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yasdi2mqtt is a MQTT adapter for SMA inverters communicating using the yasdi protocol, allowing for local or IP-based communication. It fetches spot values from attached devices in a fixed interval and publishes them as JSON via MQTT.


Full JSON Example

yasdi2mqtt will publish a JSON payload on the MQTT channel $MQTT_TOPIC_PREFIX/<device_sn> in the given update interval. Messages will be sent for each inverter individually and have the following format:

{"sn":000,"time":1586608779,"values": {
   "E-Total DC":45694.108978657052,

Wiring & Hardware

Work in progress. If you have time to describe the hardware setup, feel free to contribute :)

Setup & Run

Using the :alpine or :latest images from Docker Hub, you'll get a fresh build every month. Therefore, I'd strongly encourage you choosing a container-based choice from below and taking care of updating the images regularly.

For simplicity, all examples below run yasdi2mqtt as container root. For production builds, consider creating an unprivileged user instead.

Choice I: docker-compose

  1. Check yasdi.ini configuration
    • The included blueprint is pre-configured for directly attached RS485 adapters. Usually, no work needs to be done here, as you'll define the adapter mapping in step 3.
    • If you want to use IP-based communication instead, you should have a look on the yasdi manual or check out this discussion (German).
  2. Create empty devices directory
    • Not necessary, but yasdi will use this folder as device data cache, so you'll save 1-2 minutes for device data download after the first startup.
  3. Edit docker-compose.yml file
    • Check out the table below for the environment variable mapping (section environment).
    • You may adjust the serial adapter path (section devices, the part before the colon) if not mapped to /dev/ttyUSB0 or drop it when using an IP-based setup.
  4. docker-compose up
    • After starting up, yasdi2mqtt should immediately connect to your MQTT broker.
    • Detected devices should be printed on stdout quite quickly, but the the initial device data download may delay the first data for 1-2 minutes.

Choice II: docker

Docker Setup Instructions
  1. Check yasdi.ini configuration
    • The included blueprint is pre-configured for directly attached RS485 adapters. Usually, no work needs to be done here, as you'll define the adapter mapping in step 3.
    • If you want to use IP-based communication instead, you should have a look on the yasdi manual or check out this discussion (German).
  2. Create empty devices directory
    • Not necessary, but yasdi will use this folder as device data cache, so you'll save 1-2 minutes for device data download after the first startup.
  3. Start container with the command below
    • Check out the table below for the environment variable mapping (-e flags).
    • You may adjust the serial adapter path (--device flag, the part before the colon) if not mapped to /dev/ttyUSB0 or drop it when using an IP-based setup.
    • After starting up, yasdi2mqtt should immediately connect to your MQTT broker.
    • Detected devices should be printed on stdout quite quickly, but the the initial device data download may delay the first data for 1-2 minutes.
docker run \
   --device /dev/ttyUSB0:/dev/ttyUSB0 \
   -v <project_dir>/devices:/etc/yasdi2mqtt/devices \
   -v <project_dir>/yasdi.ini:/etc/yasdi2mqtt/yasdi.ini:ro \
   -e YASDI_CONFIG="/etc/yasdi2mqtt/yasdi.ini" \
   -e MQTT_TOPIC_PREFIX="/solar/inverter" \
   -e MQTT_SERVER="" \
   -e MQTT_PORT="1883" \
   -e MQTT_USER="johndoe" \
   -e MQTT_PASSWORD="sEcReT" \

Choice III: Manual setup

Manual Setup Instructions (consider using docker-compose or docker instead)
  1. Install cJSON, Paho, and other project dependencies
    1. sudo apt install git gcc make cmake openssl libssl-dev libcjson1 libcjson-dev libpaho-mqtt1.3 libpaho-mqtt-dev (assuming an Ubuntu-based OS)
  2. Clone and install YASDI
    1. mkdir projects/generic-cmake/build-gcc
    2. cd projects/generic-cmake/build-gcc
    3. cmake -D YASDI_DEBUG_OUTPUT=0 ..
    4. make
    5. sudo make install
  3. Clone and install this repository
    1. make YASDI_PATH=<yasdi_dir>
    2. sudo make YASDI_PATH=<yasdi_dir> install
  4. Check yasdi.ini configuration
    • The included blueprint is pre-configured for directly attached RS485 adapters, but you may want to adjust the serial adapter path.
    • If you want to use IP-based communication instead, you should have a look on the yasdi manual or check out this discussion (German).
  5. Create empty devices directory
    • Not necessary, but yasdi will use this folder as device data cache, so you'll save 1-2 minutes for device data download after the first startup.
  6. Set environment variables according to the table below
  7. ./yasdi2mqtt
    • After starting up, yasdi2mqtt should immediately connect to your MQTT broker.
    • Detected devices should be printed on stdout quite quickly, but the the initial device data download may delay the first data for 1-2 minutes.

Environment variables

Variable Description Example
YASDI_CONFIG Path to yasdi.ini file
Inside container, shouldn't be changed therefore
YASDI_MAX_DEVICE_COUNT Maximum number of devices being online at the same time 1
YASDI_UPDATE_INTERVAL Time between value update requests in seconds
Value update itself takes some time, so it shouldn't be lower than 15 from my experience
MQTT_TOPIC_PREFIX MQTT messages will later be published to topic $MQTT_TOPIC_PREFIX/<device_sn> solar/inverter

Path to cert.pem file
If you want to use MQTTS, you have to define the path to the cert here and add the cert to the container (e.g. mount a volume)
MQTT_CLIENT_ID Optional yasdi2mqtt

See here for explanation.
MQTT_USER Optional johndoe
LOG_LEVEL Optional

Set 0 to enable debug output

Get Help

Thanks to a growing community of yasdi2mqtt users, there is already plenty of information on the Discussions tab. If you struggle during setup, please check out existing answers first or feel free to open a new thread. Here's a quick overview over some relevant threads:


There are two options to make yasdi2mqtt more verbose:

  • Enable the debug output of yasdi2mqtt using the LOG_LEVEL environment variable from the table above.
  • Replace YASDI_DEBUG_OUTPUT=0 by YASDI_DEBUG_OUTPUT=1 in the Dockerfile to activate the debug output of the underlying yasdi library.
    • You'll need to re-compile your own container using docker build -t yasdi2mqtt . and change the docker-compose.yml file to use your own container.
    • When doing a manual setup, replace the parameter directly when installing yasdi.


Unless otherwise stated in the file header, all contributions to this project are licensed under the MIT license. In particular, src/log.c and src/log.h are NOT part of this project.