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Repository files navigation

DreamBank Web Application

Author: Taeju Park


Develop Environment

  • Back-end

    • Spring Boot
    • RESTful API
    • JPA (MariaDB)
  • Front-end

    • HTML/CSS(Bootstrap 5)
    • Thymeleaf
    • JavaScript
    • React(Will be applied once MVP done)

App Description

Simple Banking App

  • User can create the account to use the functions such as checking balance, create the transaction such as either deposit or withdraw from their balance, and check their transactions.

  • Each user have a balance and it will be generated randomly in range of $100 ~ $10,000 when user registered an account.

User Story

  • As a user, I want to create the account so I can have a bank account.
  • As a user, I want to login to my account so I can use my own account.

Business Models


  • Customer
  • BankAccount
  • Transaction
  • User
  • Role
  • (TBD)

Daily Progress

  • 04/26/2022 (Day 18) (Deployed)

    • Refactoring codes
    • Test functions
  • 04/25/2022 (Day 17) (Total 99.9%)

    • Refactoring codes
    • Added 8 different Junit cases
    • Javascript work
    • Preparing presentation
    • Double checking if the app has any bugs
  • 04/22/2022 (Day 16) (BackEnd 99%, FrontEnd 99%)

    • JUnit able to connect with JPA
    • todo list:
      • Create more JUnit cases
      • Javascript to apply on front side
      • Create RESTcontroller for POST/DELETE mapping
  • 04/21/2022 (Day 15) (BackEnd 98%, FrontEnd 98%)

    • MVP done
    • Refactoring the codes
    • Sql data preload (still working on it)
    • RESTController (working on POST/DELETE mapping)
  • 04/20/2022 (Day 14) (BackEnd 98%, FrontEnd 95%)

    • ADMIN page have menus that REST API, Customers, and Transactions.
    • REST API shows the structure of entire models
    • Customers page in ADMIN can either update or delete the specific customer.
    • Transactions page in ADMIN can either update or delete the specific transaction.
    • Updated User's balance page that display the current balance with NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance().
  • 04/19/2022 (Day 13) (BackEnd 97%, FrontEnd 90%)

    • Balance page, available balance is auto updating when transaction is made by user.
    • Withdraw / deposit is handling on balanceController. (Sometimes it occurs the double type overflow)
    • Activity page, transactions are displaying as in Table by 10 items at once.
    • Working in Admin view.
    • REST API.
  • 04/18/2022 (Day 12) (BackEnd 92%, FrontEnd 70%)

    • Balance page 90% done.
    • Transaction function added and working okay so far.
    • Working Activity page throught transactions.
  • 04/14/2022 (Day 11) (BackEnd 88%, FrontEnd 60%)

    • Account page done.
    • Balance page, manage to pull transaction object throught user input from balance page.
    • Learned how the Thymeleaf communicate between MVC.
  • 04/14/2022 (Day 10) (BackEnd 85%, FrontEnd 50%)

    • User have 3 different menus to check their account information, balance, activities.
    • Was able to pull data by current session email address.
  • 04/13/2022 (Day 9)

    • User model and Customer(Business side) is working properly.
    • Modifying Admin page that can pull the whole customer list and have a action either delete or update the specific customer.
    • Working on CRUD operation each roles
  • 04/12/2022 (Day 8)

    • User can create account, login, and logout.
    • User authentication is working properly.
    • Working on User access to business models(Customer's bank account)
    • Main page separated depends on user logged in or not.
  • 04/11/2022 (Day 7)

    • Added login page error/info messages when logged in or logged out.
    • Created postLogin page that shows user duplicated main page but more menus
    • Working the duplicate pages before / after login.
  • 04/09/2022 (Day 6)

    • Fetching the REST API from React
    • UI updated
    • Spring security updated
  • 04/08/2022 (Day 5)

    • Installed the React and test out how it works and played around.
    • Used Hateoas dependency to wrap up the REST API
    • REST API domain changed to "/api/v1/customers/"
    • Each objects have a 3 different links in API,
      • customer (current page)
      • customer by id
      • customer's bankAccount
  • 04/07/2022 (Day 4)

    • Minor updates the models to connect between models.
    • Established the database relationship between models
      • Customer has a bankaccount and it has a multiful transactions.
      • Customer (One to One) BankAccount
      • BankAccount (One to Many) Transaction
    • Tried to use UUID for Ids but decided to use auto @GeneratedValue
    • Created a CustomerRESTController
  • 04/06/2022 (Day 3)

    • Update each controllers, each class' service, and implements.
    • Checked the Customer model CRUD went okay
    • Learning RESTful my models
    • Designed the front side
  • 04/05/2022 (Day 2)

    • Created model classes and establish with JPA
    • CRUD testing through localhost
    • Added a links to move around between pages to test
    • Desgined a minimal UI
  • 04/04/2022 (Day 1)

    • Initialized the project with Spring Boot
    • Designed the models
    • Customer, BankAccount, Transaction, and Login(TBD)
    • Find the resources