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Github Pull Request Information

Use the Github API to fetch the title and labels of the PR that was just merged.

Use case: Generate a change log for deployment; change deployment method based on label

The following variables are exported to the environment:

  • GPRI_PULL_REQUEST_NUMBER: PR number for the current commit
  • GPRI_OTHER_PULL_REQUEST_TITLES: Line-break separated list of pull request titles, excluding the current PR
  • GPRI_PULL_REQUEST_LABELS: Colon-separated (:) list of github issue labels

How to use this Step


Bitrise doesn't support adding or configuring third-party steps directly. In the workflow editor, go to the "bitrise.yml" tab and add the step like this:

- git::
    title: Fetch Pull Request information
    - github_username: philippelatulippe1

Then add a secret variable github_access_token with your github access token, which you can create on the following page:

On the command line

Can be run directly with the bitrise CLI, just git clone this repository, cd into it's folder in your Terminal/Command Line and call bitrise run test.

Check the bitrise.yml file for required inputs which have to be added to your .bitrise.secrets.yml file!

Step by step:

  1. Open up your Terminal / Command Line
  2. git clone the repository
  3. cd into the directory of the step (the one you just git cloned)
  4. Create a .bitrise.secrets.yml file in the same directory of bitrise.yml - the .bitrise.secrets.yml is a git ignored file, you can store your secrets in
  5. Check the bitrise.yml file for any secret you should set in .bitrise.secrets.yml
  • Best practice is to mark these options with something like # define these in your .bitrise.secrets.yml, in the app:envs section.
  1. Once you have all the required secret parameters in your .bitrise.secrets.yml you can just run this step with the bitrise CLI: bitrise run test

An example .bitrise.secrets.yml file:

 - GPRI_GITHUB_USERNAME: philippelatulippe
 - GPRI_GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN: (Create this token here:
 - BITRISE_GIT_COMMIT: 6dc69d9fbab1ef190a9f6ea40149b35e225c6d77 (the commit sha of your merge commit)

How to contribute to this Step

  1. Fork this repository
  2. git clone it
  3. Create a branch you'll work on
  4. To use/test the step just follow the How to use this Step section
  5. Do the changes you want to
  6. Run/test the step before sending your contribution
  • You can also test the step in your bitrise project, either on your Mac or on
  • You just have to replace the step ID in your project's bitrise.yml with either a relative path, or with a git URL format
  • (relative) path format: instead of - original-step-id: use - path::./relative/path/of/script/on/your/Mac:
  • direct git URL format: instead of - original-step-id: use - git::
  • You can find more example of alternative step referencing at:
  1. Once you're done just commit your changes & create a Pull Request

Share your own Step

You can share your Step or step version with the bitrise CLI. Just run bitrise share and follow the guide it prints.

About step that retrieves Pull Request information before deploying a build







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