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CL wrapper around QSopt-Exact, an exact (rational arithmetic) LP solver

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This one-file system provides two things: a tiny modeling framework for linear programs, and a wrapper around Daniel Espinoza et al's QSopt-Exact, an exact (with rational arithmetic) solver for linear optimization problems.


The solver requires an installation of QSopt-Exact. The program depends on EGlib, an utility library, which has a bug that results in erroneous variable value output for very large fractions or floats. Both projects are GPL. The default configuration depends on both being built with
soft-float (128 bit), but editing rational-simplex.impl::*solvers* to remove the "float128_solver" entry from the list of solvers.

If you intend to work with large denominators, you'll need to build both programs from sources (it only takes a few minutes). Applying EGlib-long-lines.patch with patch -p0 < EGlib-long-lines.patch from EGlib-2.6.20/ before building EGlib (and QSopt_ex) should work... It's an ugly workaround, you probably don't want to look too closely (:

*solvers-path* should point to the directory holding the QSopt_ex executables. It defaults to [directory from which rational-simplex.lisp is loaded]/bin, which is probably not what you want if you're loading it with asdf or quicklisp.

*instance-stem* defaults to "/tmp/rational-simplex-instance"; temporary files /tmp/rational-simplex-instance.lp and /tmp/rational-simplex-instance.bas will be created (and overwritten!). You probably want to change that to something more unique (and private) if you work on a shared machine.

Other dependencies: cl-ppcre and trivial-shell on #-sbcl platforms (in which case, beware spaces in paths...).

Modeling language

The base object is the model. It stores the current objective, sense (should the objective function be minimised or maximised), variables and constraints. with-model (&key name sense) should be used in most cases (name is a string or nil, and sense is :minimize, the default, or :maximise).

In the scope of with-model, var &key name lower upper obj instantiates a new variables associated with the current model. The lower bound defaults to 0, and the upper bound to none (nil). obj is the variable's coefficient in the objective function, and defaults to 0.

Variables and real values can be composed together into immutable linear-expressions. linexpr &optional constant &rest {coef var}* creates a fresh linear expression corresponding to constant + coef1*var1 + .... add or sub can be used to add or subtract reals, variables, or linear expressions; the optional third argument specifies a scaling value for the second argument. scale will scale it argument by a real, while remove-var can be used to completely remove a variable from a linear expression. addf, subf, scalef, remove-varf are convenience modify macros around the functions.

The function constraint lhs cmp rhs returns a new constraints that asserts a relationship between two linear expressions (or variables or reals). cmp can be <=, >= or =. add-constraint and del-constraint add/delete a constraint to/from a model. constrain lhs cmp rhs &optional model or its synonym post create a constraint and add it to the model (defaults to *model*) in a single call. The return value is the new constraint itself, to easily del-constraint it.

constraints is a place that ensures that a model always has unique ownership over the constraint store (copies are stored/returned). This can be used to simplify branch-and-bound type algorithms.

print-float-model and print-rational-model can be used to print the current model in lp format. Values in the model, linear expressions, etc. are converted to rationals as early as possible, so print-rational-model does not lose precision. Most solvers work with floating point values; in that case print-float-model is more appropriate.

Convenience puns are also provided: lp:+ and lp:- add/subtract terms or linear expressions. lp:* and lp:/ scale terms or linear expressions by reals. lp:<=, lp:>= and lp:= create constraints, while lp:post<=, etc. post the constraints directly on the model.


solve &key model trace inexact double-only is used to solve a model specified in the framework described above. model defaults to *model*. trace specifies where short (a few lines line per solve) logging should be printed and defaults to *trace-output*. inexact defaults to nil; if true, the final solve in rational is skipped. double-only defaults to nil; if true, only the initial solve with double arithmetic is performed. The return values are a status (:optimal, :infeasible, :unbounded or unsolved), the objective value, a hash table from variables to values, and the total solution time. The variable to value hash table does not have entries for variables whose value is 0 (or with epsilon for inexact solvers).

This is a wrapper around solve-with-printer printer &key trace inexact double-only. Instead of a model, this function receives a printer function which, givena function with which to canonicalize numbers (e.g. one that converts any real to a float) and a stream, prints an lp model to the stream. The return values are the last executed solver's status, the reported objective value, a hash table mapping variable names to values, and the total solution time. Note that the objective value is reported with little precision; associating the expression with a bogus variable and optimising on that variable will give full precision in the objective value.

Example usage

The following solves a silly 3-variable linear program (one of QSopt-Exact's demos), and reports the objective value and decision variables' values at an optimal solution.

CL-USER> (lp:with-model (:name "small" :sense :maximize)
           (let ((x (lp:var :name "x" :lower 2 :obj 3))
                 (y (lp:var :name "y" :lower nil :obj 2))
                 (z (lp:var :name "z" :lower 1 :upper 10 :obj 4)))
             (lp:post (lp:linexpr 0 3 x 2 y 1 z) '<= 12)
             (lp:<= (lp:+ y (lp:* x 5)) 10)
             (multiple-value-bind (status obj values)
               (assert (eql status :optimal))
               (values obj (mapcar (lambda (var)
                                     (cons var (gethash var values)))
                                   (list x y z))))))
dbl_solver: 0.000 sec 0.0 (optimal)
ldbl_solver: 0.000 sec 0.0 (optimal)
float128_solver: 0.000 sec 0.0 (optimal)
mpf_solver: 0.010 sec 0.0 (optimal)
mpq_solver: 0.010 sec 0.0 (optimal)
((#<RATIONAL-SIMPLEX:VAR x [2.0:+inf]> . 2)
 (#<RATIONAL-SIMPLEX:VAR y [-inf:+inf]> . -2)
 (#<RATIONAL-SIMPLEX:VAR z [1.0:10.0]> . 10))


QSopt-Exact comes with a full adaptive-precision MIP solver... but it solution output routines seem broken on my linux, and I didn't particularly feel like going down that rabbit hole. Instead, I call LP solvers of increasing precision in sequence: double, long doubles, 128 bit quads, multi-precision floats and finally rationals. The reason this works (and is interesting) is that the simplex is a combinatorial algorithm: the correctness of each step only depends on the comparison between two values (i.e. is x >= y). Better: the state determined at each step isn't numeric, but rather a basis (a set of variable or constraints). Thus, we can save the basis found by the double solver, and use it to warm start the more precise long double solver, etc. Our hope is that the float-based solvers will converge to the optimal solution, or very nearly, leaving only a few iterations until the final exact, slow, solver itself declares victory.


CL wrapper around QSopt-Exact, an exact (rational arithmetic) LP solver






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