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VLC Mobile/Kinect Controls, aims to new ways to access and control the VLC Media Player.

Version 1.1,

* Support for VLC 2.0 added

How to install ( VLC 2.0 )
Navigate to your VideoLan folder (for example, C:\Program Files (x86)\VideoLAN\VLC\lua ) and open the http folder,
if you want make a back up of its contents, and then place in it the contents of this repo.

Then fire up VLC, and go to : tools > preferences, select 'Show Settings: All' (at the bottom), and then 
interface > Main interfaces  and check "Web".

Close and re-open VLC, you might get a message saying that you must allow VLC to access your network connection etc.
Say yes to all. That's it!

How to install (VLC 1.1)
Navigate to your VideoLan folder (for example, C:\Program Files (x86)\VideoLAN\VLC\ ) and open the http folder,
if you want make a back up of its contents, and then place in it the contents of this repo.

Then fire up VLC, and go to : tools > preferences, select 'Show Settings: All' (at the bottom), and then 
interface > Main interfaces  and check HTTP remote control interface.

Close and re-open VLC, you might get a message saying that you must allow VLC to access your network connection etc.
Say yes to all. Congratulations!

Mobile Version (index.html)
Supported OS, iOs (3+), Android 2.1+, wp7 (7.0+). The code has added fallbacks for older devices, 
but no extensive testing has took place yet.

- Seeker, volume control, fullscreen control, taking snapshots, controlling the playlist, navigating the filesystem

How to usethe Mobile Version,
After having installed the custom controls, make sure that your cellphone is connected on the same wifi as the 
VLC host computer, and navigate to vlc_host_machine_ip_address:8080

Kinect version (index.kinect.html)
Supports the following gestures,
- Escape : for pause, play. If you hold the Escape Position, for more than 2 seconds then playback is stopped)
- Swipes : swipe left/right, navigates the qeued files. Bottom Swipe mutes the audio.
- Crank Gesture : Controls the volume. Clockwise hand rotation raises the volume, whereas anti-clockwise lowers it

- Right hand movement while left hand is in the Escape Position : controls the seeker

How to use the Kinect Version,
Install and run the KinectSocketServer.exe ( ), fire up VLC 
(with the custom controls set up) and navigate to localhost:8080/index.kinect.html, when asked 
input the port specified in the KinectSocketServer app, step back so that the kinect sees you.


Control the VLC Media Player with your Cellphone or a Kinect






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