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joshuaellis committed Nov 30, 2022
2 parents 6d4c096 + f048dee commit 1d0b384
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Showing 212 changed files with 19,756 additions and 8,663 deletions.
16 changes: 16 additions & 0 deletions .changeset/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
'@react-spring/core': minor
'@react-spring/shared': minor
'@react-spring/web': minor
'@react-spring/animated': minor
'@react-spring/parallax': minor
'@react-spring/rafz': minor
'react-spring': minor
'@react-spring/types': minor
'@react-spring/konva': minor
'@react-spring/native': minor
'@react-spring/three': minor
'@react-spring/zdog': minor

feat: add steps easing
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions .gitignore
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ dist/
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -53,6 +54,5 @@ report.*.json
# Remix
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions .nvmrc
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
287 changes: 287 additions & 0 deletions .yarn/patches/@radix-ui-react-dialog-npm-1.0.0-61b8140da9.patch
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,287 @@
diff --git a/dist/index.module.js b/dist/index.module.js
index 8195b87caaaf4dce9694171556953fc35545139b..664c9198f2146cdd40ce478519a8906991796fc9 100644
--- a/dist/index.module.js
+++ b/dist/index.module.js
@@ -1,2 +1,281 @@
-import{Slot as e}from"@radix-ui/react-slot";import{hideOthers as o}from"aria-hidden";import{RemoveScroll as t}from"react-remove-scroll";import{useFocusGuards as r}from"@radix-ui/react-focus-guards";import{Primitive as n}from"@radix-ui/react-primitive";import{Presence as a}from"@radix-ui/react-presence";import{UnstablePortal as i}from"@radix-ui/react-portal";import{FocusScope as l}from"@radix-ui/react-focus-scope";import{DismissableLayer as c}from"@radix-ui/react-dismissable-layer";import{useControllableState as s}from"@radix-ui/react-use-controllable-state";import{useId as u}from"@radix-ui/react-id";import{createContext as p,createContextScope as d}from"@radix-ui/react-context";import{useComposedRefs as f}from"@radix-ui/react-compose-refs";import{composeEventHandlers as g}from"@radix-ui/primitive";import*as m from"react";import D from"@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/extends";const[x,C]=d("Dialog");export{C as createDialogScope};const[v,E]=x("Dialog");export const Dialog=e=>{const{__scopeDialog:o,children:t,open:r,defaultOpen:n,onOpenChange:a,modal:i=!0,allowPinchZoom:l}=e,c=m.useRef(null),p=m.useRef(null),[d=!1,f]=s({prop:r,defaultProp:n,onChange:a});/*#__PURE__*/return m.createElement(v,{scope:o,triggerRef:c,contentRef:p,contentId:u(),titleId:u(),descriptionId:u(),open:d,onOpenChange:f,onOpenToggle:m.useCallback((()=>f((e=>!e))),[f]),modal:i,allowPinchZoom:l},t)};/*#__PURE__*/export const DialogTrigger=/*#__PURE__*/m.forwardRef(((e,o)=>{const{__scopeDialog:t,...r}=e,a=E("DialogTrigger",t),i=f(o,a.triggerRef);/*#__PURE__*/return m.createElement(n.button,D({type:"button","aria-haspopup":"dialog","aria-expanded","aria-controls":a.contentId,"data-state":b(},r,{ref:i,onClick:g(e.onClick,a.onOpenToggle)}))}));/*#__PURE__*/export const DialogPortal=e=>{const{__scopeDialog:o,forceMount:t,children:r,container:n}=e,l=E("DialogPortal",o);/*#__PURE__*/return m.createElement(m.Fragment,null,,(e=>/*#__PURE__*/m.createElement(a,{present:t||},/*#__PURE__*/m.createElement(i,{asChild:!0,container:n},e)))))};/*#__PURE__*/export const DialogOverlay=/*#__PURE__*/m.forwardRef(((e,o)=>{const{forceMount:t,...r}=e,n=E("DialogOverlay",e.__scopeDialog);return n.modal?/*#__PURE__*/m.createElement(a,{present:t||},/*#__PURE__*/m.createElement(R,D({},r,{ref:o}))):null}));/*#__PURE__*/const R=/*#__PURE__*/m.forwardRef(((o,r)=>{const{__scopeDialog:a,...i}=o,l=E("DialogOverlay",a);/*#__PURE__*/return m.createElement(t,{as:e,allowPinchZoom:l.allowPinchZoom,shards:[l.contentRef]},/*#__PURE__*/m.createElement(n.div,D({"data-state":b(},i,{ref:r,style:{pointerEvents:"auto",}})))}));export const DialogContent=/*#__PURE__*/m.forwardRef(((e,o)=>{const{forceMount:t,...r}=e,n=E("DialogContent",e.__scopeDialog);/*#__PURE__*/return m.createElement(a,{present:t||},n.modal?/*#__PURE__*/m.createElement(_,D({},r,{ref:o})):/*#__PURE__*/m.createElement(O,D({},r,{ref:o})))}));/*#__PURE__*/const _=/*#__PURE__*/m.forwardRef(((e,t)=>{const r=E("DialogContent",e.__scopeDialog),n=m.useRef(null),a=f(t,r.contentRef,n);return m.useEffect((()=>{const e=n.current;if(e)return o(e)}),[]),/*#__PURE__*/m.createElement(h,D({},e,{ref:a,,disableOutsidePointerEvents:!0,onCloseAutoFocus:g(e.onCloseAutoFocus,(e=>{var o;e.preventDefault(),null===(o=r.triggerRef.current)||void 0===o||o.focus()})),onPointerDownOutside:g(e.onPointerDownOutside,(e=>{const o=e.detail.originalEvent,t=0===o.button&&!0===o.ctrlKey;(2===o.button||t)&&e.preventDefault()})),onFocusOutside:g(e.onFocusOutside,(e=>e.preventDefault()))}))})),O=/*#__PURE__*/m.forwardRef(((e,o)=>{const t=E("DialogContent",e.__scopeDialog),r=m.useRef(!1);/*#__PURE__*/return m.createElement(h,D({},e,{ref:o,trapFocus:!1,disableOutsidePointerEvents:!1,onCloseAutoFocus:o=>{var n,a;(null===(n=e.onCloseAutoFocus)||void 0===n||,o),o.defaultPrevented)||(r.current||null===(a=t.triggerRef.current)||void 0===a||a.focus(),o.preventDefault());r.current=!1},onInteractOutside:o=>{var n,a;null===(n=e.onInteractOutside)||void 0===n||,o),o.defaultPrevented||(r.current=!0);const;(null===(a=t.triggerRef.current)||void 0===a?void 0:a.contains(i))&&o.preventDefault()}}))})),h=/*#__PURE__*/m.forwardRef(((e,o)=>{const{__scopeDialog:t,trapFocus:n,onOpenAutoFocus:a,onCloseAutoFocus:i,...s}=e,u=E("DialogContent",t),p=m.useRef(null),d=f(o,p);return r(),/*#__PURE__*/m.createElement(m.Fragment,null,/*#__PURE__*/m.createElement(l,{asChild:!0,loop:!0,trapped:n,onMountAutoFocus:a,onUnmountAutoFocus:i},/*#__PURE__*/m.createElement(c,D({role:"dialog",id:u.contentId,"aria-describedby":u.descriptionId,"aria-labelledby":u.titleId,"data-state":b(},s,{ref:d,onDismiss:()=>u.onOpenChange(!1)}))),!1)}));export const DialogTitle=/*#__PURE__*/m.forwardRef(((e,o)=>{const{__scopeDialog:t,...r}=e,a=E("DialogTitle",t);/*#__PURE__*/return m.createElement(n.h2,D({id:a.titleId},r,{ref:o}))}));/*#__PURE__*/export const DialogDescription=/*#__PURE__*/m.forwardRef(((e,o)=>{const{__scopeDialog:t,...r}=e,a=E("DialogDescription",t);/*#__PURE__*/return m.createElement(n.p,D({id:a.descriptionId},r,{ref:o}))}));/*#__PURE__*/export const DialogClose=/*#__PURE__*/m.forwardRef(((e,o)=>{const{__scopeDialog:t,...r}=e,a=E("DialogClose",t);/*#__PURE__*/return m.createElement(n.button,D({type:"button"},r,{ref:o,onClick:g(e.onClick,(()=>a.onOpenChange(!1)))}))}));/*#__PURE__*/function b(e){return e?"open":"closed"}const[w,F]=p("DialogTitleWarning",{contentName:"DialogContent",titleName:"DialogTitle",docsSlug:"dialog"});export{w as WarningProvider};export const Root=Dialog;export const Trigger=DialogTrigger;export const Portal=DialogPortal;export const Overlay=DialogOverlay;export const Content=DialogContent;export const Title=DialogTitle;export const Description=DialogDescription;export const Close=DialogClose;
+import { Slot as e } from "@radix-ui/react-slot";
+import { hideOthers as o } from "aria-hidden";
+import { RemoveScroll as t } from "react-remove-scroll";
+import { useFocusGuards as r } from "@radix-ui/react-focus-guards";
+import { Primitive as n } from "@radix-ui/react-primitive";
+import { Presence as a } from "@radix-ui/react-presence";
+import { UnstablePortal as i } from "@radix-ui/react-portal";
+import { FocusScope as l } from "@radix-ui/react-focus-scope";
+import { DismissableLayer as c } from "@radix-ui/react-dismissable-layer";
+import { useControllableState as s } from "@radix-ui/react-use-controllable-state";
+import { useId as u } from "@radix-ui/react-id";
+import {
+ createContext as p,
+ createContextScope as d,
+} from "@radix-ui/react-context";
+import { useComposedRefs as f } from "@radix-ui/react-compose-refs";
+import { composeEventHandlers as g } from "@radix-ui/primitive";
+import * as m from "react";
+import D from "@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/extends";
+const [x, C] = d("Dialog");
+export { C as createDialogScope };
+const [v, E] = x("Dialog");
+export const Dialog = (e) => {
+ const {
+ __scopeDialog: o,
+ children: t,
+ open: r,
+ defaultOpen: n,
+ onOpenChange: a,
+ modal: i = !0,
+ allowPinchZoom: l,
+ } = e,
+ c = m.useRef(null),
+ p = m.useRef(null),
+ [d = !1, f] = s({ prop: r, defaultProp: n, onChange: a });
+ /*#__PURE__*/ return m.createElement(
+ v,
+ {
+ scope: o,
+ triggerRef: c,
+ contentRef: p,
+ contentId: u(),
+ titleId: u(),
+ descriptionId: u(),
+ open: d,
+ onOpenChange: f,
+ onOpenToggle: m.useCallback(() => f((e) => !e), [f]),
+ modal: i,
+ allowPinchZoom: l,
+ },
+ t
+ );
+/*#__PURE__*/ export const DialogTrigger = /*#__PURE__*/ m.forwardRef(
+ (e, o) => {
+ const { __scopeDialog: t, ...r } = e,
+ a = E("DialogTrigger", t),
+ i = f(o, a.triggerRef);
+ /*#__PURE__*/ return m.createElement(
+ n.button,
+ D(
+ {
+ type: "button",
+ "aria-haspopup": "dialog",
+ "aria-expanded":,
+ "aria-controls": a.contentId,
+ "data-state": b(,
+ },
+ r,
+ { ref: i, onClick: g(e.onClick, a.onOpenToggle) }
+ )
+ );
+ }
+/*#__PURE__*/ export const DialogPortal = (e) => {
+ const { __scopeDialog: o, forceMount: t, children: r, container: n } = e,
+ l = E("DialogPortal", o);
+ /*#__PURE__*/ return m.createElement(
+ m.Fragment,
+ null,
+, (e) =>
+ /*#__PURE__*/ m.createElement(
+ a,
+ { present: t || },
+ /*#__PURE__*/ m.createElement(i, { asChild: !0, container: n }, e)
+ )
+ )
+ );
+/*#__PURE__*/ export const DialogOverlay = /*#__PURE__*/ m.forwardRef(
+ (e, o) => {
+ const { forceMount: t, ...r } = e,
+ n = E("DialogOverlay", e.__scopeDialog);
+ return n.modal
+ ? /*#__PURE__*/ m.createElement(
+ a,
+ { present: t || },
+ /*#__PURE__*/ m.createElement(R, D({}, r, { ref: o }))
+ )
+ : null;
+ }
+/*#__PURE__*/ const R = /*#__PURE__*/ m.forwardRef((o, r) => {
+ const { __scopeDialog: a, ...i } = o,
+ l = E("DialogOverlay", a);
+ /*#__PURE__*/ return m.createElement(
+ t,
+ { as: e, allowPinchZoom: l.allowPinchZoom, shards: [l.contentRef] },
+ /*#__PURE__*/ m.createElement(
+ n.div,
+ D({ "data-state": b( }, i, {
+ ref: r,
+ style: { pointerEvents: "auto", },
+ })
+ )
+ );
+export const DialogContent = /*#__PURE__*/ m.forwardRef((e, o) => {
+ const { forceMount: t, ...r } = e,
+ n = E("DialogContent", e.__scopeDialog);
+ /*#__PURE__*/ return m.createElement(
+ a,
+ { present: t || },
+ n.modal
+ ? /*#__PURE__*/ m.createElement(_, D({}, r, { ref: o }))
+ : /*#__PURE__*/ m.createElement(O, D({}, r, { ref: o }))
+ );
+/*#__PURE__*/ const _ = /*#__PURE__*/ m.forwardRef((e, t) => {
+ const r = E("DialogContent", e.__scopeDialog),
+ n = m.useRef(null),
+ a = f(t, r.contentRef, n);
+ return (
+ m.useEffect(() => {
+ const e = n.current;
+ if (e) return o(e);
+ }, []),
+ /*#__PURE__*/ m.createElement(
+ h,
+ D({}, e, {
+ ref: a,
+ trapFocus: e.trapFocus ??,
+ disableOutsidePointerEvents: !0,
+ onCloseAutoFocus: g(e.onCloseAutoFocus, (e) => {
+ var o;
+ e.preventDefault(),
+ null === (o = r.triggerRef.current) || void 0 === o || o.focus();
+ }),
+ onPointerDownOutside: g(e.onPointerDownOutside, (e) => {
+ const o = e.detail.originalEvent,
+ t = 0 === o.button && !0 === o.ctrlKey;
+ (2 === o.button || t) && e.preventDefault();
+ }),
+ onFocusOutside: g(e.onFocusOutside, (e) => e.preventDefault()),
+ })
+ )
+ );
+ }),
+ O = /*#__PURE__*/ m.forwardRef((e, o) => {
+ const t = E("DialogContent", e.__scopeDialog),
+ r = m.useRef(!1);
+ /*#__PURE__*/ return m.createElement(
+ h,
+ D({}, e, {
+ ref: o,
+ trapFocus: !1,
+ disableOutsidePointerEvents: !1,
+ onCloseAutoFocus: (o) => {
+ var n, a;
+ (null === (n = e.onCloseAutoFocus) || void 0 === n ||, o),
+ o.defaultPrevented) ||
+ (r.current ||
+ null === (a = t.triggerRef.current) ||
+ void 0 === a ||
+ a.focus(),
+ o.preventDefault());
+ r.current = !1;
+ },
+ onInteractOutside: (o) => {
+ var n, a;
+ null === (n = e.onInteractOutside) || void 0 === n ||, o),
+ o.defaultPrevented || (r.current = !0);
+ const i =;
+ (null === (a = t.triggerRef.current) || void 0 === a
+ ? void 0
+ : a.contains(i)) && o.preventDefault();
+ },
+ })
+ );
+ }),
+ h = /*#__PURE__*/ m.forwardRef((e, o) => {
+ const {
+ __scopeDialog: t,
+ trapFocus: n,
+ onOpenAutoFocus: a,
+ onCloseAutoFocus: i,
+ ...s
+ } = e,
+ u = E("DialogContent", t),
+ p = m.useRef(null),
+ d = f(o, p);
+ return (
+ r(),
+ /*#__PURE__*/ m.createElement(
+ m.Fragment,
+ null,
+ /*#__PURE__*/ m.createElement(
+ l,
+ {
+ asChild: !0,
+ loop: !0,
+ trapped: n,
+ onMountAutoFocus: a,
+ onUnmountAutoFocus: i,
+ },
+ /*#__PURE__*/ m.createElement(
+ c,
+ D(
+ {
+ role: "dialog",
+ id: u.contentId,
+ "aria-describedby": u.descriptionId,
+ "aria-labelledby": u.titleId,
+ "data-state": b(,
+ },
+ s,
+ { ref: d, onDismiss: () => u.onOpenChange(!1) }
+ )
+ )
+ ),
+ !1
+ )
+ );
+ });
+export const DialogTitle = /*#__PURE__*/ m.forwardRef((e, o) => {
+ const { __scopeDialog: t, ...r } = e,
+ a = E("DialogTitle", t);
+ /*#__PURE__*/ return m.createElement(
+ n.h2,
+ D({ id: a.titleId }, r, { ref: o })
+ );
+/*#__PURE__*/ export const DialogDescription = /*#__PURE__*/ m.forwardRef(
+ (e, o) => {
+ const { __scopeDialog: t, ...r } = e,
+ a = E("DialogDescription", t);
+ /*#__PURE__*/ return m.createElement(
+ n.p,
+ D({ id: a.descriptionId }, r, { ref: o })
+ );
+ }
+/*#__PURE__*/ export const DialogClose = /*#__PURE__*/ m.forwardRef((e, o) => {
+ const { __scopeDialog: t, ...r } = e,
+ a = E("DialogClose", t);
+ /*#__PURE__*/ return m.createElement(
+ n.button,
+ D({ type: "button" }, r, {
+ ref: o,
+ onClick: g(e.onClick, () => a.onOpenChange(!1)),
+ })
+ );
+/*#__PURE__*/ function b(e) {
+ return e ? "open" : "closed";
+const [w, F] = p("DialogTitleWarning", {
+ contentName: "DialogContent",
+ titleName: "DialogTitle",
+ docsSlug: "dialog",
+export { w as WarningProvider };
+export const Root = Dialog;
+export const Trigger = DialogTrigger;
+export const Portal = DialogPortal;
+export const Overlay = DialogOverlay;
+export const Content = DialogContent;
+export const Title = DialogTitle;
+export const Description = DialogDescription;
+export const Close = DialogClose;
14 changes: 14 additions & 0 deletions .yarn/patches/@remix-run-dev-npm-1.7.0-fe40e11b54.patch
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
diff --git a/dist/compiler/plugins/mdx.js b/dist/compiler/plugins/mdx.js
index ed4befeed2bad93957a45f96c3e2cbd6ead31829..e7db6627384e28e3ae4f9494b322720b81c58730 100644
--- a/dist/compiler/plugins/mdx.js
+++ b/dist/compiler/plugins/mdx.js
@@ -102,7 +102,8 @@ export const meta = typeof attributes !== "undefined" && attributes.meta;
pragma: "React.createElement",
pragmaFrag: "React.Fragment",
- remarkPlugins
+ remarkPlugins,
+ providerImportSource: "@mdx-js/react",
let contents = `

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