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This SDK makes it easy for Pixlee customers to easily include Pixlee albums in their native iOS apps. It includes a native wrapper to the Pixlee album API as well as some drop-in and customizable UI elements to quickly get you started.

Getting Started

This repo includes both the Pixlee iOS SDK and an example project to show you how it's used.


pixlee-ios-sdk is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod "pixlee-ios-sdk"


Before accessing the Pixlee API, you must initialize the PXLClient. To set the API key, call setApiKey: on [PXLClient sharedClient]. You can then use that singleton instance to make calls against the Pixlee API.

To load the photos in an album, you'll want to use the PXLAlbum class. Create an instance by calling [PXLAlbum albumWithIdentifier:<ALBUM ID HERE>]. You can then set sortOptions and filterOptions as necessary (see the header files for more details) before calling loadNextPageOfPhotos: to load photos. An album will load its photos as pages, and calling loadNextPageOfPhotos: successively will load each page in turn.

Additionally, you can control how an album loads its data using PXLAlbumFilterOptions and PXLAlbumSortOptions. To use these, create a new instance with [PXLAlbumFilterOptions new] or [PXLAlbumSortOptions new], set the necessary properties, and then set those objects to the filterOptions and sortOptions properties on your album. Make sure to set these before calling loadNextPageOfPhotos:.

Once an album has loaded photos from the server, it will instantiate PXLPhoto objects that can be consumed by your UI. PXLPhoto exposes all of the data for a photo available through the Pixlee API and offers several image url sizes depending on your needs.

To help you quickly get started, we've also built an album view controller and photo detail view controller that can be used and customized in your app. PXLAlbumViewController uses a UICollectionView to display the photos in an album and includes a toggle to switch between a grid and list view. Use albumViewControllerWithAlbumId: to create an instance or set the album property if you need to create an instance through other means. Once the album has been set, you can call loadNextPageOfPhotos to start the loading process. The album view controller is set up to automatically load more pages of photos as the user scrolls, giving it an infinite scroll effect.

If a user taps on a photo in the PXLAlbumViewController, we present a detail view with PXLPhotoDetailViewController. You may present a detail view yourself by instantiating an instance of PXLPhotoDetailViewController and setting its photo property. The photo detail view is configured to display:

  • the large photo
  • the username of the poster
  • a timestamp showing when the photo was posted
  • the platform source of the photo (e.g. Instagram)
  • the photo's caption (if one is available)
  • any products associated with that photo (displayed as a horizontal list of products)


First, ensure that cocoapods is installed via gem install cocoapods.

To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod update from the Example directory first.

To run the project, open pixlee-ios-sdk.xcworkspace in Xcode. Run the project and you should see a grid of photos from that album.


pixlee-ios-sdk is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.


Example of our ios sdk using UDAM Album.







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