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7 Sequence Flows

Niklas Kiefer edited this page Jun 17, 2016 · 1 revision

Sequence Flows

In bpmn sequence flows connect different elements to get the process working. In Bncl you simply create a sequence flow with:

with sequenceflow comesfrom e1 goesto e2

The sequenceflow keyword tells the parser that a new connection between two elements should be created. With comesfrom you give the id of the leftern connection partner, with goesto you give the id of the rightern connection partner. It is important, that the sequenceflow is created after the two corresponding elements were created.

A full Bncl statement with sequence flows would be:

lets create a process with startevent signed s1 with endevent signed e1 with sequenceflow comesfrom s1 goesto e1
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<definitions id="definitions_da8ed95b-687e-40f9-a8a8-9af686d54934" targetNamespace="" xmlns="">
  <process id="pid-2c5564c8-f23c-4a44-a5b5-4fd8bb4ac3c2">
    <startEvent id="s1">
    <endEvent id="e1">
    <sequenceFlow id="s1-e1" sourceRef="s1" targetRef="e1"/>
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