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::: warning STATEMENT: data is for personal use only!!! :::

0. Goal

Anchor some data in the web and automatically save periodically.

Currently running tasks:

1. Why do this

Things are always changing, and I want to find a way to record this change easily.

A web crawler is a great tool to get data from web efficiently. So does GitHub Action, which automate the process.

Solve real problems by combing existing tools is what anchor will do.

2. Design concept

2.1 Tools
  • GitHub Action
  • Python3
2.2 Architecture

Inspired by Scrapy.

The process is very simple.

    [*] --> Requester
    Requester --> Exception
    Exception --> [*]

    Requester --> Processor
    Processor --> Exception
    Processor --> Exporter
    Exporter --> Exception
    Exporter --> [*]
  • DataItem: user-defined data model
  • Requester: issue a network request
  • Responser: store information of response
  • Processor: pure function to convert data from requester to DataItem
  • Exporter: deal with DataItem, like saving to .json file or exporting to DB, etc.
  • Task: a task scheduled by Anchor Engine
  • Anchor Engine: asynchronous style task handler


0.9.4 (2023-01-30)
  1. add jd, bilibili, meituan, netease, pdd, 360 career task
0.9.3 (2023-01-18)
  1. add alibaba-career-task and byte-dance-career-task
  2. add retry to GitHub Action
0.9.2 (2023-01-17)
  1. basic functions completed
  2. add tencent-career-task and baidu-career-task

