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philoskim committed Dec 19, 2019
2 parents 55e76b9 + 020add9 commit 840ab77
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Showing 21 changed files with 700 additions and 182 deletions.
305 changes: 189 additions & 116 deletions README.adoc

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3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions doc/change-logs.adoc
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:source-highlighter: coderay

* v0.6.1
** The namespace and line number of the source code are printed as well in the debux macros.
* v0.6.0
** Changed: _number_ option of *debux* macros is now applied to not only `seq` data type
but also all the `coll` data types. (Previously, the _number_ option was applied to
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Binary file modified doc/img/clog-1.png
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Binary file modified doc/img/clog-4.png
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Binary file modified doc/img/clog-5.png
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Binary file modified doc/img/register-macros.png
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3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion examples/src/clj/examples/core.clj
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;; You should require dynamically the namespaces that you want to laod
;; if you want to use set-ns-blacklist! or set-ns-whitelist!.
(require 'examples.lab)
(require 'examples.common)
(require 'examples.dbg)
(require 'examples.options)
(require 'examples.dbgn)
;(require 'examples.demo)
;(require 'examples.lab)
375 changes: 375 additions & 0 deletions examples/src/clj/examples/demo.clj
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@@ -0,0 +1,375 @@
(ns examples.demo)

(use 'debux.core)

;;; dbg examples

;; Basic usage
(* 2 (dbg (+ 10 20)))

(defn my-fun
[a {:keys [b c d] :or {d 10 b 20 c 30}} [e f g & h]]
(dbg [a b c d e f g h]))

(my-fun (take 5 (range)) {:c 50 :d 100} ["a" "b" "c" "d" "e"])

;; Debugging thread macro -> or ->>
(dbg (-> "a b c d"
(.replace "A" "X")
(.split " ")

(def person
{:name "Mark Volkmann"
:address {:street "644 Glen Summit"
:city "St. Charles"
:state "Missouri"
:zip 63304}
:employer {:name "Object Computing, Inc."
:address {:street "12140 Woodcrest Dr."
:city "Creve Coeur"
:state "Missouri"
:zip 63141}}})

(dbg (-> person :employer :address :city))

(def c 5)

(dbg (->> c (+ 3) (/ 2) (- 1)))

(-> {:a [1 2]}
(get :a)
(conj 3))

(->> [-1 0 1 2]
(filter pos?)
(map inc)
(map str))

;; Debugging let or comp form
(dbg (let [a (take 5 (range))
{:keys [b c d] :or {d 10 b 20 c 30}} {:c 50 :d 100}
[e f g & h] ["a" "b" "c" "d" "e"]]
[a b c d e f g h]))

(def c (dbg (comp inc inc +)))

(c 10 20)

;;; dbgn examples

;; Simple example
(dbgn (defn foo [a b & [c]]
(if c
(* a b c)
(* a b 100))))

(foo 2 3)

(foo 2 3 10)

;; Detailed examples

; :def-type example
(dbgn (def my-function "my-function doc string"
(fn [x] (* x x x))))

(my-function 10)

; :defn-type example
(dbgn (defn add
"add doc string"
[a b]
(+ a b)))

(add 10 20)

(dbgn (defn my-add
"my-add doc string"
([] 0)
([a] a)
([a b] (+ a b))
([a b & more] (apply + a b more))))

(my-add 10)
(my-add 10 20)
(my-add 10 20 30 40)

(dbgn (defn calc1 [a1 a2] (+ a1 a2)))
(dbgn (defn calc2 [s1 s2] (- 100 (calc1 s1 s2))))
(dbgn (defn calc3 [m1 m2] (* 10 (calc2 m1 m2))))

(calc3 2 5)

; :fn-type example
(dbgn (reduce (fn [acc i] (+ acc i)) 0 [1 5 9]))

(dbgn (map #(* % 10) [1 5 9]))

; let-type example
(dbgn (let [a (+ 1 2)
[b c] [(+ a 10) (* a 2)]]
(- (+ a b) c)))

; :if-let-type example
(def a* 10)

(dbgn (if-let [s a*]
(+ s 100)

; :letfn-type example
(dbgn (letfn [(twice [x]
(* x 2))
(six-times [y]
(* (twice y) 3))]
(six-times 15)))

; :for-type example
(dbgn (for [x [0 1 2 3 4 5]
:let [y (* x 3)]
:when (even? y)]

; :case-type example
(dbgn (let [mystr "hello"]
(case mystr
"" 0
"hello" (count mystr))))

(dbgn (case 'a
(x y z) "x, y, or z"

; :skip-arg-1-type example
(dbgn (with-precision 10 (/ 1M 6)))

; :skip-arg-2-type example
(dbgn (as-> 0 n
(inc n)
(inc n)))

; :skip-arg-1-3-type example
(defmulti greeting
(fn [x] (:language x)))

(dbgn (defmethod greeting :english [map]
(str "English greeting: " (:greeting map))))

(dbgn (defmethod greeting :french [map]
(str "French greeting: " (:greeting map))))

(def english-map {:language :english :greeting "Hello!"})
(def french-map {:language :french :greeting "Bonjour!"})

(greeting english-map)
(greeting french-map)

; :skip-arg-2-3-type example
(let [xs (float-array [1 2 3])]
(dbgn (areduce xs i ret (float 0)
(+ ret (aget xs i)))))

; :skip-all-args-type example
(dbgn (defmacro unless [pred a b]
`(if (not ~pred) ~a ~b)))

; :skip-form-itself-type example
(dbgn (try
(/ 1 0)
(catch ArithmeticException e (str "caught exception: " (.getMessage e)))))

; :expand-type example
(dbgn (-> "a b c d"
(.replace "A" "X")
(.split " ")

(dbgn (.. "fooBAR" toLowerCase (contains "ooba")))

(let [x 1 y 2]
(dbgn (cond-> []
(odd? x) (conj "x is odd")
(zero? (rem y 3)) (conj "y is divisible by 3")
(even? y) (conj "y is even"))))

; :dot-type example
(dbgn (. (java.util.Date.) getMonth))

;; Limited support for the form including recur

; loop ~ recur
(dbgn (loop [acc 1 n 3]
(if (zero? n)
(recur (* acc n) (dec n)))))
; => 6

(dbgn (defn fact [num]
(loop [acc 1 n num]
(if (zero? n)
(recur (* acc n) (dec n))))))
(fact 3)

; defn/defn-/fn ~ recur without loop
(dbgn (defn factorial [acc n]
(if (zero? n)
(factorial (* acc n) (dec n)))))
(factorial 1 3)

;; How to register your own macros in using dbgn/clogn
(defmacro my-let [bindings & body]
`(let ~bindings ~@body))

(register-macros! :let-type [my-let])

(dbg (show-macros :let-type))
(dbg (show-macros))

(dbgn (my-let [a 10 b (+ a 10)] (+ a b)))

;;; Multiple use of dbg and dbgn

;; dbg inside dbgn or vice versa
(defn my-fun [a b c]
(dbgn (+ a b c
(dbg (->> (range (- b a))
(map #(* % %))
(filter even?)
(take a)
(reduce +))))))

(my-fun 10 20 100)

;; Multiple dbgn and dbg
(def n 10)

(defn add [a b]
(dbgn (+ a b)))

(defn mul [a b]
(dbgn (* a b)))

(dbgn (+ n (mul 3 4) (add 10 20)))

(defn add2 [a b]
(dbg (+ a b)))

(defn mul2 [a b]
(dbg (* a b)))

(dbgn (+ n (mul2 3 4) (add2 10 20)))

;;; Various options

;; String option
(dbg (repeat 5 "x") "5 times repeat")

;; Number option
(dbgn (count (range 200)))

(dbgn (count (range 200)) 200)

(dbgn (take 5 (range)))

(set-print-length! 10)

(dbgn (take 5 (range)))
(set-print-length! 100)

(def m
{:list (range)
:vector (vec (range 100))
:map (zipmap (range 100) (cycle [:x :y :z]))
:set (set (range 100))})

(dbgn (count m) 5)

;; :if option
(doseq [i (range 10)]
(dbg i :if (even? i)))

;; :print option
(+ 10 (dbg (* 20 30) :print #(type %)))

(dbg person :p #(get-in % [:employer :address :city]))

;; :dup option
(dbgn (def my-function "my-function doc string"
(fn [x] (* x x x))))

(my-function 10)

(dbgn (def my-function "my-function doc string"
(fn [x] (* x x x))) :dup)

(my-function 10)

(dbgn (loop [acc 1 n 3]
(if (zero? n)
(recur (* acc n) (dec n)))))

(dbgn (loop [acc 1 n 3]
(if (zero? n)
(recur (* acc n) (dec n)))) :dup)

;;; dbg-last: Debugging inside the thread-last macro ->>
(->> (range 20)
(filter odd?)
(dbg-last 5 "after filter")
(map inc))

(-> (range 10)
(conj 100)
(dbg 5 "after conj")

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