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Daishi Kato edited this page Jul 14, 2021 · 11 revisions

How valtio works

This is to try describing the high level abstraction of valtio.

Suggestion notes:

  1. Starting with useSnapshot() what proxies are created and what are their conceptual names? Briefly, how is useMutableSource() source used to setup the subscription? It looks like there are listeners on a proxy, for deep property changes, how are those stored and tracked? What will trigger the subscription to be fired? Be detailed here.
  2. Walk through the flow of a property change for something non-trivial like = "Bob" Step-by-step, from the moment of the assignment, what happens? How is the change notification queued? Is it through a React hook? When the change notification actually occurs, how is a re-render triggered? Leave no stone unturned as this is a very complicated interaction.