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Conformance results for v1.19/mesosphere-kubernetes-engine (cncf#1141)
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Signed-off-by: Jimmi Dyson <>
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jimmidyson authored and devidask27 committed Feb 20, 2024
1 parent f3a6ff8 commit 14483f4
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Showing 5 changed files with 28,106 additions and 0 deletions.
8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions v1.19/mesosphere-kubernetes-engine/PRODUCT.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
vendor: Mesosphere
name: Mesosphere Kubernetes Engine
version: 2.8.0-1.19.2
type: distribution
description: 'Mesosphere Kubernetes Engine makes it easy to deploy and manage Kubernetes on DC/OS.'
174 changes: 174 additions & 0 deletions v1.19/mesosphere-kubernetes-engine/
@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
## To reproduce:

This Kubernetes conformance report is generated by Kubernetes on DC/OS.

### Provision the Kubernetes cluster

To recreate these results, first you need to provision a DC/OS cluster, install the Mesosphere Kubernetes engine and create a Kubernetes cluster.

To do so, follow these instructions (copied from [here](

#### Prerequisites

The following prerequisites apply to follow these instructions. You will need:

* A Linux or MacOS machine with
[Terraform 0.11.x]( installed.
* A [Google Cloud](, or [AWS]( account with sufficient permission to provide the needed infrastructure.

#### Preparation

**NOTE:** These instructions are targeted at a [Google Cloud Platform]( deployment. To deploy in [AWS](, please run `make aws` instead of `make gcp` in the step below, and edit the resulting file accordingly.

**NOTE:** To install `dcos-kubernetes` in an existing cluster, please follow [these instructions](

First, clone this repository:

$ git clone
$ cd dcos-kubernetes-quickstart

Then generate the default infrastructure configuration:

$ make gcp

This will output sane defaults to `.deploy/terraform.tfvars`. Now, edit
said file and set the `gcp_project` and the `ssh_public_key_file` variables.
Please, do not set a smaller instance (VM) type on the risk of failing to
install Kubernetes. In the end, the `.deploy/terraform.tfvars` file
should look something like this:

cluster_name = "dcos-kubernetes"
cluster_name_random_string = true
dcos_version = "1.12.3"
num_of_masters = "1"
num_of_private_agents = "4"
num_of_public_agents = "1"
bootstrap_instance_type = "n1-standard-1"
master_instance_type = "n1-standard-8"
private_agent_instance_type = "n1-standard-8"
public_agent_instance_type = "n1-standard-8"
# admin_ips = "" # uncomment to access master from any IP
gcp_project = "YOUR_GCP_PROJECT"
gcp_region = "us-central1"
ssh_public_key_file = "/PATH/"
# If you want to use GCP service account key instead of GCP SDK
# uncomment the line below and update it with the path to the key file
# gcp_credentials = "/PATH/YOUR_GCP_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_KEY.json"

Now, launch the DC/OS cluster by running:

$ KUBERNETES_VERSION=1.19.2 make get-cli launch-dcos setup-cli

This command will:

1. Download the `dcos` CLI and `kubectl` to your machine.
1. Provision the necessary infrastructure in GCP and install DC/OS.
1. Setup the `dcos` CLI to access the newly created DC/OS cluster.

As part of the last step, your browser will open and ask you to login with
a Google, GitHub or Microsoft account. Choose an option and copy the resulting
OpenID token to the shell where you ran the above mentioned command.

#### Installing Mesosphere Kubernetes Engine

To install Mesosphere Kuberentes Engine and create a Kubernetes cluster in the newly created DC/OS cluster run:

PATH_TO_PACKAGE_OPTIONS=./resources/options-ha.json make install

Wait until all tasks are running before proceeding.
You can track installation progress as follows:

$ make watch-kubernetes-cluster

When installation is successful you will see the following output:

Using Kubernetes cluster: dev/kubernetes01
deploy (serial strategy) (COMPLETE)
etcd (serial strategy) (COMPLETE)
etcd-0:[peer] (COMPLETE)
etcd-1:[peer] (COMPLETE)
etcd-2:[peer] (COMPLETE)
control-plane (dependency strategy) (COMPLETE)
kube-control-plane-0:[instance] (COMPLETE)
kube-control-plane-1:[instance] (COMPLETE)
kube-control-plane-2:[instance] (COMPLETE)
mandatory-addons (serial strategy) (COMPLETE)
mandatory-addons-0:[instance] (COMPLETE)
node (dependency strategy) (COMPLETE)
kube-node-0:[kubelet] (COMPLETE)
kube-node-1:[kubelet] (COMPLETE)
kube-node-2:[kubelet] (COMPLETE)
public-node (dependency strategy) (COMPLETE)

When all tasks are in state `COMPLETE`, press `Ctrl-C` to terminate the `watch`
process and proceed to access your Kubernetes cluster.

#### Accessing the Kubernetes API

In order to access the Kubernetes API from outside the DC/OS cluster, we must
first be able to access it. This can be achieved by running the following

$ make marathon-lb kubeconfig

This command will expose the Kubernetes API for our newly created Kubernetes cluster, and configure `kubectl` to access said Kubernetes cluster.
Let's try and list this cluster's nodes:

$ ./kubectl --context devkubernetes01 get nodes
kube-control-plane-0-instance.devkubernetes01.mesos Ready master 5m18s v1.19.2
kube-control-plane-1-instance.devkubernetes01.mesos Ready master 5m12s v1.19.2
kube-control-plane-2-instance.devkubernetes01.mesos Ready master 5m11s v1.19.2
kube-node-0-kubelet.devkubernetes01.mesos Ready <none> 2m58s v1.19.2
kube-node-1-kubelet.devkubernetes01.mesos Ready <none> 2m42s v1.19.2
kube-node-2-kubelet.devkubernetes01.mesos Ready <none> 2m39s v1.19.2

If the output is similar to what is shown above, you're good to go and run the conformance test suite.

#### Running the test suite

### Run conformance tests

Tests are run according to the [official instructions](

$ go get -u -v
$ sonobuoy run
$ sonobuoy retrieve .
$ mkdir ./results; tar xzf *.tar.gz -C ./results
$ sonobuoy delete

### Clean-up

To delete the entire infrastructure, run:

$ make destroy

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