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pkerschbaum OSS



  • Node.js: It is recommended to use nvm and run nvm use, this will automatically switch to the Node.js version mentioned in the file .nvmrc.
    Alternatively you can install Node.js directly, please refer to .nvmrc of this project to determine the Node.js version to use.

  • pnpm: This monorepo ("workspace") uses pnpm as package manager.
    It is recommended to use corepack of Node.js, just run:

    corepack enable

    pnpm commands should now be available (and the pnpm version specified in package.json#packageManager will be automatically used).

  • Toolchain for native Node.js modules: Run the installation instructions "A C/C++ compiler tool chain for your platform" of microsoft/vscode/wiki/How-to-Contribute#prerequisites.

Build & Run

  1. Install all dependencies:

    pnpm install
  2. Run an initial build:

    pnpm run build

Additional commands for development

See scripts of ./package.json for available scripts in the workspace.