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Plugin repository

SSH frontend to plugin repository.


Most plugin repositories are web-first, this is overkill.

SSH is powerful enough to perform authentication and easy to build authorization around it.

Easy to install. No database or fancy tools required.


$ pr tcsh add
Repository tcsh added
$ pr tcsh ls
colorize-output Fancy colors in your shell
enlarge-your-history More entries in history
$ pr tcsh fetch colorize-output
colorize-output is fetched to ~/.tcsh/plugins

With change permissions:

$ pr tcsh publish colorize-output
colorize-output added to tcsh
$ pr tcsh rm colorize-output
colorize-output removed from tcsh


Copy your 'owner' public key and log in to target machine:

$ scp ~/.ssh/ your-host:~
$ ssh your-host

Create a user (the will be the user other will 'log in' to, e.g. ssh plug-repo@your-host):

$ sudo useradd -mU plug-repo

Move the key so that installer can find it:

$ sudo mv /home/plug-repo/
$ sudo chown plug-repo:plug-repo /home/plug-repo/

Install to user directory:

$ sudo su - plug-repo
$ wget -O - | bash -s

Edit repository information, its contents will be returned to those asking for repository info:

$ edit info

Do not forget to start SSH server.

How to access repository we have just deployed

You can use plain SSH client. For public access you will need a public keypair (id_plug-repo_public). You should put it to your ~/.ssh directory, or edit your ~/.ssh/config, or use a dedicated ssh_config file.

$ ssh info

Or a convenience wrapper:

$ pr tcsh info

Is it any good?



  1. Fork
  2. Fix/extend
  3. Add test and make sure they pass
  4. Send pull request



proot is Linux only, so is fakechroot. Probably it makes sense to use chroot on BSDs and OSX. I discourage you from using Vagrant, VirtualBox, LXC, Docker and other ugly monsters for simple task of testing an SSH server in isolation.

Tests are being run using userland chroot and a local sshd server on port 2222. /home/plug-repo directory is bound to sandbox/home/plug-repo and is wiped out between test runs. /etc/ssh is bound to test/etc/ssh so that you can experiment with sshd_config.



What works to date


Authorization (public anonymous user, owner, collaborator).

Plugin (creation/modification, removal, query).

Repository info file.


No questions asked so far. Putting things that I use to forget here:

Q: Plugins for what?

A: Machine-local tools (zsh, vim, git, tmux, bash, weechat), project-local (capistrano, authlogic, grunt, angular). They all have dozen useful plugins you probably never heard of.

Q: How does it work?

A: That's easy and complicated at the same time. Some binary files are being executed with some parameters when someone logs in via SSH, and their output is sent back to client.

Q: Will there be a desktop GUI front-end or web UI?

A: Sure, when someone writes them. Something that accepts manually filled in signed forms and issues printed tickets whith download links is a good idea too.

Q: Doesn't each and every of them already have some kind of a repository?

A: Here comes the ugly list of different kinds of plugins repositories (where only the one for sublime and unheap are neat).

Q: What are those PKI pairs all around the project?

A: There are three of them:

  1. id_plug-repo_public. SSH does not have an option to run a command on a server side when user is not authenticated at all. We use that pair of keys for all of that public users out there.
  2. test/id_owner. This pair is only used during development tests, you are free to replace them. It simulate the keypair of the owner of repository.
  3. test/etc/ssh/ssh_host_ed25519_key. This pair is only used during development tests, you are free to replace them. It simulate the keypair of the server.


Philipp Pirozhkov pirjsuka at gmail com


SSH backed plugin repository







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