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How to release

Viktor Elofsson edited this page Oct 9, 2020 · 1 revision
  1. Build the binaries with the correct version.

    1. git checkout master; git pull
    2. git tag vX.Y.Z
    3. .\build.ps1 -Configuration Release -Platform -[x64|x86]
    4. git push --tags
  2. Upload symbol files to Sentry.

    1. sentry-cli upload-dif -o unidentifieddeveloper -p picotorrent --wait .\build-[x64|x86]\Release\packages\PicoTorrent-0.22.0-[x64|x86]
  3. Write compact release notes based on the merge commits in master.

    1. git log --pretty=%s --merges v0.22.0...v0.21.0
  4. Upload installers and portable zip files to FOSSHub and add release notes. Publish.

  5. Write release notes for

  6. Create release from tag on GitHub. Add installer, portable zip files, release notes. Publish. This step triggers the Update available dialog in PicoTorrent so do it last.

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