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Conformal vector image editor: using only circles (WIP)
<insert 0-inf banner here>
Built with Compose Multiplatform, targeting

  • Desktop (Windows, Linux)
  • Android 7.0+ (SDK 24+)
  • Web (via Wasm)
  • macOS/iOS if ever get an Apple dev account (have to notarize/staple binaries), for now only works as a web app thru Chrome/Firefox

End goal

Combine interactive designs ~ Geogebra
with graphical vector editor ~ Inkscape
and specific type of animations ~ Möbius transformations and possibly Lie sphere geometry


Live deployed here from the github-pages branch
Binaries for Linux, Window and Android are stored here.


Cluster = circles + union of intersections of some of these circles (their insides or outsides)

  • Cluster editor
    • drag, select, copy, create & delete circles
    • move & scale circles
    • select/deselect intersection regions
    • fill regions with diff colors
    • select binary interlacing even/odd regions (like chessboard coloring)
    • load/save individual clusters as .ddc/.yml (based on yaml)
    • additional context-dependent toolbar to group categories of tools (a-la bucket fill + gradient)
    • tools: circle by center & radius, by 3 points; maybe line by 2 points
    • bezier-like pathing tool
    • maybe finer control over angles/distances
  • Multi-cluster editor
    • drag, select, copy, create & delete clusters
    • move, scale & rotate clusters
    • change color, border color, fill/wireframe
    • re-order / sidebar layer-like interface
    • create and apply Möbius transforms as animations
  • Other
    • history: undo + redo
    • New cluster-based format to supercede .ddu, YAML subset
    • read .ddu
    • maybe export as .svg

Build and run via Gradle

Run desktop app

./gradlew :composeApp:run

Run web app (dev)

./gradlew :composeApp:wasmJsBrowserDevelopmentRun

Package for Windows/macOS/Linux

Build platform-dependent package (run thru Github Actions using corresponding OS):
./gradlew composeApp:createDistributable
output directory: composeApp/build/compose/binaries/main/app/
Same + use ProGuard to minify:
./gradlew composeApp:createReleaseDistributable
output directory: composeApp/build/compose/binaries/main-release/app/


  • ./gradlew packageReleaseMsi
  • ./gradlew packageReleaseDmg + notarize/register (requires Apple dev acc)
  • ./gradlew packageReleaseDeb
    output directory: composeApp/build/compose/binaries/main-release/app/

Package for web browser

./gradlew wasmJsBrowserDistribution
output directory: composeApp/build/dist/wasmJs/productionExecutable/

Generate debug .apk for Android

./gradlew assembleDebug output directory: composeApp/build/outputs/apk/debug/

Web Wasm compatibility

To run applications built with Kotlin/Wasm in a browser, you need a browser supporting wasm garbage collection feature:

  • For Chrome and Chromium-based browsers (Edge, Brave etc.), it should just work since version 119.
  • For Firefox 120+ it should just work.
  • For Firefox 119:
    1. Open about:config in the browser.
    2. Enable javascript.options.wasm_gc.
    3. Refresh the page.
  • For Safari it is NOT implemented as of now (March 2024)

For more information see