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Pelican plugin for word count and reading time statistics


Words are extracted and refined from the rendered HTML.

Reading time is in minutes and calculated assuming average reading speed equal to 250 words per minute.


  1. Place plugin in a directory, e.g plugins/pilosus_pelican_word_count. You can clone it or add it to your blog repo as a submodule:
$ cd /path/to/your/static/site/repo
$ git submodule add plugins/pilosus_pelican_word_count
  1. Add plugins configurations in a settings file:
PLUGIN_PATHS = ['plugins']
PLUGINS = ['pilosus_pelican_word_count',]


Plugin adds a stats attribute holding dictionary with article or page statistics:

  'word_count': 500,
  'read_minutes': 2,

In your template you can use it like this:

{% if article and article.stats %}
<span class="stats">article.stats['word_count'] words, article.stats['read_minutes'] minutes to read</span>
{% endif %}

{% if page and page.og %}
<span class="stats">page.stats['word_count'] words, page.stats['read_minutes'] minutes to read</span>
{% endif %}


This work is licensed under GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 3. See LICENSE file