Flash your board with OpenSTLinux images

Ready your STM32MP1 board with USB connection

Download build image with IoT Edge binary to flash on board

  1. Connection your board with USB, have your STCubeProgrammer read on your host computer
  2. Copy flashed image from One drive [place link here] to your local host. Unzip to folder "stm32mp1"
  3. Copy the stm32mp1 folder in c:\
  4. Open a command prompt terminal ("cmd")
  5. Move to c:\stm32mp1 directory ("cd cd:\stm32mp1")
  6. Type the following command <path_to_STM32CubeProgrammer_installation_directory>\bin\STM32_Programmer_CLI.exe -c port=usb1 -w c:\stm32mp1\flashlayout_st-image-weston\trusted\FlashLayout_sdcard_stm32mp157a-dk1-trusted.tsv

For example:

"C:\Program Files (x86)\STMicroelectronics\STM32Cube\STM32CubeProgrammer\bin\STM32_Programmer_CLI.exe" -c port=usb1 -w c:\stm32mp1\flashlayout_st-image-weston\trusted\FlashLayout_sdcard_stm32mp157a-dk1-trusted.tsv

  1. After completing flash, swith board to "on", restart it

Configure IoT Hub and Edge on Azure Portal

Create IoT Hub on Azure Portal

  1. Create IoT Hub. Ignore if you have your own Hub already. Follow below link.

  2. Register an IoT Edge device

Create a device identity for your IoT Edge device so that it can communicate with your IoT hub. The device identity lives in the cloud, and you use a unique device connection string to associate a physical device to a device identity.

[Azure Portal] Goes to your IOT Hub, click IoT Edge link in left hand navigator. Click "Add an IoT Edge Device" in top area.

Input "Device ID": my-iotworkshop-edge01, click "Save". Reclick the new edge "my-iotworkshop-edge01" created, copy the "primary connection string", save to your notepad to use later.

Connect your IoT Edge on board to cloud

  1. Switch your new flashed board to "on"

  2. Connect your board to internet, either via Ethernet or Wifi dongle

  3. Network SSH or use Tera Term to terminal to connect to your board

    PC> ssh root@your_board_ip_address

    PC> cd /etc/iotedge

    PC> cp ./config.yaml ./config.yaml.orig

  4. Input the previous Edge connection string to config.yaml file below. Also modify hostname.

    PC> vi ./config.yaml

    -- Manual provisioning configuration provisioning: source: "manual" device_connection_string: ""

     -- Sample connection string as below;DeviceId=my-iotworkshop-edge01;SharedAccessKey=yourkey


    hostname: "" to, hostname: "stm32mp1"

Then, save config.yaml

  1. Restart your edge to take effect

    PC> systemctl restart iotedge

It will take around 3 - 5 mins for yor edge to download firat IoT Edge module, edgeAgent

  1. Some usful commands to check your edge status

    PC> systemctl status iotedge PC> iotedge list PC> iotedge logs -f edgeAgent

Set your IoT Edge to install modules

  1. Open your VS code

Git clone

  1. Connect your VS code to IoT Hub

Copy IoT Hub string from Azure Portal. Open Azure Portal, click your Iot Hub, click "Shared access policies" in left hand side. Select "iothubowner", copy the "connection string-primary key" to notepad.

Open your VS code, in command platte, select "Azure IOT Hub, set connection string"

  1. Deployment new edge modules via VS code commitcommitcin

First to replace the password get from your instructor.

also, create a new folder for binding

cd /home/root

mkdir sensor

also, create a new folder for binding

cd /home/root/sensor

mkdir output

Right click "deployment.template.local.json" to generate the deployment to your edge device.

  1. You can watch logs from edgeAgent to check installation progesss as well

    PC> iotedge logs -f edgeAgent

  2. Verify if your IoT Hub is getting telemetry from Edge module to Hub

Open Azure IoT Explorer from your laptop. Add new connection from your previous "IOT Hub conenctrion string"

Click the previous created Edge from list. Click "Telemetry" from left hand navigator. Click start to monitor the data.

Create Stream Analytics to stream your data to cloud PowerBI

  1. Create Stream Analytics Job in Azure Portal

provide name and region.

  1. Create consumer group in your IoT Hub

Select "Build in endpoint" from IoT Hub, and crreate a new consume group, naming like "stsajob01consume"

  1. Configure Stream Analytics Job

Add "input" from left hand side, select "IoT Hub"

Leave all default value, just provide "input alias" and select the consumer group just created

Add "Output", and select "PowerBI"

Authorize with your existing Power BI account, or "Sign up" a free 60 days trial account.

Add output alias, choose Power BI workspace, input dataset and table name. Select "user token" as authentication method.

Select "Query", and add below query string:

    machine.temperature as mTemperature, 
    machine.pressure as mPressure, 
    ambient.temperature as aTemperature, 
    ambient.humidity as aHumidity, 

Back to "overview" and click "start".

  1. View streaming dataset in

Navigate link of Sign in with account just created.

Select your workspace.

Found there is a new dataset just generated.

Add new dashboard from it.

Add a tile in your dashboard

Select real time dataset

Select the new dataset from stmp1 board

Select "clustered column chart", Axis "timeCreated", values as "mTemparature", and time windows as "last 1 minute" to display

You can add more real time tiles into same dashboard as you want.


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