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pHTML Eleventy pHTML

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pHTML Eleventy lets you use pHTML to process HTML files in Eleventy.


Available on npm.

npm install @phtml/11ty --save-dev

Open up your Eleventy config file (probably .eleventy.js) and use addPlugin:

const phtml11ty = require('@phtml/11ty');

module.exports = function (eleventyConfig) {


Optionally pass in an options object as the second argument to addPlugin to further customize this plugin pack.

const phtml11ty = require('@phtml/11ty');

module.exports = function (eleventyConfig) {
  eleventyConfig.addPlugin(phtml11ty, {
    // {Array|Object|Plugin} plugin or plugins to be used by pthml

    // {Boolean} whether relative paths should reference the source or output path


const phtml11ty = require('@phtml/11ty');
const phtmlDoctype = require('@phtml/doctype');
const phtmlSelfClosing = require('@phtml/doctype');

module.exports = function (eleventyConfig) {
  eleventyConfig.addPlugin(phtml11ty, {
    // prepend <!doctype html> when a html, head, or body tag is present
    use: phtmlDoctype({ safe: true })

Example with Multiple Plugins

The following example uses the Doctype, Self-Closing, and Template,

const phtml11ty = require('@phtml/11ty');
const phtmlDoctype = require('@phtml/doctype');
const phtmlSelfClosing = require('@phtml/self-closing');
const phtmlTemplate = require('@phtml/template');

module.exports = function (eleventyConfig) {
  eleventyConfig.addPlugin(phtml11ty, {
    use: [
      // prepend <!doctype html> when a html, head, or body tag is present
      phtmlDoctype({ safe: true }),
      // unwrap <self-closing /> tags
      // pre-compiled templates using <is:template name="tmpl" /> & <as:template name="tmpl" />

Example with Transform Function

The use option accepts an object with a transformFunction function for accessing template configuration during plugin initialization.

const phtml11ty = require('@phtml/11ty');
const phtmlJsx = require('@phtml/jsx');

module.exports = function (eleventyConfig) {
  eleventyConfig.addPlugin(phtml11ty, {
    use: {
      transformFunction (template) {
        // support JSX in HTML
        return phtmlJsx({ data: template.dataCache });


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