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Side project - wrap a web page around ytdl, so that I can start downloads from anywhere and have them auto-saved to the network drive.

I see youtube and similar links all the time, and want to view them on the TV minus ads, or maybe just defer watching. This little app uses a home server with SMB connection to my NAS to save. Super basic web wrapper around YTDL, with a bit of usefulness in the 'build list of target directories' logic and HTML.

Project goals

  • Lightweight web pages that load fast, render properly on desktop, mobile and tablet.
  • No javascript
  • multiple concurrent downloads
  • hands-off operation
  • DIY the SQL part, just to learn it myself
  • SQLite for jobs and logging

Current status

As of 10/18/2021, jobs and logging are saved into SQLite, enabling the addition of a polling/detail page, plus a table of recent jobs on the home page. Much nicer!

Works as intended:

  • Downloads run in the background
  • Basic Bootstrap v4 CSS, explicitly without JS. Input validation is most-basic, but looks OK.
  • No file management, I expect clutter to accumulate.
  • Utterly insecure - no input validation, so internal-network use only. Little Bobby Tables risk
  • Added 'retry' button to failed downloads
  • ported from youtube-dl to yt_dlp which seems maintained and quite nice.

Next steps

  • Add pagination to index table
  • Add intelligence to log display - collapse the middle if too long (accordion maybe)
  • Widen margins on log display
  • Add 'retry this download IFF rc != 0' kind of thing
  • Parse debug logs or API to include download bytes and percentage to poll/detail. Progress bar!
  • Move ad-hoc test code into proper unit tests.
  • For iOS, add manifest or whatever so it looks a proper home screen icon.
  • Productionize it - WSGI, debug off, reverse proxy. Cannot currently be exposed to the internet.
  • Some sort of temp directory with automatic cleanup would be cool.
  • Try v2 Flask beta?


python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activatate
pip install -r requirements.txt

Run it

source venv/bin/activatate

There's also for in the background.

Maintain it

TBD - yt_dlp has periodic updates, need to determine how to upgrade the library in place. There's a shell script now.

Tools and libraries

FastAPI lacks the built-in templates and html support, so Flask is perfect. We also, of course, use the Python API for yt_dlp.



Insecure, internal-only web front end to YTDL, useful for saving videos from mobile






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