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Sage-of-Mirrors edited this page Jan 14, 2014 · 2 revisions

The PLYR chunk and its entries define spawn points where Link enters maps. It is laid out like this:

0x08 int8 evntIndex; //Specifies an event from the DZS file to play upon spawning. FF means no event<br>
0x09 int8 unknown1; //Padding?<br>
0x0A int8 spawnType; //How Link enters the room<br>
0x0B int8 roomNum; //room number of the room the spawn is in<br>
0x0C int spawnXCoord;<br>
0x10 int spawnYCoord;<br>
0x14 int spawnZCoord;<br>
0x18 int16 xRotation;<br>
0x1A int16 yRotation;<br>
0x1C int16 zRotation;<br>

Below are some valid values for spawnType.

00 - Spawns Link at the entry's exact location
A0 - Link opens a door
50 - Link spawns and walks forward a few steps. If there isn't a large space behind Link, the camera will be scrunched up directly behind him.
F0 - Gliding down a column of light
D0 - Coming up from a hole
10 - Seems the same as 00
20 - Seems the same as 00
90 - Hangs with the camera in a cut scene-like stance
B0 - Sort of odd version of A0. Might be for Forsaken Fortress doors?
C0 - Can't tell. Camera starts at a door, then pivots around to Link, who spawned as if it was 00.