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Database of games that run on OpenBSD.


Games that run on OpenBSD and are commercial/proprietary in nature and/or quality. At this point, any game with an IGDB entry qualifies, and the occasional game without such an entry.

How to Use

Note: This may be subject to change in the future, so be sure to check regularly for updates to this before working on the repository.

At this point, the primary database is a text file openbsd-games.db. See below for its required format. Other output like openbsd-games.json is created from openbsd-games.db using make(1).

To update the generated files after editing openbsd-games.db:

$ make

This runs targets json and stats.

Other make(1) targets:

  • print-json
  • print-stats
  • print-csv


The following is needed to run the make(1) targets:

Upcoming Changes

The following fields are deprecated and will soon be removed - adjust your scripts!

  • Cover

The following parts will soon be changed:

  • Setup will be renamed (likely to Helper or Assistant). It will be changed to a list and any custom setup instructions will be moved to Hints.
  • Dev will be expanded to Developer and Pub to Publisher
  • A new field Id for a unique numerical identifier.
  • A new field Canonical for a name without leading article and white-space turned to dashes.
  • Need for alphabetical orderin openbsd-games.db will be removed (scripts/users need to sort by Canonical once implemented).

Format of openbsd-games.db

Important Notes:

  • TABS are currently mandatory where listed below!!
  • Exactly one blank line before a new entry is mandatory!
  • Add new entries to the bottom of the file (used to be alphabetical order, but this is not necessary anymore).

openbsd-games.db uses a TAB-based key-value format:


Currently 17 keys per entry. All keys must be entered. For unused keys, list the key without <tab>Value, like in this example for Hints:

Genre	Action

Adhere to the following order of keys:

  1. Game: string, leading "A " or "The " treated specially for alphabetic ordering.
  2. Cover: path to cover art image file (.png, .jpg)
  3. Engine: string of valid engine entry
  4. Setup: string (package, command, text)
  5. Runtime: string; should correspond to an executable in packages
  6. Store: strings of URLs, whitespace-separated
  7. Hints: string
  8. Genre: strings, comma-separated
  9. Tags: strings, comma-separated
  10. Year: integer (release year)
  11. Dev: string (developer), comma-separated
  12. Pub: string (publisher), comma-separated
  13. Version: version number/string
  14. Status: numerical status with date when tested on -current in parentheses (doesn't apply to upstream bugs that have nothing to do with the OpenBSD platform); note highest numerical description reached applies
  • 0 = doesn't run
  • 1 = game launches (not enough information to comment meaningfully on status beyond launching the game)
  • 2 = major bugs: potentially game-breaking, making finishing the game impossible or a chore; noticeably degrading the enjoyment compared to running the game on other platforms
  • 3 = medium-impact bugs: noticeable, but not game-breaking
  • 4 = minor bugs: barely noticeable, or not relevant to core game
  • 5 = completable: game can be played through until the credits roll, without major bugs (category 2); doesn't (necessarily) include optional side content, DLC, optional multiplayer, achievements etc.
  • 6 = 100%: the complete game including optional content like DLC, side quests, multiplayer can be enjoyed
  1. Added: date (ISO 8601 format) when the entry was added (EPOCH when the information is not available)
  2. Updated: date (ISO 8601 format) when the entry was last updated
  3. IgdbId: id of the game in the IGDB database




  • json
  • csv
  • html table
  • text table
  • gemini/gemtext export

Future Directions

  • switch to sqlite3 as primary database
  • web interface to rearrange the table data interactively (e.g. Shiny Web App)
  • publish updated releases for easy integration and consumption
  • license decision
  • script/form to assist in adding/editing entries


Database of games that run on OpenBSD







No releases published


No packages published

Contributors 4
