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derive util usage patterns

Tom Byrer edited this page Jan 26, 2022 · 4 revisions

Re-computes when unrelated properties change

With derive, the computation will occur if any property of the base proxy changes. Example:

const baseProxy = proxy({
  counter1: 0,
  counter2: 0,
  counter3: 0,
  counter4: 0

const countersOneAndTwoSelectors = derive({
  sum: get => get(baseProxy).counter1 + get(baseProxy).counter2

In this example even if baseProxy.counter3 or baseProxy.counter4 are changed, countersOneAndTwoSelectors will re-compute all of the keys in it.

get sub-objects due to update of unrelated proxies on parent proxy

As noted on his page, re-computation occurs when unrelated properties change. It is possible to use get on sub-objects. This has the benefit of not re-computing when properties of the parent object are updated. Example:

const baseProxy = proxy({
  counter1And2: {
    counter1: 0,
    counter2: 0
  counter3: 0,
  counter4: 0

const countersOneAndTwoSelectors = derive({
  sum: get => get(baseProxy.counter1And2).counter1 + get(baseProxy.counter1And2).counter2

Now even if counter3 and counter4 are updated, it will not cause re-computation of countersOneAndTwoSelectors.