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RESTful Natural Language Parse Service

A RESTful service that service NLP parsing requests. This makes the NLP parsing project available as a REST service.

Table of Contents


This project is designed to be used as a stand along application and a library so you can add and use your own pipeline components. For the library, in your project.clj file, add:

Clojars Project


Additional documentation.


You can use this as a command line program to generate a prettyprint parse tree of an utterance. However, you have to let it know where the Stanford CoreNLP libraries are configured (see the NLP parse project setup docs for more information.

To create the command line utility, do the following:

$ git clone
  • Follow the directions in build section
  • Edit and uncomment the makefile to set the ZMODEL variable, which should be set to a directory having the stanford POS model(s) in standford/pos.
  • Build the distribution binaries:
$ make dist

If everything goes well and you are lucky a new folder should show up on your desktop with everything you need to run it. To do that:

$ cd ~/Desktop/parse/bin
$ ./nlparse parse -u 'I am Paul Landes'

Now start the RESTful service, on say, port 9000 (defaults to 8080):

$ ./nlparse service -p 9000

Use a web client to test the service using the pretty print option:

$ wget -q -O - 'http://localhost:9000/parse?utterance=My+name+is+Paul+Landes&pretty=true'

The output:

{"text":"My name is Paul Landes",
   "token-range":[3, 5],
   "char-range":[11, 22],
   "text":"Paul Landes"}],
     "token-range":[4, 6],

Note: I will make the distribution binaries available on request.

Usage Help

For convenience, here's the usage docs you get when invoking with no parameters:

$ nlparse
repl	start a repl either on the command line or headless with -h
  -h, --headless            start an nREPL server
  -p, --port NUMBER  12345  the port bind for the repl server

 parse	parse an English utterance
  -l, --level LOG LEVEL  INFO  Log level to set in the Log4J2 system.
  -u, --utterance TEXT         The utterance to parse
  -p, --pretty                 Pretty print the JSON string

 service	start the agent parse website and service
  -p, --port PORT  8080  the port bind for web site/service

 version	Get the version of the application.
  -g, --gitref


A docker image is available with an install of this service at Docker Hub. Here's an example of how to use the image in a docker-compose.yml:

  container_name: nlps
  image: plandes/nlpservice
    - "9100:9100"
    COMPONENTS: tokenize,sentence,part-of-speech,morphology,stopword
    PORT: 9100


To build from source, do the folling:

  • Install Leiningen (this is just a script)
  • Install GNU make
  • Install Git
  • Download the source: git clone && cd clj-nlp-serv
  • Download the make include files:
mkdir ../zenbuild && wget -O - | tar zxfv - -C ../zenbuild --strip-components 1
  • Build the distribution binaries: make dist

Note that you can also build a single jar file with all the dependencies with: make uber


An extensive changelog is available here.


Copyright © 2016, 2017 Paul Landes

Apache License version 2.0

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.