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Cleanup wallets page & its sub pages (#493)
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* Use dcrlibwallet directly in wallets page

* Add walletListItem struct for managing wallets and accounts list

* Add ClickableList and implement accounts list using ClickableList.

* Use one backdrop for all popups

* Cleanup account details page

* account details: hide staking balances if empty

* Hide imported account if empty

* Cleanup wallet settings, sign message and stake shuffle pages

* Handle watch only wallets click events
  • Loading branch information
beansgum committed Jul 2, 2021
1 parent 1e4bb07 commit ff0d9f0
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Showing 8 changed files with 478 additions and 493 deletions.
143 changes: 83 additions & 60 deletions ui/account_details_page.go
Expand Up @@ -2,42 +2,52 @@ package ui

import (



const PageAccountDetails = "AccountDetails"

type acctDetailsPage struct {
common *pageCommon
wallet *wallet.Wallet
current wallet.InfoShort
common *pageCommon
wallet *dcrlibwallet.Wallet
account *dcrlibwallet.Account

theme *decredmaterial.Theme
acctDetailsPageContainer layout.List
backButton decredmaterial.IconButton
acctInfo **wallet.Account
editAccount *widget.Clickable
errorReceiver chan error

stakingBalance int64
totalBalance string
spendable string
immatureRewards string
lockedByTickets string
votingAuthority string
immatureStakeGen string
hdPath string
keys string

func AcctDetailsPage(common *pageCommon) Page {
func AcctDetailsPage(common *pageCommon, account *dcrlibwallet.Account) Page {
pg := &acctDetailsPage{
common: common,
wallet: common.multiWallet.WalletWithID(account.WalletID),
account: account,

theme: common.theme,
acctDetailsPageContainer: layout.List{
Axis: layout.Vertical,
common: common,
wallet: common.wallet,
acctInfo: common.walletAccount,
theme: common.theme,
editAccount: new(widget.Clickable),
errorReceiver: make(chan error),
backButton: common.theme.PlainIconButton(new(widget.Clickable), common.icons.navigationArrowBack),
editAccount: new(widget.Clickable),

pg.backButton, _ = common.SubPageHeaderButtons()
Expand All @@ -47,6 +57,24 @@ func AcctDetailsPage(common *pageCommon) Page {

func (pg *acctDetailsPage) OnResume() {

balance := pg.account.Balance

pg.stakingBalance = balance.ImmatureReward + balance.LockedByTickets + balance.VotingAuthority +

pg.totalBalance = dcrutil.Amount(balance.Total).String()
pg.spendable = dcrutil.Amount(balance.Spendable).String()
pg.immatureRewards = dcrutil.Amount(balance.ImmatureReward).String()
pg.lockedByTickets = dcrutil.Amount(balance.LockedByTickets).String()
pg.votingAuthority = dcrutil.Amount(balance.VotingAuthority).String()
pg.immatureStakeGen = dcrutil.Amount(balance.ImmatureStakeGeneration).String()

pg.hdPath = pg.common.HDPrefix() + strconv.Itoa(int(pg.account.Number)) + "'"

ext := pg.account.ExternalKeyCount
internal := pg.account.InternalKeyCount
imp := pg.account.ImportedKeyCount
pg.keys = fmt.Sprintf("%d external, %d internal, %d imported", ext, internal, imp)

func (pg *acctDetailsPage) Layout(gtx layout.Context) layout.Dimensions {
Expand All @@ -67,15 +95,10 @@ func (pg *acctDetailsPage) Layout(gtx layout.Context) layout.Dimensions {

title := "Not found"
if *pg.acctInfo != nil {
title = (*pg.acctInfo).Name
acctName := strings.Title(strings.ToLower(title))
body := func(gtx C) D {
page := SubPage{
title: acctName,
title: pg.account.Name,
walletName: pg.wallet.Name,
backButton: pg.backButton,
back: func() {
Expand All @@ -84,9 +107,6 @@ func (pg *acctDetailsPage) Layout(gtx layout.Context) layout.Dimensions {
return layout.Inset{Bottom: values.MarginPadding7}.Layout(gtx, func(gtx C) D {
return pg.theme.Card().Layout(gtx, func(gtx C) D {
return layout.Inset{Top: values.MarginPadding5}.Layout(gtx, func(gtx C) D {
if *pg.acctInfo == nil {
return layout.Dimensions{}
return pg.acctDetailsPageContainer.Layout(gtx, len(widgets), func(gtx C, i int) D {
return layout.Inset{}.Layout(gtx, widgets[i])
Expand All @@ -109,21 +129,10 @@ func (pg *acctDetailsPage) Layout(gtx layout.Context) layout.Dimensions {

func (pg *acctDetailsPage) accountBalanceLayout(gtx layout.Context, common *pageCommon) layout.Dimensions {
totalBalanceMain, totalBalanceSub := breakBalance(common.printer, (*pg.acctInfo).TotalBalance)
spendable := dcrutil.Amount((*pg.acctInfo).SpendableBalance).String()
spendableMain, spendableSub := breakBalance(common.printer, spendable)
immatureRewards := dcrutil.Amount((*pg.acctInfo).Balance.ImmatureReward).String()
rewardBalanceMain, rewardBalanceSub := breakBalance(common.printer, immatureRewards)
lockedByTickets := dcrutil.Amount((*pg.acctInfo).Balance.LockedByTickets).String()
lockBalanceMain, lockBalanceSub := breakBalance(common.printer, lockedByTickets)
votingAuthority := dcrutil.Amount((*pg.acctInfo).Balance.VotingAuthority).String()
voteBalanceMain, voteBalanceSub := breakBalance(common.printer, votingAuthority)
immatureStakeGen := dcrutil.Amount((*pg.acctInfo).Balance.ImmatureStakeGeneration).String()
stakeBalanceMain, stakeBalanceSub := breakBalance(common.printer, immatureStakeGen)

return pg.pageSections(gtx, func(gtx C) D {
accountIcon := common.icons.accountIcon
if (*pg.acctInfo).Name == "imported" { //TODO
if pg.account.Number == MaxInt32 {
accountIcon = common.icons.importedAccountIcon
accountIcon.Scale = 1
Expand All @@ -139,36 +148,48 @@ func (pg *acctDetailsPage) accountBalanceLayout(gtx layout.Context, common *page
}.Layout(gtx, accountIcon.Layout)
layout.Rigid(func(gtx C) D {
return pg.acctBalLayout(gtx, "Total Balance", totalBalanceMain, totalBalanceSub, true)
return pg.acctBalLayout(gtx, "Total Balance", pg.totalBalance, true)
layout.Rigid(func(gtx C) D {
return pg.acctBalLayout(gtx, "Spendable", spendableMain, spendableSub, false)
return pg.acctBalLayout(gtx, "Spendable", pg.spendable, false)
layout.Rigid(func(gtx C) D {
return pg.acctBalLayout(gtx, "Immature Rewards", rewardBalanceMain, rewardBalanceSub, false)
layout.Rigid(func(gtx C) D {
return pg.acctBalLayout(gtx, "Locked By Tickets", lockBalanceMain, lockBalanceSub, false)
layout.Rigid(func(gtx C) D {
return pg.acctBalLayout(gtx, "Voting Authority", voteBalanceMain, voteBalanceSub, false)
layout.Rigid(func(gtx C) D {
return pg.acctBalLayout(gtx, "Immature Stake Gen", stakeBalanceMain, stakeBalanceSub, false)
if pg.stakingBalance == 0 {
return layout.Dimensions{}

return layout.Flex{Axis: layout.Vertical}.Layout(gtx,
layout.Rigid(func(gtx C) D {
return pg.acctBalLayout(gtx, "Immature Rewards", pg.immatureRewards, false)
layout.Rigid(func(gtx C) D {
return pg.acctBalLayout(gtx, "Locked By Tickets", pg.lockedByTickets, false)
layout.Rigid(func(gtx C) D {
return pg.acctBalLayout(gtx, "Voting Authority", pg.votingAuthority, false)
layout.Rigid(func(gtx C) D {
return pg.acctBalLayout(gtx, "Immature Stake Gen", pg.immatureStakeGen, false)

func (pg *acctDetailsPage) acctBalLayout(gtx layout.Context, balType string, mainBalance, subBalance string, isFirst bool) layout.Dimensions {
func (pg *acctDetailsPage) acctBalLayout(gtx layout.Context, balType string, balance string, isTotalBalance bool) layout.Dimensions {

mainBalance, subBalance := breakBalance(pg.common.printer, balance)

mainLabel := pg.theme.Body1(mainBalance)
subLabel := pg.theme.Caption(subBalance)
subLabel.Color = pg.theme.Color.DeepBlue
marginTop := values.MarginPadding16
marginLeft := values.MarginPadding35
if isFirst {

if isTotalBalance {
mainLabel = pg.theme.H4(mainBalance)
subLabel = pg.theme.Body1(subBalance)
marginTop = values.MarginPadding0
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -200,26 +221,23 @@ func (pg *acctDetailsPage) accountInfoLayout(gtx layout.Context) layout.Dimensio
m := values.MarginPadding10
return layout.Flex{Axis: layout.Vertical}.Layout(gtx,
layout.Rigid(func(gtx C) D {
return pg.acctInfoLayout(gtx, "Account Number", fmt.Sprint((*pg.acctInfo).Number))
return pg.acctInfoLayout(gtx, "Account Number", fmt.Sprint(pg.account.Number))
layout.Rigid(func(gtx C) D {
inset := layout.Inset{
Top: m,
Bottom: m,
return inset.Layout(gtx, func(gtx C) D {
return pg.acctInfoLayout(gtx, "HD Path", (*pg.acctInfo).HDPath)
return pg.acctInfoLayout(gtx, "HD Path", pg.hdPath)
layout.Rigid(func(gtx C) D {
inset := layout.Inset{
Bottom: m,
return inset.Layout(gtx, func(gtx C) D {
ext := (*pg.acctInfo).Keys.External
int := (*pg.acctInfo).Keys.Internal
imp := (*pg.acctInfo).Keys.Imported
return pg.acctInfoLayout(gtx, "Key", ext+" external, "+int+" internal, "+imp+" imported")
return pg.acctInfoLayout(gtx, "Keys", pg.keys)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -253,12 +271,17 @@ func (pg *acctDetailsPage) handle() {
common := pg.common

if pg.editAccount.Clicked() {
pg.current =[*common.selectedWallet]
textModal := newTextInputModal(common).
hint("Account name").
positiveButton(values.String(values.StrRename), func(newName string, tim *textInputModal) bool {
pg.wallet.RenameAccount(pg.current.ID, (*pg.acctInfo).Number, newName, pg.errorReceiver)
(*pg.acctInfo).Name = newName
err := pg.wallet.RenameAccount(pg.account.Number, newName)
if err != nil {
tim.isLoading = false
return false

pg.account.Name = newName
return true

Expand Down
52 changes: 52 additions & 0 deletions ui/decredmaterial/clickable_list.go
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
package decredmaterial

import (

type ClickableList struct {
clickables []*widget.Clickable
selectedItem int

func (t *Theme) NewClickableList(axis layout.Axis) *ClickableList {
return &ClickableList{
List: layout.List{Axis: layout.Vertical},
selectedItem: -1,

func (cl *ClickableList) ItemClicked() (bool, int) {
defer func() {
cl.selectedItem = -1
return cl.selectedItem != -1, cl.selectedItem

func (cl *ClickableList) handleClickables(count int) {
if len(cl.clickables) != count {

cl.clickables = make([]*widget.Clickable, count)
for i := 0; i < count; i++ {
cl.clickables[i] = new(widget.Clickable)

for index, clickable := range cl.clickables {
for clickable.Clicked() {
cl.selectedItem = index

func (cl *ClickableList) Layout(gtx layout.Context, count int, w layout.ListElement) layout.Dimensions {
return cl.List.Layout(gtx, count, func(gtx layout.Context, i int) layout.Dimensions {
return Clickable(gtx, cl.clickables[i], func(gtx layout.Context) layout.Dimensions {
return w(gtx, i)

6 changes: 2 additions & 4 deletions ui/main_page.go
Expand Up @@ -223,10 +223,6 @@ func (mp *mainPage) unlockWalletForSyncing(wal *dcrlibwallet.Wallet) {

func (mp *mainPage) handle() {

// TODO: This function should be only called when
// dcrlibwallet update notifications are receieved

for mp.minimizeNavDrawerButton.Button.Clicked() {
mp.isNavDrawerMinimized = true
Expand All @@ -248,6 +244,8 @@ func (mp *mainPage) handle() {
mp.changeFragment(OverviewPage(mp.pageCommon), PageOverview)
} else if i == 1 {
mp.changeFragment(TransactionsPage(mp.pageCommon), PageTransactions)
} else if i == 2 {
mp.changeFragment(WalletPage(mp.pageCommon), PageWallet)
} else {
Expand Down
18 changes: 13 additions & 5 deletions ui/page.go
Expand Up @@ -87,6 +87,7 @@ type DCRUSDTBittrex struct {
type pageCommon struct {
printer *message.Printer
multiWallet *dcrlibwallet.MultiWallet
network string
notificationsUpdate chan interface{}
wallet *wallet.Wallet
walletAccount **wallet.Account
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -217,6 +218,7 @@ func (win *Window) newPageCommon(decredIcons map[string]image.Image) *pageCommon
common := &pageCommon{
printer: message.NewPrinter(language.English),
multiWallet: win.wallet.GetMultiWallet(),
network: win.wallet.Net,
notificationsUpdate: make(chan interface{}, 10),
wallet: win.wallet,
walletAccount: &win.walletAccount,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -264,15 +266,12 @@ func (common *pageCommon) loadPages() map[string]Page {

pages := make(map[string]Page)

pages[PageWallet] = WalletPage(common)
pages[PageMore] = MorePage(common)
pages[PageReceive] = ReceivePage(common)
pages[PageSend] = SendPage(common)
pages[PageSignMessage] = SignMessagePage(common)
pages[PageVerifyMessage] = VerifyMessagePage(common)
pages[PageSeedBackup] = BackupPage(common)
pages[PageSettings] = SettingsPage(common)
pages[PageWalletSettings] = WalletSettingsPage(common)
pages[PageSecurityTools] = SecurityToolsPage(common)
pages[PageProposals] = ProposalsPage(common)
pages[PageProposalDetails] = ProposalDetailsPage(common)
Expand All @@ -282,8 +281,6 @@ func (common *pageCommon) loadPages() map[string]Page {
pages[PageAbout] = AboutPage(common)
pages[PageHelp] = HelpPage(common)
pages[PageUTXO] = UTXOPage(common)
pages[PageAccountDetails] = AcctDetailsPage(common)
pages[PagePrivacy] = PrivacyPage(common)
pages[PageTickets] = TicketPage(common)
pages[ValidateAddress] = ValidateAddressPage(common)
pages[PageTicketsList] = TicketPageList(common)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -333,6 +330,17 @@ func (common *pageCommon) sortedWalletList() []*dcrlibwallet.Wallet {
return wallets

func (common *pageCommon) HDPrefix() string {
switch {
case "testnet3": // should use a constant
return dcrlibwallet.TestnetHDPath
case "mainnet":
return dcrlibwallet.MainnetHDPath
return ""

// Container is simply a wrapper for the Inset type. Its purpose is to differentiate the use of an inset as a padding or
// margin, making it easier to visualize the structure of a layout when reading UI code.
type Container struct {
Expand Down

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